Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

. . . . . . . . . . . fully vaccinated people still get infected and hospitalized. if the vaccine was that effective, why is this happening ? . . . . . .
The way vaccines work is to reduce the chance of catching the virus, and if you do catch it, reduces the chance you will become seriously ill or die. But as you noted, really old folks and people with repressed immune responses (like folks who have had cancer treatment, are taking drugs because of a transplant, etc, etc.) do get sick and some of them die.

As to why it is happening, viruses are mean nasty sons of bitches and they don't play fair. Right when you think you have them by the collar, they slip out of their shirt into a new one. Luckily folks with all three jabs don't have to fear the slippery son of a bitch like you guys do.

I hope this helped.
Typical death cult troll to cherry pick what they read.

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Even your favorite Dr fauci is starting to back pedal. Did you see where he finally admitted that the rise in hospitalization cases are likely people admitted with covid and not because of it ? I’m sure you have some Bullshit comeback for that too
lmao having to be hyper specific because idiotic trolls will try to twist everything and anything they can to try to paint someone as lying or whatever else they can is not back pedaling.
Yup not caring but taking the time to search history ………. so typical, yet here you are, not caring. Your hate for others that think different from you is showing. There must be some anti-gay, alt-white groups you would have more acceptance at? Might I suggest storm front or some likeminded other group.
yeah, since i don't have to pay any rent, we're going to put a skylight in his skull, and since there's no brain in this head i'm living in for free, we're gonna put a loft upstairs....
Hate ? You motherfuckers started attacking me since I made the first post in this thread for that exact reason. None of you can accept the fact that this vaccine is no more effective than natural immunity. I’d rather take my chances. Get jabbed if you want, that’s your choice. But don’t get mad because I won’t
I don’t think I’ve actually attacked you but I stand by your need for a liberal (pun intended) application of butt cream, you seem upset! Let’s review shall we? You’ve spouted lies that have been proven wrong. did not offer any sources, just feels. You’ve disparaged gays. You love freedumb but only if it fits your agenda. You see the conflict in your debate I would hope :(. There is probably more but I give up!
. . . . . . . . None of you can accept the fact that this vaccine is no more effective than natural immunity. I’d rather take my chances. Get jabbed if you want, that’s your choice. But don’t get mad because I won’t
We are not mad because you won't get the jab. But we do care about our fellow humans, and we would rather you didn't spread lies. That's all.
Hate ? You motherfuckers started attacking me since I made the first post in this thread for that exact reason. None of you can accept the fact that this vaccine is no more effective than natural immunity. I’d rather take my chances. Get jabbed if you want, that’s your choice. But don’t get mad because I won’t
i get mad because people as stupid, hateful, homophobic, and racist as you are still a thing in our maybe most of my anger isn't directed at you, but at the entire society that allows this kind of sickness and disease to fester until it becomes something they can no longer ignore...
Even your favorite Dr fauci is starting to back pedal. Did you see where he finally admitted that the rise in hospitalization cases are likely people admitted with covid and not because of it ? I’m sure you have some Bullshit comeback for that too
Yes I do. The bullshit comeback is that the jab is working so well, those folks did not even realize they had the virus until they went in for something else and tested positive. It proves how well it's working.
I agree with almost all of what you said except there are actually people who were among the fully vaccinated group that have died and were not in the immunno compromised group.
You are not fully protected with that vaccine and it makes no sense for someone who already has antibodies to get vaccinated. In my opinion of course
It's just math. It's kind of like the lottery, with a much bigger chance of "winning" the virus if you are not vaccinated. But by all means, play on.