New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

Are those cuttings? I took some cutting from a beefsteak tomato and was surprised how fast they rooted in a cup of water. I'm going to grow some indoors over the winter so we can have some decent tomatoes. I can't eat those flavorless things they sell in the supermarket.
Any sucker from a tomato plant will root in days just stuck in the ground and kept well watered.
Seedlings 2 and 3 from the left LOL couldn't find the meme because cross-faded, sorry. Great plan about the deck. I'd love to see what you're thinking. I want to do something to bring my indoor and outdoor spaces together.
2000’s build. High density.
I don’t have a lot of space. I gotta be creative.
Just need enough for a couple beds, couple deck chairs, and a chiminea.