New oxygen technology in RDWC DWC pot grows

Do you believe "low oxygen"events causes fungal outbreaks in RDWC DWC?

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those ozone generators are bad for the health unless you wear SCUBA gear in your grow:

from wikipedia:
There is a great deal of evidence to show that ground level ozone can harm lung function and irritate the respiratory system.[34][44] Exposure to ozone (and the pollutants that produce it) is linked to premature death, asthma, bronchitis, heart attack, and other cardiopulmonary problems.[45][46]

Long-term exposure to ozone has been shown to increase risk of death from respiratory illness. A study of 450,000 people living in United States cities saw a significant correlation between ozone levels and respiratory illness over the 18-year follow-up period. The study revealed that people living in cities with high ozone levels, such as Houston or Los Angeles, had an over 30% increased risk of dying from lung disease
According to scientists with the US EPA, susceptible people can be adversely affected by ozone levels as low as 40 nmol/mol.
Hey-hey MoronMike, good news… expand your horizons, try on this read and report back.

GrowerTalks - Understanding Dissolved Oxygen by Kurt Becker

A healthier plant is a more efficient plant

Ozonation is another method for increasing oxygen levels in solution. Like oxygen injection, injecting ozone gas will increase dissolved oxygen. However, ozone or O3 is almost 13 times more soluble in water than O2. This allows for much greater levels of oxygen to be dissolved into the water. As O3 is very unstable and reverts back to O2 quickly, it leaves super-saturated levels of dissolved oxygen in the water. As the system remains under pressure, the DO levels can be maintained at more than 300% of the saturation level of DO.

While adding dissolved oxygen, ozone has an additional benefit in that it oxidizes organic material and biofilm in the pipes, reducing the oxygen demand and helping to maintain higher levels of DO.

Trials were conducted at Metrolina Greenhouses in Huntersville, North Carolina. Utilizing a portable water-treatment unit consisting of filtration and ozonation, the benefits of water super-saturated with dissolved oxygen were tested against their standard water sources. Three greenhouses were tested side-by-side using identical benching and booms. One used their pond water, one used their well water and the third used their pond water treated with the trial system. Consistently, the plugs in the third greenhouse using the ozone treatment had higher germination rates, faster cropping times, better root growth (see photo) and better leaf development. Measurement of their dissolved oxygen in the irrigation water used in the third house was 300% greater than in the other two houses (see Figure 2).

In a final summary of the trial and of their first year using their own, complete treatment system, Metrolina reported that they saw an average of two weeks shorter cropping time on most liners, with complete cropping time reductions up to four weeks. More robust root systems with less damage and more drought tolerance were noted, as well as the removal of all biofilm from filters and pipes, and an overall reduction in their shrink by 66% from their previous three-year average.

These results are extremely impressive and achievable by others with proper equipment. However, growers can improve the health of their water in the short term by simply paying attention to the dissolved oxygen in their water. At a minimum, monitoring DO in irrigation water can help prevent problems or suggest different courses of action as problems arise.

In the long run, the ability to optimize oxygen levels could improve plant health quality, reduce crop times and eliminate shrink, just as the focus on other input optimization has in the past.

Well, how about those ozone generators MM?
My point is that you are destroying the reputation of the product you shamelessly plug just because of your attitude. If you were chill about it, people might listen. But you're a bad used car salesman and everyone heads for the hills.

Nobody here is going to buy your garbage because of that alone - oh, and the price of it - oh and everything else...
In a final summary of the trial and of their first year using their own, complete treatment system, Metrolina reported that they saw an average of two weeks shorter cropping time on most liners, with complete cropping time reductions up to four weeks. More robust root systems with less damage and more drought tolerance were noted, as well as the removal of all biofilm from filters and pipes, and an overall reduction in their shrink by 66% from their previous three-year average.

These results are extremely impressive and achievable by others with proper equipment. However, growers can improve the health of their water in the short term by simply paying attention to the dissolved oxygen in their water. At a minimum, monitoring DO in irrigation water can help prevent problems or suggest different courses of action as problems arise.

Lets hear more , did the yield increase or was it unaffected ?

is there any danger of the added Ozone oxidizing the roots thus slowing growth ?

And most importantly have you tested the device with a DWC cannabis grow if so can you post photos ?
Lets talk about efficiency of electrolysis while I'm in here debunking your bullshit. There is absolutely NO WAY that your system is 100% efficient or you would not be trying to peddle it to pot growers, governmental agencies and companies would be THROWING money at you so fast.

