Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

New Caledonia was never really conquered in force, the french just sort of weaseled their way in, and started making rules. in the 1950s, the french started giving them a lot more autonomy, and a real voice in their own government, and in 1984 granted them full authority for local affairs ...
there was never really a period where the french came in and took what they wanted by force. they did try, for a short while, enforcing rules designed to make the locals interact more with the french, so they could have more direct control over them, but a few violent uprisings kind of ended those "rules"...but New Caledonia is pretty atypical as far as conquered countries go, no initial violent invasion, very few repressive policies, political autonomy very early, minimal french interference....not even close to a good example of "colonial occupation being welcomed by the conquered"
much more like "the french slide into power in a country ignorant of modern politics, and treat the people a lot better than they do in most instances, which is a very rare occurence"....
But when the fuck will you stop giving me words i never had ? When the duck did i say indigenous welcomed the colonial occupation ?
In New-Caledonia, a bit less than the population are indigenous kanaks, and 1/5 of this indigenous population is in favor of staying under french rules.
You're pretty much right about history, still it was an occupied teritory, french govs. decimated 10% of the population during the strongest rising. but yes just check Guadeloupe and Martinique, current populations are mainly descendants of slaves, got awful abuses during this time, and still the independence movements are really minoritary.
Does @DurumGallico not know about French colonial sugar plantations on what we now call Haiti?
I'm sure it's not just him that doesn't know the slave revolt on Haiti led directly to the Louisiana Purchase. France decided they could not defend their possessions and sold cheap.

Most also don't know the reason Haiti is so poor today is after winning their freedom, they had to pay for the plantation owners' property (themselves) per the peace treaty with France.
I’m not opposed to them expressing themselves or even doing what they have done, I’m just taking the piss because they are hypocrites. They literally sit around all day making royalties with the odd twitter post then show righteous indignation with accompanying grandstanding when someone upsets them on the internet.
Don’t hang the jester, tyranny always follows.
Were you hoping for self-flagellation? Just not sure what your wanting from these people.

I'm sure it's not just him that doesn't know the slave revolt on Haiti led directly to the Louisiana Purchase. France decided they could not defend their possessions and sold cheap.

Most also don't know the reason Haiti is so poor today is after winning their freedom, they had to pay for the plantation owners' property (themselves) per the peace treaty with France.
Louisiane has been sold by Napoléon to support financially war in Europe with the income, more than because of the military issues induced by the haïtian rising.
Haïtians just butchered french dudes living there. there was no "pay your lands for freedom" deal, total bullshit.
Louisiane has been sold by Napoléon to support financially war in Europe with the income, more than because of the military issues induced by the haïtian rising.
Haïtians just butchered french dudes living there. there was no "pay your lands for freedom" deal, total bullshit.
It was not the land they had to pay for. It was themselves, ie slaves. Google is your friend.
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yes we are accountable for the sins of our fathers.
that opens huge barrels of far back does that accountability go?
so, your great grandpa was in the army, and his unit killed a bunch of (insert indiginous people here) ,under orders, of course....
but then it comes out that that wasn't a lawful order, and they shouldn't have obeyed it...are they (and by extension, you, as their heir) responsible for the damages done at that time? when the government knocks on your door and asks for your share of great grandpas legal debt, and you going to happily cough it up?
i personally find it more than enough of a burden to be accountable for my own sins. i didn't even really know my real father, have no idea what he did with his life after my mother left him, and feel not one iota of responsibility for anything he did...
more joining Neil.

just in- Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band is leaving.

Geeze i wonder if Spotify knew it was going to be a Right Wing Haven when they brought in Rogan?
How long before tRUMP claims it ?
that opens huge barrels of far back does that accountability go?
so, your great grandpa was in the army, and his unit killed a bunch of (insert indiginous people here) ,under orders, of course....
but then it comes out that that wasn't a lawful order, and they shouldn't have obeyed it...are they (and by extension, you, as their heir) responsible for the damages done at that time? when the government knocks on your door and asks for your share of great grandpas legal debt, and you going to happily cough it up?
i personally find it more than enough of a burden to be accountable for my own sins. i didn't even really know my real father, have no idea what he did with his life after my mother left him, and feel not one iota of responsibility for anything he did...

to 1619.
Bruce Johnston wrote "I Write the Songs"

Barry Manilow is music and he writes the songs..time to drop Barry.

guess we know how he leans. and as a jewish man? wow.

he needs to remove his music now that it's in the news or one's going to listen to him and he won't make a dime because the 70% is far and wide. and we boycott.
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i didn't tell virginia it was ok to import slaves 400 years ago. why should i feel responsible for it now?
i think we should fix the current inequities in our society, and make the playing field fair for all Americans, regardless of their race, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation...that seems like the best "reparations" that anyone could offer, a real chance for everyone's kids to reach their potential, to live where they want to live, and not crammed into ghettos, to go to decent schools, and get decent medical attention...and to not get targetted by law enforcement because they aren't white...
reparations should take the form of modern, well equipped schools and medical clinics in mostly minority areas, higher education that is priced according to ones income, preschool child care so people have an opportunity to work and kids get a jump start on education
even things as simple as public parks in minority areas, and law enforcement that has been trained to not shoot first and ask questions when they're caught
Remember when Neil Young spread tons of misinformation about "high resolution" audio in an attempt to sell us a fucking triangular music player? Now you can enjoy his music with the quality of Sirius XM. He is nothing but a hypocritical snake oil salesman.

I hope the homosexuals that deliver his groceries are handling his potatoes.
i didn't tell virginia it was ok to import slaves 400 years ago. why should i feel responsible for it now?
i think we should fix the current inequities in our society, and make the playing field fair for all Americans, regardless of their race, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation...that seems like the best "reparations" that anyone could offer, a real chance for everyone's kids to reach their potential, to live where they want to live, and not crammed into ghettos, to go to decent schools, and get decent medical attention...and to not get targetted by law enforcement because they aren't white...
reparations should take the form of modern, well equipped schools and medical clinics in mostly minority areas, higher education that is priced according to ones income, preschool child care so people have an opportunity to work and kids get a jump start on education
even things as simple as public parks in minority areas, and law enforcement that has been trained to not shoot first and ask questions when they're caught

as a modern progressive society we must make it right and everyone whole; it's sins of our forefathers; i still own it. all that you've mentioned (and more) are in the BBB which is being obstructed by members of our own party.

how do we get past the obstruct?
Remember when Neil Young spread tons of misinformation about "high resolution" audio in an attempt to sell us a fucking triangular music player? Now you can enjoy his music with the quality of Sirius XM. He is nothing but a hypocritical snake oil salesman.

I hope the homosexuals that deliver his groceries are handling his potatoes.

i don't remember but people change and change their opinion; from decade to decade we change; should we hate on people because they voted that monster in because they couldn't STOMACH a vote for Clinton?

hatred and grudge holding takes up a lot of energy.