Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

Neil Young hasn't changed, just two days ago we was dissing Spotify for having "degraded and neutered sound."

40 year old men who are afraid of gays handling their potatoes only learn to stop saying that shit in public.

Look up Ogg Vorbis re: Spotify audio quality. In short, it's compressed, lossy, MP3 quality streaming. It's an entirely degraded and neutered sound quality and format.
I used to be a big Neil fan. I've seen him live many times, including surprise shows at small venues. I also met him randomly at a gas station once. I can play a few of his tunes on guitar (not well) from memory.

That said, I lost respect for Neil in the past decade, long before this spotify thing. I lost mad respect when he left his wife for Daryl Hannah, the tramp of the music industry. Neil's former wife, Pegi dies of cancer just a couple years later.

People also forget that Neil was once a republican and supported Reagan back in the 80's. He also said some not so nice things about gay people, as I've recently discovered. Neil has some great song, and is an amazing artist, but like many amazing artists he's also a reactionary asshole.

Spotify didn't pull his music, Neil did that. By the way, half of Neil's catalog is now owned by subsidiaries of Blackstone Group. Neil is a fucking sellout.
as a modern progressive society we must make it right and everyone whole; it's sins of our forefathers; i still own it. all that you've mentioned (and more) are in the BBB which is being obstructed by members of our own party.

how do we get past the obstruct?
you can't at the moment, if we get rid of sinema and manchin, we lose the majority, then nothing at all will get done, and likely the republikkkans will undo everything that's been done in the last year...
and theres a lot that could be done that isn't in the bbb removing jim crow red line laws from ALL town's laws, and things like making sure that wealthy whites and poor minorities have the same criteria for jobs, housing, education...there can't be two systems in place at the same time anymore, that shit has to stop
Neil Young hasn't changed, just two days ago we was dissing Spotify for having "degraded and neutered sound."

40 year old men who are afraid of gays handling their potatoes only learn to stop saying that shit in public.
giving spotify shit about more than one thing? how dare he...maybe spotify has more than one area they need to work on....
so if someone says something questionable, they can't have a valid opinion about anything else? if they at one point in time made a homophobic statement, they're barred from having an opinion about an entirely unrelated subject?
Neil Young isn't a hero, he's a flawed human being. he's got problems to deal with, and his fight with his inner demons is his business. he also has a valid point about people like joe rogan being fuck nozzles, and he can do whatever he wants with his music. if a flawed asshole tries to do something right, is it automatically invalidated? if a flawed asshole tries to do the right thing, for the wrong reasons, does that make the right thing wrong?

Neil's songs are owned by a fucking hedge fund investment group.

"Ain't singin' for Pepsi
Ain't singin' for Coke
I don't sing for nobody
Makes me look like a joke"

Sounds like a joke to me.

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Look up Ogg Vorbis re: Spotify audio quality. In short, it's compressed, lossy, MP3 quality streaming. It's an entirely degraded and neutered sound quality and format.
Lossy compression isn't necessarily "degraded and neutered," it depends on the data rate. Spotify high and very high quality settings are transparently encoded.

In any event, the sound quality of Sirius XM isn't any better than Spotify, probably worse but it depends on how you are tuning in. It is still hypocritical to complain about Spotify sound quality while moving to Sirius XM. It is still hypocritical to complain about spreading misinformation while yourself being a very visible merchant of misinformation.
you can't at the moment, if we get rid of sinema and manchin, we lose the majority, then nothing at all will get done, and likely the republikkkans will undo everything that's been done in the last year...
and theres a lot that could be done that isn't in the bbb removing jim crow red line laws from ALL town's laws, and things like making sure that wealthy whites and poor minorities have the same criteria for jobs, housing, education...there can't be two systems in place at the same time anymore, that shit has to stop

yeah Sinema and Manchin vote with their party. they make me proud. as i see it the GOP has 52 member senate majority:clap:

did you know Miami voting district is now part of Tallahassee?
I used to be a big Neil fan. I've seen him live many times, including surprise shows at small venues. I also met him randomly at a gas station once. I can play a few of his tunes on guitar (not well) from memory.

That said, I lost respect for Neil in the past decade, long before this spotify thing. I lost mad respect when he left his wife for Daryl Hannah, the tramp of the music industry. Neil's former wife, Pegi dies of cancer just a couple years later.

People also forget that Neil was once a republican and supported Reagan back in the 80's. He also said some not so nice things about gay people, as I've recently discovered. Neil has some great song, and is an amazing artist, but like many amazing artists he's also a reactionary asshole.

Spotify didn't pull his music, Neil did that. By the way, half of Neil's catalog is now owned by subsidiaries of Blackstone Group. Neil is a fucking sellout.

i voted for Reagan; it was my first vote and the CPA firm i worked for were part of the young republicans group; there was a fundraiser for him; shook his hand and got autograph.
All streamed data is lossy and compressed.
Lossy compression isn't necessarily "degraded and neutered," it depends on the data rate. Spotify high and very high quality settings are transparently encoded.

