So, it's been a week now since I've cut my clones. They are still alive which is a good sign. Usually they will be dead by this time. The older leaves are slowly turning yellow, but I have had left too much leaf material on the clones. The newer growth is still very healthy. The clones were flowering, but they had possible revegged right before I cut them. I'm still new to this plant, so I am not sure if it is revegging or normal flowering leaf growth.
Been misting them a couple times a day with a solution of Liquid Karma, Superthrive, and a bit of rooting hormone/fungicide. Been keeping them under 18/6 low watt cfl. Temps in the high 70's to 80's. Hopefully I still start seeing knew growth and roots sometime in the next 2 weeks or so. Thanks for the help. Are the yellowing leaves normal?