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So I'm in my early 30's. I've been growing for profit for about 13 years now. I just made the move to a legal state about a month ago. It's alright, but you need some experience. I've heard when my brothers (works in a warehouse) dispensary puts up craigslist add for a bud tender they get about 150 emails before noon?!?!. So just keep in mind there in now way in hell you'll land that job. Everybody wants in the biz. Unfortunately it's all about who you know.
And you'll need about $12,000 for the move. That's about what it cost us.
You need to understand the pay for starting industry jobs are about the same as any other. So don't expect to get rich.
So once you get to where you decide you are going, then what?
So I have a ton of really expensive equipment, a huge basement, tons of knowledge. So I grow a ton of pot, then what? It's still illegal to sell the shit. And lbs are down 1,800 right now in Denver.
Sounds depressing, but it's not. But don't think for a second you'll be 100% legal.
Now let's say hypothetically you have about 6K laying around. Well rent a house in NoCo. I'll help you set everything up. We split the profit of the first 3 runs, I'll teach you everything, then you can go on your own. After you get your med and learn how this game works, I might even be able to set you up with a trim job. But they only pay like 10 to 12 per hour..
"You need to understand the pay for starting industry jobs are about the same as any other. So don't expect to get rich."
I understand this completely as I work for minimum wage now which is $7.25/hr in Georgia. I make roughly $300-400 every 2 weeks. And that's not a lot at all... Comes to about $750/month after taxes. About $9000 a year. Which absolutely terrible money. But it's money so I can't complain.
And honestly If I had 6k laying around I would take you up on your offer in a heart beat.
I guess you can I'm dreaming of a fantasy right now, but my drive to make the fantasy come true is insane.