Neil Young makes a stand against misinformation

Since I can’t count on fellow Americans to use good hygiene yes
They actually spit in their hand and touch shopping cart handles to own the libs
We have a weird class system in England where if you are upper class you don’t wash your hands after a piss, if you are working class you always do. The middle class develop neuroses based on whether to be hygienic or socially aspirational. It’s totally fucked in this country.
We have a weird class system in England where if you are upper class you don’t wash your hands after a piss, if you are working class you always do. The middle class develop neuroses based on whether to be hygienic or socially aspirational. It’s totally fucked in this country.
here, i'll match you a weird thing Americans do...

the REAL reason they come and go is people crave them, then when they get one, they remember they aren't really that great...they wouldn't sell nearly as many if they were on the menu every day
here, i'll match you a weird thing Americans do...

the REAL reason they come and go is people crave them, then when they get one, they remember they aren't really that great...they wouldn't sell nearly as many if they were on the menu every day
How about this
We have a weird class system in England where if you are upper class you don’t wash your hands after a piss, if you are working class you always do. The middle class develop neuroses based on whether to be hygienic or socially aspirational. It’s totally fucked in this country. mention of bowel movements, and I'm too lazy to post that George Carlin video...

But piss --- yeah, it's the foibles of the upper classes always trickling down to the working classes, as RonnieRaygun well knew.

But then again, maybe lower-class dicks might be less bathed/showered --- water is metered these days, don'cha know...
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