New Stealth Grow Cab and Super Lemon Haze and Blueberry Grow with pix

Sorry, been away from the PC. I'll take some pix tomorrow of the clone/mother cab. Basically i used black adhesive backed foam strips around every surface. Its not 100% light proof, but its about 98%. In places you cant get light proof you improvise. A fish aquarium on top of the cab serves two purposes, one it masks the sound of the fans, two it's light masks any light coming from behind the cab. I don't have one on mine but have toyed with the idea.

Pix of the cab to come in a day or two.
The Blueberry is still dominating the crap out of that Super Lemon Haze. I've heard lots of people say how great the smoke is from Super Lemon haze, and it better be for that low of a producer. I'm not a great grower by any stretch of the imagination but dang that thing is just eeking along. To be honest I doubt I'll keep the mothers from it.

I'm thinking that next round I'll grow 3 plants total. 2 Super Lemon hazes (since I have two clones in the wings) and one BlueBerry. Then I'll save my other BlueBerry clone as my mother. With the three in there for next grow I'll remove the scrog screen and go to an ol school LST on all three. I should have enough room and it will be fun to change it up on next grow.

Anyway, plants still show ZERO signs of nute burn which is bizzarre since I've given them nutes every feeding rather than every other feeding. Of course it is Fox Farms organic so not much to burn it with. Its also weird that every post i've read has said how nute intolerant the Super Lemon Haze is, but its green as can be.

I know its early but I'm betting I have about 5-6 weeks left. I'll wager 6 though.

And here are your pix, Lemon Haze on the left, BlueBerry on the Right. Fat Cola is the BB.


So watered the Lemon Haze (on the left in the pix) as it was dry, but weird thing is, the BlueBerry (after 4 days since last watering) is still good. Seems to be drinking much slower than what it had been up until this past couple of weeks. The plants both still look great and the BlueBerry main cola is beefing up oh so nicely.

My clones are all doing well. They were very droopy today as I let them once again go an extra day too long between waterings. They look healthy though and the BlueBerrys are growing crazy well with awesome branching. Today lst'd the BlueBerry's to promote a bit of extra growth. The lemon haze's are still looking good, but are nice and squat, weird. I fed them some big bloom today as they are showing that they might need it a bit. Here in a week I'll slowly introduce some grow big. The water you see in the trays is because I have to feed them from the bottom up. I packed the soil a bit too tightly since I am waiting on some bigger pots to come in and kind of had to cram these little guys into these small pots for the time being. So bottom up watering till I get the new pots.

Lastly I also included some pix as requested before on how I do my light proofing in my grow cabs. I just do 6 simple things.

1. Use weather stripping self adhesive foam. I use a smaller sized ones to fill gaps. Lay strips down anywhere there is a gap.
2. For thin parts of wood or corners of backs of grow closet I use 3 layers of duct tape. 2 layers of grey duct tape with one layer of white over the top of that. This keeps light from leaking in or out and provides the reflection back into the plants.
3. For areas with hinges or bottoms of doors I create a duct tape flap (sometimes two interlacing flaps). The flap is made by folding a piece of duct tape in half length wise (sticky side in) then taking another piece of duct tape and covering half of the new "flap" with it and the other half to the cabinet. It keeps light from bouncing in or out. I use black or grey for these.
4. For any intakes I try to make light bounce several times. For instance in both of my grow cabs I just drilled intake holes (several in each) on the bottom near the front of each cab. Light has to bounce several times to reach either in or out.
5. For any exhaust fans I try to use bends in exhaust. With my mini grow cab I couldn't so I threw on some carbon scrubbers and sealed up the edges around the fans.
6. Lastly, placement of the cab is probably the best way to help you out. I have both of mine in low traffic areas which means they don't get noticed. Angle of placement is also important. If you just put it flat against a wall and someone enters the room and views your cab side on if there is even a small leak it will stand out. I have one of mine with bookshelves on either side and sitting in a corner that no one would ever walk up to it from any direction unless specifically going toward it. For my little cab I have junk piled around it so it looks extremely pedestrian.

And now pix.

I'm gonna start making my bets early. I'll say from the Super Lemon haze I pull between 1/4 and 1/2 ounce. From the BlueBerry I say I'll pull from 3/4 to 1 1/4 ounce from it. I'm an optimist though :) Most I've been able to pull from 1 plant thus far is 1/2 an ounce.
OMG Help!!!

Temps are over 100.

Spots are all over my seedling's leaves.

There are little bugs crawling every where.

The Smell is crazy strong outside the cab.

Cops are parked outside.

Ok none of that is true, its Day 2 and everything is boring.

lol, your funny, +++rep
Will put up some new pix in a couple of days. Couldn't over weekend as I had company in town and only had one 10 minute timeframe with which to do a really quick watering for the super lemon haze.

When I opened up the cab tonight I noticed that a lot of leaves have 1-2mm brown tipped leaves. I also noticed that a problem leave on the Super Lemon Haze had gotten worse. So looks like its time for water only feedings for about 2-4 feedings. Then back to adding nutes back slowly. I also noticed some of my colas closest to the cool tube had some brown pistols. I opted to move the tube up about 1.5 inches as I'm pretty sure its just a hair too hot where it was. No worries though still looking good.

