Need Advice, I'm only 18 years old.

Damn, I have the same problem like you OP, it's a shame you don't live in Europe.

You know, there was a post here that had something to do with horticulture, that would be your best bet. I love plants and did well with them on biology, so this year I might try to apply in a university somewere close by. If you finish and have a degree in horticulture, that's basically your gateway to the legal growing buisness. Unfortunately I don't think they'll take your word, even if you have been growing for 10+ years (someone correct me if I'm wrong) grows ops need solid proof that you know how to grow and the only way to do that is the bloody paper.

You know I have no idea what to do in life as well and I'm two years older, but it'll all come... hopefully. :D As of now you should start growing yourself, try something small, stealth or full on, to see if that really jiggles yer balls. My friend for example loves cannabis but hates growing plants or anything to do with plants for that matter, so you see growing isn't for anyone.

But honestly, you have a dream and you strive to make it true. I wish you luck in your endeavours. If you ever move to Europe and want to start, just contact me eh? :D
Damn, I have the same problem like you OP, it's a shame you don't live in Europe.

You know, there was a post here that had something to do with horticulture, that would be your best bet. I love plants and did well with them on biology, so this year I might try to apply in a university somewere close by. If you finish and have a degree in horticulture, that's basically your gateway to the legal growing buisness. Unfortunately I don't think they'll take your word, even if you have been growing for 10+ years (someone correct me if I'm wrong) grows ops need solid proof that you know how to grow and the only way to do that is the bloody paper.

You know I have no idea what to do in life as well and I'm two years older, but it'll all come... hopefully. :D As of now you should start growing yourself, try something small, stealth or full on, to see if that really jiggles yer balls. My friend for example loves cannabis but hates growing plants or anything to do with plants for that matter, so you see growing isn't for anyone.

But honestly, you have a dream and you strive to make it true. I wish you luck in your endeavours. If you ever move to Europe and want to start, just contact me eh? :D
What part of Europe are you in?
Here is my advice, cut the stories much shorter, get passionate about academics ie, horticultural.

If your big plan is to be a bud tender than just keep putting in applications. But do it just like you would any other job.

Weed is like computers now.
Meaning most of the jobs involved don't pay shit and are monotonous as fuck.

Not trying to sway you, but I don't want you to wake up 10 years from now broke with a tale of how you used to sell weed in a store.

Strive for more but more do sent come from doing less.

Successful people do things they are not always passionate about in order to get what they want.

Dream big but then get your ass out and do shit.

You aren't going to show up with a tale of how you love weed and be handed the keys to the kingdom.
youre better off learning a trade.. i was a shithead as a kid.. screwed around in school.. was in and out of trouble all the time.. took me a while to figure out what i wanted to do. im only 27 now but im doing alright. went to school for welding, great money in that and if you like detail.. fabrication is a great job for you.. but i did my apprenticeship in plumbing, got my journeyman and now im working for myself. it helps my dad owns a plumbing company and he throws me work sometimes if i want it. but i run my own jobs and i make $95/hr just on labor. id have to trim a lot of plants for that lol. go to a hands on school.. if its something your into, youll have fun and learn something cool. then once your set and got your shit together start up a nice personal grow and see how ya do

Sounds about right. Learn a trade, work for a few years, save up some real money. Then if you want to quit it all and go grow somewhere, you'll have a good foundation to do so.

Now srh said welding and fab work...HELL YEAH! I had 0 clue, and I mean ZERO clue in what I wanted to do with my life. Never really interested in welding but I picked it up and fuckin sucked! Been hooked ever since. I make great money and i get to play adult legos with metal and fire all day. Try new things and you will find your niche.
Diddnt mean to be cold but lying to you would be the wrong thing to do.
We have to live in reality if we have serious goals.
Ok so I wanna start out with the fact that I'm an 18 year old kid. I've always loved marijuana and the effects it had on me personally. Growing up I had a serious case of depression and over the past few years smoking weed really helped me open up and resolve some of the issues...

Now here's where I need some help and some information on where to go. I've always strived to find something in life I'm truly interested in. I live with my parents, Step-Dad is in the military and mom is a full time college student. They have no problem with me smoking marijuana as long as it's not in the house and what not. That's just because my step-dad can get in trouble with the Army.

The past few months I've sat down with my mom on a few occasions and really opened up about my marijuana enthusiasm. She's always supported me in my decisions as she wants me to live a happy and successful life. Keep in my mind, I've smoked with my mom one time and that's because we had a new years party, and she found my bud after all the guest left and I happened to roll a J with her and smoke it. Anyways enough with the story telling, let's get down to it.

I've never truly been interested in school academics when it comes to math, reading, etc, etc. I've always done enough to just get by. I never really was passionate about a career choice until Marijuana was legalized. The past few years I've really realized what I've wanted to do and that's work on a farm in the west or even in a more recent legalized state. I have just enough money to make a move somewhere and start fresh. I live in Georgia so it's very hard to reach out to people in the industry. I've stalked RIU for the past years without an account and decided to make an account today and get advice from the veterans and members of the industry who have experiences that I don't...

So I guess what I'm asking is what is the best way to approach landing a job/talking to a farm/dispensary. I'm genuinely passionate about the industry and want to make a life out of it. I hope one day to start my own farm, maybe even a dispensary.

For those of you who take the time to read this and reply with legitimate advice, I seriously appreciate it. For all those who read and don't reply, I hope you enjoyed the background on me :P

Anyways thanks everyone!

Kind Regards,

PS: Currently smoking on some blue dream, what are y'all smoking on?
The OP is NOT 18. Not even close. This is an educated adult leading you around.
A lifetime of experience. Reading. Knowing language and the use of proper grammar and sentence structure. No 18 year old has the command of any language well enough to write the way you do. If you are 18 you are wasting your time and energy with growing pot. Seek your PhD now.
I just carry myself as an adult. If you want to be treated like an adult you need act and speak like an adult. Now do you think I would've gotten the advice I have by speaking like the following... "WASSUP all my niggas I'm Tryna grow pot!"

Hahaha no but seriously I carry myself to a highest of srandards.
I just carry myself as an adult. If you want to be treated like an adult you need act and speak like an adult. Now do you think I would've gotten the advice I have by speaking like the following... "WASSUP all my niggas I'm Tryna grow pot!"

Hahaha no but seriously I carry myself to a highest of srandards.
Good try, dude. Real good try. I was born at night but it was not last night.