New Bagseed Grow. CFL'S


New Member
Because They Dont Give Out The Right Light For Plant Growth And U Also Wont Get Much Growth With A Clear Medium Ure Growing In Roots Dont Need Nor Love Light They Will Shrivel Up And Die Get A Light Proof Container Now!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Well, u said one 100 watt of them bulbs was equal 2 1 26 watt cfls, the wouldnt one of them be better then one of my 23 watt cfls?


Well-Known Member
The roots are inside of the soil. No light is gettin to them at all iF That does become a probelm i will fix it.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to what that last guy posted..clear cups will work! I've done it before! By the time the roots are exposed, it will be time to transplant to a bigger pot. Please don't come in here and confuse this guy..thanks!

Yes, but they don't output the right color spectrum. Don't use those. trust me.


Well-Known Member
Alright, well i set up my CFL's instead, i got 2 ontop with the aquarium tops. and 1 on eack side. I didnt have enough money for a third reflector and display. they were only 10 bucks each though, they are metal ones with clips on the back. But yah those are on the side. and im gonna keep my babys cnice and close. but not 2 close. But soon i will get another one for the 5th light. Sould this be ample for now with only 4 little plants. m only gonna keep my 2 best females. if i get 2. *knock on wood*. so.. And BTW heres some pics of them so far. Dow 2 3 now, one was dying, and i dont have that much room to begin with so i ripped it up and ate it , lmao.



Well-Known Member
Yea they are definitely starting to stretch. I wouldn't keep them outside, then move them inside. Keep them in once place. They won't like the constant temp and humidity changes.

Can you get a pic of your setup?


Well-Known Member
No, i cant at the moment, all i got is a webcam, But i'll see what i can do within the next few days. So i should keep thim in the box. And should i use aluminum foil? And if so how should i apply it?


Well-Known Member
NO! Don't use aluminum foil. It will cause hot spots and will burn the plants. Paint the insides white if you can or tape up some white construction paper or somethan.

I'd say it's best to keep them in the box, but you really need some form of a temp gauge so you can know how hot it is.


Well-Known Member
Well, i wont know the exact tempature, But, i will be able to tell if its 2 hot. It should be fine though considering the compacts cfls mdont give off much heat. The metal reflectors will generate a bit of heat though. and i dont have a ventilation system. But, seems it is so easy to open through the front. and i check on them enough, i think they will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Ok, well i got a thermometer, its just a small simple one, cost me $1.48 and metallic polywrap. it can in a rool, also got that cheap. i got that set up, the thermometer reads in the low eighties off to the sides of the plants. But then i put it right under the light with my plants, it gets to around 90 which would be the most accurate reading? and the cfl's are still about and inch or so away. ? i also got a bowl of water in there for humidity. So, should i be all set or what?


Well-Known Member
Ouch, CFL's usually don't get that hot, but maybe so since it's such a small grow space. Take that bowl of water out of there and see if anything changes. 91 and above will mean death for the plants.


Well-Known Member
But, the thermometer on the side says dont put directly under light. And it gets over 90f here in the sumemr and i have friends who grow outside. and there plants do fine. but i dunno


Well-Known Member
Yea, because if it's directly under a light, it could get hot and explode. You using one with mercury in it or something?

Under the light it is what the temp says. So your plants are being exposed to that.


Well-Known Member
There still lookin great, Those second leaves are starting to come in nicely, there getting bigger then the first ones now, the tallest ones probably an inch tall


Well-Known Member
Hmm, is there drawers to it? If so, open them up. I need to see what exactly it looks like. Is cutting into an option? If so, I'd do that and see about setting up a computer fan solution.


Well-Known Member
I would seriously consider a fan. If money is the issue, look around for something small. I know there are some available for under $15. In the end, it will be worth it. It will strengthen your plant, always a plus.


Well-Known Member
Oh yea, he's right on that. You will need a fan blowing on them so their stems will get strong. In nature, they have the wind blowing on them to help do this. So yea, get a fan on them when you can.


Well-Known Member
Im so streched for money it aint even funny right now. i got the ventilation thing figured out pretty well . no well enough, but opening it every once in a while with my window open works good. I need another way to cool it down in there