Need help Quick


Active Member
I just bought that book that was recommended. I bought it for kindle on my iPhone so when it finishes downloading I will check it out. And yes they seemed to perk up but honestly one of them went back to drooping. I felt the plant to see if it felt water logged or crispy dry but it felt strong while it was drooping. Felt healthy.
You don't feel the plant, you feel the weight of the pot. I looked at your after watering pix, and I'd still say they need more. SATURATE, then allow them to grow, and saturate again once the pots begin to feel lighter.


Active Member
hi pal jst gettin my 2cents worth but wouldnt panic think grnmn,s advice is spot on and as a personal preference id ov had them on a 1/4 strength fert from the first set-of true leaves but dnt thing thats the issue like its probably jst wilt from lack ov water and as bostoner said its time to transplant b4 shit ends up root bound but urs still luk snd tho pal no need to stress out
The plants aren't nearly as big as the pot. Plants aren't iceburgs; ideally there is as much mass below the surface as above. however, that's not usually the case with cannabis, those pots can easily support a 2-3' plant. Once plants begin growing vertically instead of branching, it's a good time to transplant. a 6'' pot is good enough to veg a 2' tall plant until node set, transplanting just before moving to flower.
Looks like you could have fungus gnats. Go to garden center and get yellow sticky cards to put in your room to see if that's what you have if so you can kill them with a bit of hydrogen peroxide mixed in water and water plants it will soak in the dirt and kill on contact and you can use neem oil for the leaves but it stinks


Active Member
If you had gnats, you'd see them on the surface of your soil. And you are totally NOT potbound....


Active Member
Ya I don't see anything on the soil. I don't know how they would have got there because I also baked the dirt to sterilize it.

merch man

would usually agree pot size was ok 4 now but if nutes r right and u followed grnmn,s advice on feeding and there still drooping the pot size COULD b an issue


Active Member
Ok when the lights kick back on in 2 hours I will do that and let you know what happens. Again thank you and every one else for taking time to help me keep these plants alive.


Well-Known Member
I still think your lights are too close. Transplanting an unhealthy plant rarely works out. Raise the light, make sure they have water and leave them alone for a few days. they'll start to look better.


Active Member
Well I bought that book that someone recommended and it is great. I found that some of my plants def had Mg defieciency so I added Epsom salt to the water. I did what someone else recommended to saturate the pots. I tell you they were so light. I took a 5 gallon bucket and filled it with water and put Epsom salt in too. I took each pot put it in bucket filled it with water and held it there for a minute or two. Held the pot out of water till water stopped dripping out. I have 16 pots not that big. After 15 there was no water left in bucket. They were dry. Hopefully they will be full of life tomorrow. I will update then. Thank you all.


Well-Known Member
Well I bought that book that someone recommended and it is great. I found that some of my plants def had Mg defieciency so I added Epsom salt to the water. I did what someone else recommended to saturate the pots. I tell you they were so light. I took a 5 gallon bucket and filled it with water and put Epsom salt in too. I took each pot put it in bucket filled it with water and held it there for a minute or two. Held the pot out of water till water stopped dripping out. I have 16 pots not that big. After 15 there was no water left in bucket. They were dry. Hopefully they will be full of life tomorrow. I will update then. Thank you all.

you will learn by reading that books and hands on experience i have a shit load of books and books + hands on = knowledge and experience


Active Member
I am posting another update. I moved all the plants to bigger 5 gallon pots. I should have done it sooner. It was on Feb 14. The roots were so packed up in the bottom of the smaller pots it was crazy. They are doing awesome now. I also moved them into a grow tent and have them under just 1 1000w light. Check out the pictures. The first one is on feb 14 right after the move and then 24 hours later.. Look at how fast they are growing. They are on a 18 hour on 6 hour off light cycle.feb 14.jpgfeb 15.jpg


Well-Known Member
Sweet! Once they're firmly established you can start maximizing your light. To start though, a 1k at 10-20" is brutal. I get my best buds from 20-24" from my 600's.


Well-Known Member
looking great bro i told you that book was a life saver. you should start a journal in the journal thread i would like to follow your thread
