New oxygen technology in RDWC DWC pot grows

Do you believe "low oxygen"events causes fungal outbreaks in RDWC DWC?

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Spams forum with hundreds of posts on the same subject, then tells you to do your own research when asked a question. A special kind of special.
Listen up you fucking piece of shit, you're either a fucking moron, a troll, or, I'm guessing, both . You're promoting a product that creates O2 and H. You refuse to address the H byproduct. These are the same emitters used in hydrogen supplementation systems for internal combustion engines. Stop promoting a product that is inherently dangerous.

Here you want people to do their own research.. fucking read this.

"Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen gas due to an electric current being passed through the water. The reaction has a standard potential of −1.23 V, meaning it ideally requires a potential difference of 1.23 volts to split water."

Go suck start a shotgun, wash it down with some bleach:finger:.

It also makes ozone, and precipitates nutrient salts out of solution (which makes them unusable for plants). There is plenty of empirical evidence to support this.


You have to clean it with muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid)

Can't run it for more than a few hours a day

Emitter lifespan is quoted at "1600 hours" (less than 1.5 years of daily use)

The power supply is "UL recognized" which is not the same as "UL listed"

The components that I can see from their terrible photos are cheap chinese parts "assembled in USA" lol

The smallest unit costs $199

direct quote from their website:

Q: What is the best way to clean the emitter?
A: Using muriatic acid is an easy way to clean the emitter. Please see our video demonstration at "removed link". We like to use "The Works" toilet bowl cleaner because you can find it at your local dollar store. The acid can be saved in a container and reused several times. Do not use brushes or abrasive sponges to clean the emitters. Spraying or dipping in the muriatic acid is sufficient. Dipping works best.

Yeah, use toilet bowl cleaner on something that comes into direct contact with things that you put in your body. That's totally an FDA approved sanitation method for things that come into contact with foodstuffs. lol

This turd is digging himself a hole so deep. Keep it up man.
Logan I do not use this product. Just throwing in my 2 cents. I don't believe there is a need for an overly priced product that can not out preform a 350$ chiller. It is true colder water holds more oxygen but neither is needed if you know your system and your plants. Not aiming comments at anyone just talking.
100% agree, and no worries. :)
Hey, hey, look who’s back…. Logan’s back! I knew he only “shuck’in and jiv’in” when he said he was “outa-here” the other day. Logan lurks and he’s not about to leave. Nothing wrong with lurker’s. Glad you have reconsidered and your back now, your fun.

I bet Logan is in his late 20’s early 30’s, doesn’t work or have a job and his Mama probably gives him FREE room and board at her place.
Are you a grower?....And Myasthenias Gravis (autoimmune disease) kind of makes having a job hard, along with the immuno-suppressant therapy administered for it., I don't have a job? Lol now answer my question. Are you a grower? Like, are you growing pot?
P.S. You making personal attacks to avoid my primary question does make me come back...human nature.
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You know I've really been wanting to start one but idk how well a smartphone takes pics or if I need a good camera for decent ones to upload, lol. So far I haven't any, but on my upcoming grow I'm switching from 600w HID to 630w DE CMH fixture and I think I'll do a journal on that grow, my last two plants are flushing, then in about 1-2 months I'll be back in the flesh lol. How about yourself? I like the username by the way, lmfao.
That is precisely what Dstroy was saying above, that it precipitates the nutrients in your solution much more quickly than it naturally happens (if at all) using an airpump. But, lets not allow him to evade this simple question: Do you grow cannabis, Jhenry?
Man. I have been watching this post now for 2 days. This is the best argument I have heard on his total BS. Your the man. This guy is selling HARMFUL EQUIPMENT at a premium. Dirt bag......the worst kind. Go organic and never look back!
Man. I have been watching this post now for 2 days. This is the best argument I have heard on his total BS. Your the man. This guy is selling HARMFUL EQUIPMENT at a premium. Dirt bag......the worst kind. Go organic and never look back!
Logan tried to post this earlier. It is supposed to be a reply to an earlier post. About emitting hydrogen during the process he is promoting.
While I do agree with that statement, I did not post such a thing...I do not make personal attacks, even if they are made on me. I find it to be a relatively useless excercise that clouds judgement and the ability to percieve right from wrong.
P.S. - I don't even grow organic?....Chem nutrients; GH Floranova.
While I do agree with that statement, I did not post such a thing...I do not make personal attacks, even if they are made on me. I find it to be a relatively useless excercise that clouds judgement and the ability to percieve right from wrong.
P.S. - I don't even grow organic?....Chem nutrients; GH Floranova.
I'm the type that observes people being taken advantage of and will probably say something. But never hold a grudge lol. And I can't lie either. I really only have 11 organic....use GH 3 part for everything else because I can use it in my hydro tub ad well. BUT I do have every tiny scrap of the organic plants for personal smoke.....sad to say but it happens lol.
It also makes ozone, and precipitates nutrient salts out of solution (which makes them unusable for plants). There is plenty of empirical evidence to support this.... their website: QUOTE]