In a couple of days I'll take pix of the over nuting symptoms and the size of it all. The BlueBerry is still way out performing the SLH in terms of size of colas. The stretching on the SLH was pretty crazy, but to be honest the BlueBerry streched the same amount, only it has filled most of the stretching with flowers whereas the SLH is just long stretches of nothing with small flowers.

I'm hoping the smoke from the SLH is going to be great for that small of a return.

Lastly, I'm in a pickle. I have 4 clones that I had to take when I started my flowering and I'm fighting to keep them small in a little grow area. I haven't made cuts yet, but will have to cut a few growths off just to keep them an ok size in there. I still have about a month till I can move them to the flowering area and I know they won't make it that long in that tiny veg area.

I'll take some pix of that as well after I make my cuts and train a bit more.

Night all!
Ok so here is my update.

Its day 76 overall, day 43 of flowering for the BlueBerry and Super Lemon Haze.

They are both doing well. I noticed a couple of days ago a little nute burn on both plants. The tips have about 1-2 mm brown dried portions. Very small and a great indicator that I've over fed. The Super Lemon Haze has 2 leaves on the main cola that show some big nute burn indicators. No other leaves show that.

Overall I'm not worried as I'm just going to feed water only for the next 2-3 feedings. Then I'll slowly introduce nutes.

My biggest concern is that the BlueBerry about 2 weeks ago just stopped drinking as much as it had before. Its really weird but I was having to water about every 3-5 days for quite awhile and then all of a sudden its like 5-7 days. Very strange but the plant is still packing on some weight on the buds so I guess its ok, just not something I've seen before.

The Super Lemon haze seems to finally be packing on a bit of weight. I actually think I might hit 2 ounces with this grow. It would be very cool for me if I did as it would be my first 1 ounce per plant grow. I'm crossing my fingers.

The clones of course are still the bane of my existence. I hate that I had to take them so early since I had to turn them into mothers and had to create clones for my next grow. I've been purposely under feeding them to stunt them a bit so some of the leaves are pale green. I've also been watering them not as often as they need for the same reason. Not many nodes as I just don't have a lot of room and to boot my bigger pot sizes haven't come in cause I needed a specific size and the supplier sucks ass and has taken forever to get them out.

I just cut the BlueBerry back tonight as they were just way to long and spindly. I cut them way back to make them the same height as the SLH clones. I also fed them their first bit of Grow Big Nutes so that I can start focusing on their nodal growth.

I figure I have about 3-4 weeks left until my BlueBerry and Super Lemon Haze are done. So I'll start branching out the clones while keeping them short. I dunno, if I mess up I'll be ok, still have seeds in the wings and the Super Lemon Haze actually are doing really well even without me fucking with them too much.

Enjoy the pix and feel free to yell or curse at me if you'd like.


My clone cuttings

Will post some pix tomorrow. The nute burn has stopped and hasn't spread any further. Still a couple of leaves burned on the SLH main cola and a tips of almost all leaves, but nothing else. Main cola on BlueBerry looks awesome. She's going to be a beauty.

Like I said, will get some pix up tomorrow. I figure they have 2-3 weeks max left. That puts the little buggers at about 60-67 days flowering. I usually pull them too early so I'll have to try and pay close attention this time so I don't sacrifice quality and quantity.
So plants are doing well. The clones are happier, I put them in larger pots. I'm still starving them a bit and keeping them on the edge to keep them small. No pix of those this time. They are just sad looking things. I'm just hoping I can keep them alive an healthy enough to survive another couple of weeks.

That is about how long I expect the flowering to take on the plants I have in the cab currently. I'm guessing 2 -3 weeks. Here in about a week I'll start looking at the trichomes under my scope and I'll try to post pix as well.

Currently they are on water only, but either next feeding or the one after I'll start giving nutes again. Since I'm using fox farms and soil I don't worry so much about flushing. The only flushing I do is the last watering I only feed water. Then I let the plants go until they are starving for water and cut them down.

As I said in my last post, nute burn has stopped. Two leaves on the Super Lemon Haze are burned and tips on a lot of leaves are burned about 1 mm in, but there is nothing else that has happened.

And your weekly pix

Sorry all, personal life has been shit as of late, so pix have been lacking. In fact checking the plants has been a chore. My life is a country song right now, wife left, broke, single again, ugh, life sucks right now.

On to the good stuff.

I just checked trichs on both the super lemon haze and the blueberry and while the blueberry has lots of orange hairs, the trichs are only about 1/3 amber. The Super Lemon Haze however, really only has white hairs, but has almost 1/2 amber trichs. Wierd. I'm giving the Super Lemon Haze another 2 days and chopping down on Xmas Eve. I'll post pics and wet weight before drying.

Then hopefully by day after xmas I'll be chopping down the BlueBerry, posting pix and wet weight.

Then 7'ish days after each I'll post final pix, dry weight.

Lastly 2 weeks after each I'll post a smoke report of each.

Yesterday I watered the Super Lemon Haze so it should be dry by Friday. Today I watered the BlueBerry so it should be dry by Sunday.

This is the most exciting part!!!