Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

you dont have a answer either. fully vaccinated people still get infected and hospitalized. if the vaccine was that effective, why is this happening ?
Are you confusing yourself to think that somehow people are going to be fully immune from catching the virus, and not realize it is the outcome if you get in contact with the virus that is most important for your health, is not a good reason to not get the vaccine.

lmao of course I don't have the answer to every individual event. I am neither a scientist nor did I dedicate the better part of a decade to the study of medicine to be able to then dedicate the rest of my life to helping others be as healthy as possible.

But I have been dealing with the death cult trolls here long enough to know a lot of the bullshit you have been programmed to believe is reality, and it is not. You have been scammed. Hopefully you figure it out.

2200% less likely right ? Are you one of those people who drive alone with a mask on ?
Is this some kind of troll by you? Because yes, people who are unvaccinated are 22 times (that is 2200%) more likely to end up hospitalized.

And no I don't drive a UBER, deliver food, or anything like that so unless it is really cold I tend to take my mask off as soon as I get out of whatever public building I am leaving as long as there is nobody next to me.

i wrote someone in. You answer my questions with sarcasm and you think your gonna get a response from me LOL
Same shit different nudge.

You should wake up and smell the indoctrination going on.

But hey, maybe you can tell us your feels on contrails.

oh believe me , I am. I thank god that court isn’t packed with judges who think like you and most of the liberal elites in this thread.
lmao there it is, you are a triggered little brainwashed tool of the Republicans even if you convinced yourself of your individualism.
Hanimmal on his way to a Neil Young Concert

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Oh look your mocking someone for their fashion choice, aren’t you the special one that spouts freedom of choice ……. Unless it is contrary to your beliefs it seems? And I love how the new rallying cry is “you can still catch it” has again brought you all together. Yes yes you can still catch it we know that. Do you not think keeping your ass out of the health care system, which is crashing, is not a good thing for the poor people working in said system? I get it though it’s about “you” and “your” freedum. Jsyk I am one of those that wear a mask in my car when pulling up to a drive thru. I hope my actions help limit the workers exposure, what’s your thoughts on that? I haven’t said it yet, being Canadian we seem a bit politer, but your a bit of an uncaring asshole.
you talk a lot of homo shit. Must be a Don Lemon fan yeah ?
^^ Never voted for trump but makes disparaging remarks about CNN.

Yeah I know you make comments regularly. Since 2016 here nothing but political bullshit. Nothing about growing. Why not just join the democratic club. You can put your skinny jeans on, go get a soy milk latte and drive to the debate team listening to that queer Neil young LMAO.

And dude, rent free LMAO. Your just some asshat on the internet dude, seriously. Why would I care what you say. I’m cracking up at you fools because you spend all day every day talking about this shit. It’s hilarious how serious you guys take yourselves. It’s really comical
Yup not caring but taking the time to search history ………. so typical, yet here you are, not caring. Your hate for others that think different from you is showing. There must be some anti-gay, alt-white groups you would have more acceptance at? Might I suggest storm front or some likeminded other group.
You have no clue what you are talking about. The more you talk , the more obvious that is. That whole post was like a big run on sentence. Natural immunity is a thing. Maybe you have heard of it
lmao yeah I have heard of it, usually by nut jobs that think they are naturally immune right before they catch the virus again.

Hate ? You motherfuckers started attacking me since I made the first post in this thread for that exact reason. None of you can accept the fact that this vaccine is no more effective than natural immunity. I’d rather take my chances. Get jabbed if you want, that’s your choice. But don’t get mad because I won’t
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Even your favorite Dr fauci is starting to back pedal. Did you see where he finally admitted that the rise in hospitalization cases are likely people admitted with covid and not because of it ? I’m sure you have some Bullshit comeback for that too