I went to the website you recommended and read it @ then I visited all the pages and read all the information on that site.

I found absolutely nothing about ozone production and nothing about precipitating salts out of solution. You claimed, “There is plenty of empirical evidence to support this.” And again I found no empirical evidence, no evidence of any kind, nothing supporting your false claims on this site you recommended.

Clearly you were really a terrible state of mind, a altered state or just having a childish temper tantrum when you posted this. You should go back to this site and read is again without the drugs and apologize for being just plain stupid. They say, “stupid is as stupid does.”

The manufacture makes no wild, crazy, misleading false claims like this anywhere on their website. Why are you putting out false, fake and mindless misinformation like this?

1st question on the FAQ webpage – Did you miss this or discount #1?

Q: How does it work?

A: The actual process is called hydrolytic electrolysis. The O2 Grow emitter carries a positive charge on one screen and a negative charge on the other. Once placed in the water, the emitter separates the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. The larger hydrogen bubbles float up and dissipate into the air and the tiny oxygen bubble is so small it cannot break the surface of the water and is therefore reabsorbed back into the water, effectively increasing the DO saturation level.

[Clearly there is nothing here about separating out ozone (O3).]

A: The actual process is called hydrolytic electrolysis. The O2 Grow emitter carries a positive charge on one screen and a negative charge on the other. Once placed in the water, the emitter separates the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. The larger hydrogen bubbles float up and dissipate into the air and the tiny oxygen bubble is so small it cannot break the surface of the water and is therefore reabsorbed back into the water, effectively increasing the DO saturation level.

Technology Platform Patent: 7,396,441 - 7,670,495 - 6,689,262 - 8,157,972

The patented dissolved oxygen generator technology used in these experiments generates extremely high levels of dissolved oxygen in water for surface watering, hydroponic and other applications. This science will be especially helpful with farms with low dissolved oxygen in well water.

[The product patents make no claim or ever mention this product generates ozone (O3) gas]

You have no integrity and your claims are false.
I'm the type that observes people being taken advantage of and will probably say something. But never hold a grudge lol. And I can't lie either. I really only have 11 organic....use GH 3 part for everything else because I can use it in my hydro tub ad well. BUT I do have every tiny scrap of the organic plants for personal smoke.....sad to say but it happens lol.
I think you put the wrong name said I tried posting that earlier over the product I was promoting...I don't promote any product. And I do not grow organics. Nor does it fit the literature pattern of all of my 250+ posts on this site (cursing, personal attacks/character assasination, or even punctuation)...

You sound upset.

There you go editing my posts again.


This is good, I didn't catch this before. Thanks for feeding it to me. They don't even know the difference lol.

Listen, it doesn't matter what the patent claim says. The patent is for "nanobubbles" (oxygenation).

The actual process of electrolysis itself creates ozone as a byproduct, you can make very little with a low overpotential, or a lot with a high overpotential.

This link explains that no matter how pure your electrolyte, some O3 (ozone) will always be produced:

Q: How does it work?

A: The actual process is called hydrolytic electrolysis. The O2 Grow emitter carries a positive charge on one screen and a negative charge on the other. Once placed in the water, the emitter separates the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen. The larger hydrogen bubbles float up and dissipate into the air and the tiny oxygen bubble is so small it cannot break the surface of the water and is therefore reabsorbed back into the water, effectively increasing the DO saturation level.

This is also not true, because once the oxygen reaches maximum saturation the oxygen gets released. lol


There's the link for you again in bold, since you can't see past your own lies.


But you know, since there are "flow through" (much better for commercial hydro) oxygen generators that do the exact same thing but much, much more efficiently that you probably shouldn't have invested as much into this company as you have.