Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

I already did but you obviously think your Ethan Hawke.....

The fact you think there is a country or was a country your dont see the big picture

BUt here this is anarchism in a nutshell

No borders means no countrys man...

And before you say its just a movie, laugh, think you took the red pill like me?

Moderate socialist that beleives in a federal gov I assume?

So now you're a mafia boss.....not a hacker.....LMFAO

Quit PM'ing baldy.

Hey batter batter batter....
I already did but you obviously think your Ethan Hawke.....

The fact you think there is a country or was a country your dont see the big picture

BUt here this is anarchism in a nutshell

No borders means no countrys man...

And before you say its just a movie, laugh, think you took the red pill like me?

Moderate socialist that beleives in a federal gov I assume?
Thanks for your explicit and detailed explanation of your idea of Anarchism.

As far as the movie clip is concerned.

Deep, very deep man.

So, no borders etc. Yeah, that's deep too.
I already did but you obviously think your Ethan Hawke.....

The fact you think there is a country or was a country your dont see the big picture

BUt here this is anarchism in a nutshell

No borders means no countrys man...

And before you say its just a movie, laugh, think you took the red pill like me?

Moderate socialist that beleives in a federal gov I assume?
Show me a better alternative.
Thanks for your explicit and detailed explanation of your idea of Anarchism.

As far as the movie clip is concerned.

Deep, very deep man.

So, no borders etc. Yeah, that's deep too.
You can scroll through the previous posts that "made no sense" already told you how it works, if decided to make a new puzzle out of it thats on you.

And as predicted yes its a movie, but for gen x y2kers like me its our bible

@yoda, so you want another altermative? Sorry thats my deck of cards, im just settling down and dont have time to fight agents ;) Merovingian had me hooked on chocolate cake you see so in this incarnation the Trinitys were just illusions created by chocolate cake and the real trinity is still yet to be found ;)
You can scroll through the previous posts that "made no sense" already told you how it works, if decided to make a new puzzle out of it thats on you.

And as predicted yes its a movie, but for gen x y2kers like me its our bible

@yoda, so you want another altermative? Sorry thats my deck of cards, im just settling down and dont have time to fight agents ;) Merovingian had me hooked on chocolate cake you see so in this incarnation the Trinitys were just illusions created by chocolate cake and the real trinity is still yet to be found ;)
Those posts made no sense.

As did your last attempt.

They say that a person who can't explain what they are demanding doesn't understand.
Those posts made no sense.

As did your last attempt.

They say that a person who can't explain what they are demanding doesn't understand.

I think your the only one that doesnt get it.....I explained the history linked you to George Orwells book about it and gave you a paragraph run down.

But here ill do like ground hog day rinse and repeat

Anarco sindicalism is a sub branch of original anarchism founded by Bakunin who was with Karl Marx in the workers international comitee. Marx and Engels decided that anarchists were too radical for the workers cause and they were bannished

Sindicalism itself was formed in early 20th century in Spain, Sicily and Italy mainly by union workers as a collective to run their own buisness instead of selling thier ass to a fat fuck exploting them

This can be divided into individualist sindicalists or collective, you were indeed allowed to have land, own weapons, money was abolished, so was the police and military, replaced with worker union militas who ala Judge Dredd patroled the streets and there was no jails, if you commited a serious crime you were shot on site.

But by all means here, since ppl love wikipedia and most of time its semi accurate and its description of anarco syndicalism is pretty good Ill use it as not a grain of salt but reference for you
Dude I just had to see that, your talking to a wall. Go bark somewhere else, cause posting PMs means ban despite lieniency showed to many here. BUt what I also said privatly remains. Like I said theres bigger fish to fry then what I wouldnt even consider a guppie but a fucking slug stuck on a tree stump

Walls don't respond ......see you soon.
I think your the only one that doesnt get it.....I explained the history linked you to George Orwells book about it and gave you a paragraph run down.

But here ill do like ground hog day rinse and repeat

Anarco sindicalism is a sub branch of original anarchism founded by Bakunin who was with Karl Marx in the workers international comitee. Marx and Engels decided that anarchists were too radical for the workers cause and they were bannished

Sindicalism itself was formed in early 20th century in Spain, Sicily and Italy mainly by union workers as a collective to run their own buisness instead of selling thier ass to a fat fuck exploting them

This can be divided into individualist sindicalists or collective, you were indeed allowed to have land, own weapons, money was abolished, so was the police and military, replaced with worker union militas who ala Judge Dredd patroled the streets and there was no jails, if you commited a serious crime you were shot on site.

But by all means here, since ppl love wikipedia and most of time its semi accurate and its description of anarco syndicalism is pretty good Ill use it as not a grain of salt but reference for you
Mob rule, in other words. I'll pass.
Because I was looking at your pic....and you have a perdy mouth. Hairline could use some serious attention though.

How many?


You wouldn't last a second in the Mob fat boy. Closest you've been to the mob is a plate of spaghetti. I like how you act all gangster and then threaten to rat like the bitch you

Batter batter batter

Yeah sure you are wannabe, Im sure you can see a lot considering your not even close to the description

I never claimed anything, I told you whats up.

see me soon? laugh, dont worry it wont matter if I see ya, even if you manged something your now swimming in shark waters little boy
Yeah sure you are wannabe, Im sure you can see a lot considering your not even close to the description

I never claimed anything, I told you whats up.

see me soon? laugh, dont worry it wont matter if I see ya, even if you manged something your now swimming in shark waters little boy

I knew you couldn't resist. Balding and narrow minded. Speaking of narrow. How many inches are your eyes apart. They seem super close.
If you want to assume that, but let me drop this now, unicornduck wanna get serious?

Now I got what I need....
It sounds like you described mob rule, right down to a complete lack of due process and constitutional protections.

I'm not on board with that. Maybe you can tell me where I'm misunderstanding your position?
Hold on ...... Never mind it's just another pointless PM from you.

I bet your eyes are no further apart than my thumb is wide. Hard to judge....but that's my guess.
PS: if you think ladder up means rat nah, rats are worst then little fucks trolling making vieled threats

Ladder up means the ppl you think im claiming. Blood is thicker then water and now you crossed the thin red line