So, your claim that o2grow doesn't heat up water like an air pump and airstone (which they don't usually unless the intake air to the pump is hot.) is

100% false

Even though they are relatively low power, it's still going to dump 30-50% of however many watts you put through it in heat straight into the water. You know, because of the "laws of thermodynamics" and all.
I know this is the answer, but I've yet to hear him say how much heat it creates in relation, per say, to a submersible water pump.
those ozone generators are bad for the health unless you wear SCUBA gear in your grow:.

Bravo – at last real researcher has finally tuned in. Research CO2 gas today, that gas will really blow your dress up. EPA saysCO2 it will kill you in minutes, not 18 years like ozone. O3 also cleans up the smell stale pot smoke in your car and room in minutes… that’s a plus for smokers that drive and smoke. A double bang for your buck so to speak with O3. Don’t sweat the small pulmonary stuff with O3, that’s nothing for pot smokers.
I still wanna know how much heat it creates....lmfao.

Growdik should be your mentor, he’s motivated and researches information on Wikipedia. You boys need to follow his lead and be motivated, use your clicker and look stuff up. I could research you questions for you, but I need to see you make a little effort and then post the answers to your questions. Just quit whining, asking the same questions over and over and show me you have a little motivation.
I know this is the answer, but I've yet to hear him say how much heat it creates in relation, per say, to a submersible water pump.

Growdik should be your mentor, he’s motivated and researches information on Wikipedia. You boys need to follow his lead and be motivated, use your clicker and look stuff up. I could research you questions for you, but I need to see you make a little effort and then post the answers to your questions. Just quit whining, asking the same questions over and over and show me you have a little motivation.

Lets hear more , did the yield increase or was it unaffected ?

is there any danger of the added Ozone oxidizing the roots thus slowing growth ?

And most importantly have you tested the device with a DWC cannabis grow if so can you post photos ?

Growdik should be your mentor, he’s motivated and researches information on Wikipedia. You boys need to follow his lead and be motivated, use your clicker and look stuff up. I could research you questions for you, but I need to see you make a little effort and then post the answers to your questions. Just quit whining, asking the same questions over and over and show me you have a little motivation.
My point is that you are destroying the reputation of the product you shamelessly plug just because of your attitude. If you were chill about it, people might listen. But you're a bad used car salesman and everyone heads for the hills.

Nobody here is going to buy your garbage because of that alone - oh, and the price of it - oh and everything else...
Is that all there is?
Bravo – at last real researcher has finally tuned in. Research CO2 gas today, that gas will really blow your dress up. EPA saysCO2 it will kill you in minutes, not 18 years like ozone. O3 also cleans up the smell stale pot smoke in your car and room in minutes… that’s a plus for smokers that drive and smoke. A double bang for your buck so to speak with O3. Don’t sweat the small pulmonary stuff with O3, that’s nothing for pot smokers.
the epa does not say that. environmental co2 is 400ppm.
wiki again: CO2 is an asphyxiant gas and not classified as toxic or harmful .. however, Concentrations of 7% to 10% (70,000 to 100,000 ppm) may cause suffocation, even in the presence of sufficient oxygen
telling people not to worry about ozone damage is stupid. do your research like growdik
Growdik should be your mentor, he’s motivated and researches information on Wikipedia. You boys need to follow his lead and be motivated, use your clicker and look stuff up. I could research you questions for you, but I need to see you make a little effort and then post the answers to your questions. Just quit whining, asking the same questions over and over and show me you have a little motivation.
You're the advertiser, that's your job to bring us the info? I'm not gonna do your work lmao.
Agreed, I'm up out of this thread as there are no more intelligible responses being given to inquiries.
Did you seriously type "don't sweat the small pulmonary stuff", like pot growers don't give a fuck about their health? LOL...ok sorry I just read that, now I am out of here because that statement is downright...well, wreckless. Yeah, don't worry about them pulmonary health concerns...ain't nothin' for you pot smokers...hahaha.

P.S. - How many of you growers use CO2 in concentrations high enough to cause any type of irreversible brain damage? And how long are you in your grow a day, to breath that CO2? You're right...research shows it is very bad...WHEN the concentration is too high and competes with oxygen to reach the brain; much higher than any supplemental CO2 system's grower will set it to.
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I fucking hate ozone, makes my ears feel like there are nails in.
I can't go into certain malls that use too much of the shit.