Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

Micheal Hudson, author of 'J is for Junk Economics' on why neoliberalism and trickle down economics is a pernicious lie that has impoverished the vast majority of the American middle class;
Are you really criticizing me for having read about this issue? Do you see your ignorance somehow making you superior?

OK Republicans hold 40 state Senate seats to eight for Democrats. They hold 72 House seats to 28 for Democrats, with one seat vacant. and a Republicans holds the governor's office in Oklahoma. This is their fuck up. Democrats don't write the bills, Republicans do. In the fall of 2017, a bill was introduced that increased the education budget and the few OK Democratic Party legislators supported it. It went down due to Republican opposition.

The Oklahoma teachers strike is a Republican fuck up. They are the only ones who can fix it. It's all theirs

That article you posted contained errors that were easily seen through. The article was either written by an amateur or it was deliberately written that way. It stinks like the propaganda you tag this forum with daily.

Just exactly who was the recently Supreme Court Justice who gave the deciding decision in the ruling against the California Teacher's union? Who appointed him? Contrast what federal Republicans are doing with Democrats in my state.

In my state the Public Employee's Retirement System (PERS) is under threat by Republicans. .Republicans want to break PERS because it doesn't think the state should honor its contractual agreements. Democrats control all three branches of government here. Instead of trying to break the PERS the government is committed to find funding to pay retirees the pensions they are due
Hope it works out for you.

There is an enormous difference between Democrats at the state level and those in the Federal Government.
Hope it works out for you.

There is an enormous difference between Democrats at the state level and those in the Federal Government.
The Cult of Sanders has it backwards, Different states elect different people according to the politics of the state. The congressmen from Oregon by and large represent progressive liberals. One can truly say that the sole Republican conservative asshole from Oregon represents the people of his district. .
The Cult of Sanders has it backwards, Different states elect different people according to the politics of the state. The congressmen from Oregon by and large represent progressive liberals. One can truly say that the sole Republican conservative asshole from Oregon represents the people of his district. .
And while attempting to prove me wrong, you just illustrated my point.

Democrats in Oregon are far more progressive than those at the national level. That is to say, different.

Go ahead, disagree with that. While you're at it, argue that the sun doesn't rise in the east.

Clown shoes.
And while attempting to prove me wrong, you just illustrated my point.

Democrats in Oregon are far more progressive than those at the national level. That is to say, different.

Go ahead, disagree with that. While you're at it, argue that the sun doesn't rise in the east.

Clown shoes.
Yes, Oregon is more progressive than many other states. Not that we are anywhere near as stupidly impatient and foolish about politics as you.

Other states aren't as progressive in political ideology and when they vote in a Democrat, they elect less progressive Democrats than Oregon does. Those less progressive Democrats endorse plenty of policies where we agree and my congressmen work well with them in areas where there is agreement.

What was your point again?
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Yes, Oregon is more progressive than many other states. Not that we are anywhere near as stupidly impatient and foolish about politics as you.

Other states aren't as progressive in political ideology and when they vote in a Democrat, they elect less progressive Democrats than Oregon does. Those less progressive Democrats endorse plenty of policies where we agree and my congressmen work well with them in areas where there is agreement.

What was your point again?
That you proved me right, you conservative hack hiding in a Democrat's body.
That you proved me right, you conservative hack hiding in a Democrat's body.
How dd I prove you right? You mean the bit about how some states vote for Democrats who are more conservative than liberal Californians? I mean, duh.
Yes, the "reality" being pushed by the official state organs of Russia.

You are a coward. Answer the question.
You are the coward and your attempts to bully me are obvious, puerile and amateurish.

I have the courage of my convictions. You don't even know what that means.

The destruction of America's free press with Mark Crispin Miller, professor of media studies at New York University;

The American mass media cartel is no longer reporting news, they're pushing an agenda. Unfortunately, most Americans have not been taught to be aware of propaganda in the news, let alone to think critically about what their 'news' sources are telling them.

It's gotten to a crescendo of desperate extremism, characterised by active suppression of 'undesirable' points of view and the constant hammering away at imagined 'enemies of the State' in ways that would be cartoonist if the consequences weren't so dire.
I think greed and fuckwittery have played their part too.
Greed is the fundamental reason it's happened, along with thirst for power.

There are many aspects and contributing factors but the upshot is to consider where it's taking our country.

I find that to be a very dark place, indeed.
Greed is the fundamental reason it's happened, along with thirst for power.

There are many aspects and contributing factors but the upshot is to consider where it's taking our country.

I find that to be a very dark place, indeed.

I'm more concerned about how the planet will look in a couple hundred years. How fukt are we going to be by then, if we don't pull our head out our ass like last decade ago.

So it has the word liberal hence neoliberalism?

LOL I could tell your young buck.

So let me ask you something, is national socialism same thing as socialism?

Neoliberalism let me correct you real quick is nothing but a economic system thats very liberal for wall street and billary you see. Its just another side of the coin you hate but your being gullable and naive.

Your stuck on a political fixation, stop worrying about nations stop worrying about whos your "leader" cause the multinationals that would be extinct if not for their policy of neoliberal exploitation of the planet.

I said it before, everything is so polorized now that the so called libs or dems act like Ronald Reagan fear mongerers during McArthy era.

Dont even get me started on Syria, so the tears for a movie but no tears for Yemen? WHOS KILLING YEMEN? US AND UK WITH TONS OF WEAPONS JUST THE TRIGGERS BEING PULLED BY SAUDIS.
