How's the plant looking guys ? Looking good?Dude get this ------->
A little heating mat an save yourself some heartache. Trust me all my babies love it and it's reusable. Get some decent soil trust me it's not that expensive if your doing a few plants. The heating mat and tray will set you back just about 20 bucks and some roots organic greenfield soil is about 17 bucks a bag ( where I'm at) and I even rock good super soil now 7 gallons of that stuff cost me 15 bucks and I only give those plants water and just top dress with more soil as needed. Here's a few from my last run. These are all from my test room. I have three one that's only for testing new lights, soil or whatever then my baby/momma room and my flower room. The flower room stays at 12-15 plants test room usually has 6 and it varies from day to day for my babies so I have a small idea what I'm talking about. And switch from autos you'll have more freedom.View attachment 3892051View attachment 3892053