Neoliberalism has wrecked the planet

It sounds like you described mob rule, right down to a complete lack of due process and constitutional protections.

I'm not on board with that. Maybe you can tell me where I'm misunderstanding your position?

I see and due process and constitutional protections exist in so called land of free?

BUt plz continue id rather debate you then this other fuck. Cause he wasnt trolling.....
I think your the only one that doesnt get it.....I explained the history linked you to George Orwells book about it and gave you a paragraph run down.

But here ill do like ground hog day rinse and repeat

Anarco sindicalism is a sub branch of original anarchism founded by Bakunin who was with Karl Marx in the workers international comitee. Marx and Engels decided that anarchists were too radical for the workers cause and they were bannished

Sindicalism itself was formed in early 20th century in Spain, Sicily and Italy mainly by union workers as a collective to run their own buisness instead of selling thier ass to a fat fuck exploting them

This can be divided into individualist sindicalists or collective, you were indeed allowed to have land, own weapons, money was abolished, so was the police and military, replaced with worker union militas who ala Judge Dredd patroled the streets and there was no jails, if you commited a serious crime you were shot on site.

But by all means here, since ppl love wikipedia and most of time its semi accurate and its description of anarco syndicalism is pretty good Ill use it as not a grain of salt but reference for you
OK, thanks for the synopsis. Basically what you advocate doesn't exist and existed for a very brief period because authoritarians killed them off. It's a nice philosophy except for that part where people are killed without a trial.

As long as we are talking about hypothetical science fiction stuff, I'll give you my preferred idea of Anarchism which was described by Ursala Leguin in the book, Always Coming Home.

"unlike most neighboring societies, they reject government, a non-laboring caste, expansion of population or territory, disbelief in what we consider supernatural, and human domination of the natural environment. They blend millennia of human economic culture by combining aspects of hunter-gatherer, agriculture, and industry, but reject cities; indeed, what they call towns would count as villages now.

I'm sure this made as much sense to you as your description did to me. To understand, you'd have to read the book. It's a good one. I read it during a multi-week backpacking trip and thoroughly enjoyed the novel and found the alternate reality thought provoking.
Even wiff da CBD's

He must mean business

Thats it im claiming man and your wasting all your energy on a poser. Which is why ill block you again, cause if you really meant buisness you would stop yappin and start taking action.

So beleive what you want continue your little charade cause you got offened, but no one threatned you and your doing the threatning, if this were rl and in my face you would be in hospital already or worst.
I see and due process and constitutional protections exist in so called land of free?

BUt plz continue id rather debate you then this other fuck. Cause he wasnt trolling.....

Come give my lower body a hug. I didn't realize you were so short.
He sure seems to know a lot about the rules for a new member. I guess I better go eat my subway now.

See you soon uncle Guido.
I see and due process and constitutional protections exist in so called land of free?

BUt plz continue id rather debate you then this other fuck. Cause he wasnt trolling.....
The current administration's failure to live up to the Constitution doesn't mean that such protections are unworthy it unreasonable.

You'd throw the baby out with the bathwater.
View attachment 4136468

The poll must have been taken in New York City.
the polls were national polls and your graphic is a lie

hillary clinton won 457 counties which account for 2/3 of GDP


liberal america is productive america, the economy relies on us. red states rely on blue states for welfare.

that;s a hard fact to swallow, eh loser?
No it does not. But NYC accounted for 2 million Hillary votes. She won the popular vote by 1.5 million. Starting to get it yet?
she won the popular vote by 3 million and NYC is trump's home town, it is where they know him best.

so why do you think he lost 90-10 in his home town?

that's just pathetic, like you