In any event, the sound quality of Sirius XM isn't any better than Spotify, probably worse but it depends on how you are tuning in. It is still hypocritical to complain about Spotify sound quality while moving to Sirius XM. It is still hypocritical to complain about spreading misinformation while yourself being a very visible merchant of misinformation.

I agree with your hypocrisy statement. Your take on sound quality and bitrate speeds needs a bit of work though. 256Kbps is not quality audio rates by any standard but basic streaming.
Your take on sound quality and bitrate speeds needs a bit of work though. 256Kbps is not quality audio rates by any standard but basic streaming.
Now you are the one spreading misinformation. Let me guess, you can easily hear the difference on your Pono. Did you have it cryogenically treated?
maybe spotify has more than one area they need to work on....
No, Neil Young is just full of shit.

so if someone says something questionable, they can't have a valid opinion about anything else? if they at one point in time made a homophobic statement, they're barred from having an opinion about an entirely unrelated subject?
Neil Young isn't a hero, he's a flawed human being. he's got problems to deal with, and his fight with his inner demons is his business. he also has a valid point about people like joe rogan being fuck nozzles, and he can do whatever he wants with his music. if a flawed asshole tries to do something right, is it automatically invalidated? if a flawed asshole tries to do the right thing, for the wrong reasons, does that make the right thing wrong?
I don't know but he's still a hypocrite for criticizing Joe Rogan and Spotify for spreading misinformation while he himself is a snake oil salesman spreading misinformation. So I will continue to denounce Neil Young as a cluless snake oil salesman who shouldn't be taken seriously.

...and I still hope homosexuals are handling his potatoes.
Neil young may be a jerk, but he's taking a stand against misinformation. That's more than a lot of people do. I'm sure there's lots of people who say they are against the propagation of bullshit, but when it comes down to it, don't, or won't, do anything to stop it. Spotify chose rogan over Neil, and in doing so chose the spreading of dangerous lies over music. Anyone who stays with them, either as an artist, or as a subscriber, is essentially saying that kind of behavior is okay. To me it isn't about siding with Neil young, so much as saying spotify can go to hell.
And wav beats ogg and mp3. Mp3 actually cuts out pieces of the song.
Remember when Neil Young spread tons of misinformation about "high resolution" audio in an attempt to sell us a fucking triangular music player? Now you can enjoy his music with the quality of Sirius XM. He is nothing but a hypocritical snake oil salesman.

I hope the homosexuals that deliver his groceries are handling his potatoes.
What an amazingly good piece of satire.
No, Neil Young is just full of shit.

I don't know but he's still a hypocrite for criticizing Joe Rogan and Spotify for spreading misinformation while he himself is a snake oil salesman spreading misinformation. So I will continue to denounce Neil Young as a cluless snake oil salesman who shouldn't be taken seriously.

...and I still hope homosexuals are handling his potatoes.
As you so perfectly exemplify, perfection is not a human attribute. Some manage to live their imperfect lives without being an asshole. Not you, but some do.
No, Neil Young is just full of shit.

I don't know but he's still a hypocrite for criticizing Joe Rogan and Spotify for spreading misinformation while he himself is a snake oil salesman spreading misinformation. So I will continue to denounce Neil Young as a cluless snake oil salesman who shouldn't be taken seriously.

...and I still hope homosexuals are handling his potatoes.
i don't care if they're sticking the potatoes up their asses before they deliver them, i'd still rather listen to his music than joe rogan's stupid ass rambling lies, and i have no use for whatever platform carries rogan....but no real problem with a platform that carries young's music...
he may be a homophobic asshat, but he's not taking an active hand in killing people by disinformation and outright lies, for political and financial gain.
you say they're equally bad, and i say rogan is ten thousand times worse...
and you're equating young not liking their codecs and hardware with rogan killing motherfuckers with his lies?....i don't see that as even fucking close to the same level of hypocrisy...
OGG has always been a better compression format than MP3.

Yes it is. That's besides the point though. For me, this is more about Spotify, who contends to be for Artists and musicians, choosing to relinquish the artistic aspect to misinformation and hate bating diatribe from Rogan. You work in the field, so you know exactly what I'm talking about PJ. These fucks at Spotify have been ripping people off for years.
As you so perfectly exemplify, perfection is not a human attribute. Some manage to live their imperfect lives without being an asshole. Not you, but some do.
"You're an asshole" is the best you can do? Pathetic.

I'm not talking about perfection, just not about getting up on your soap box and complaining about someone else spreading misinformation when you're running around spreading misinformation in an attempt to get people to buy your snake oil.