New to growing, advice please and thank you

Good for a noob?

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Well-Known Member
I soil grow, hydro is a different ball game, if weed werent illegal here i would definatly hydro grow but i have no experience there, some do it very cheaply though and get big yeilds. Peace


Active Member
Yeah, I just want to be able to produce a pound every month or so, or have a pound for every month spend cultivating. Hydro looks like the best way to achieve that with my limited space. I'm ok with paying a little more in the long run for more bud =D


That looks like my closet lol. The space is big enough for your plants but can u give me dimensions instead of pictures. Also for the money you might wanna go out and buy some high wattage cfls. I dont know much about lighting since Im outdoors but the miracle grow soil is fine as long as you dont use any more nutes till the plants get decent sized. My only other suggestioin is for using tap water let it sit out and evaporate for 12 hours, it makes it room temperature and removes some of the impurities.


Well-Known Member
For miracle grow the more you water the more the ferts activate, dont over water this to give seedlings the best chance, you can also prick them out when first sprouted and replant in some seedling soil with some added perlite. Peace


Well-Known Member
Well, until I get a bigger place to grow, I want to remain low scale. If someone could tell me how much I can expect to yield per plant (Average maybe) I can make a better assumption as to how many. I just want enough to last me, ya know? Since I only have the one room, enough to last me about 3-4 months, so about 2-4 pounds maybe?

I think, though, I will just do CFL because I can add little by little, since I have a really hard time saving XD
I had to chime in. For that kinda weight you will need to either grow outdoors or buy 20 1000W HPS lamps


Active Member
Well, I'm actually going to do some perpetual growing. The SoG method looks best. So I'll be giving it a shot, harvesting just under a pound ever 2-3 weeks works for me, haha.


Well-Known Member
That's some good reading right their. Yea I look forward to seeing, 2x 400w will be good. Your using both for Flowering or will you have one for veg.


Well-Known Member
Last year I ran 2 x 1000's in a 4x8 closet with ac, dehumid, co2 and aircooled hoods drawing and dumping air from outside the room. It'll yeild the weight you are talking about with good genetics but you'll need to invested some cash. If you're not in a legal state or country then you are going to need to keep it stealth which is not easy and costs even more money in smell and sound control. You don't want to be halfway through your grow and one night you come home and smell it in your driveway and not have any money for a carbon filter. Sound is just as much of an issue. If you're ever been in a room with all the fans, ac's, dehumidifiers and ballasts going you can bearly hear yourself think. If you have neighbors or an pissed off spouse that can be a problem.

Those are all things to think about when planning larger grows and the kind of weight your talking about...

Good Luck with your grow and try and keep it simple at first.



Well-Known Member
BTW I'm in the northeast usa and my electric bill on that flower closet and a 400 and t-5 veg and clone area added about $300 to $350 per month to my electic bill depending on the time of year.


Active Member
Last year I ran 2 x 1000's in a 4x8 closet with ac, dehumid, co2 and aircooled hoods drawing and dumping air from outside the room. It'll yeild the weight you are talking about with good genetics but you'll need to invested some cash. If you're not in a legal state or country then you are going to need to keep it stealth which is not easy and costs even more money in smell and sound control. You don't want to be halfway through your grow and one night you come home and smell it in your driveway and not have any money for a carbon filter. Sound is just as much of an issue. If you're ever been in a room with all the fans, ac's, dehumidifiers and ballasts going you can bearly hear yourself think. If you have neighbors or an pissed off spouse that can be a problem.

Those are all things to think about when planning larger grows and the kind of weight your talking about...

Good Luck with your grow and try and keep it simple at first.

I'd go with something like that but I'm surrounded on every side by neighbors. Not to mention I can't drop that much money on an electric bill.

That's some good reading right their. Yea I look forward to seeing, 2x 400w will be good. Your using both for Flowering or will you have one for veg.
Yeah, I'm hoping my bill wont shoot through the roof. I'll be using the Sea of Green method, so I won't be vegging at all. Just some floros to keep momma happy and to wake up the clones then two HPS 400w over four tubs of clones.
BTW I'm in the northeast usa and my electric bill on that flower closet and a 400 and t-5 veg and clone area added about $300 to $350 per month to my electic bill depending on the time of year.
That's steep as shit. I plan on running 2 400w and about 4 100w floros.


Active Member
So. If I'm running that ^ 2 400W HPS and 2 100w floros for the mother, 2 100w floros for the clones, that puts me at 1,200 watts per hour. or 1.2kwph. So if we wind up running it around 500 hours a month, that puts me at 600KHW a month, considering I run 400 right now, that'd put me at 1000 per month. That's a huge jump, think the utilities will take notice?

That puts me at 100 bucks for all of my usage, not including their various fees of around 50-70 bucks.

I know it got a bit rambly, but does that sound right to any of you?


Well-Known Member
All I can say is congratz on your successful thread, & With my 2x 600w 8-bulb T5 , Fan , fan for light hoods... & the air pump for my water res. every once in a while.. Put me up an extra 200-250 on my bill.


Active Member
I've definately got a lot of tips here, this is a good thread for anyone completely new and clueless to check out. I'm still trying to find a super detailed walkthrough on some hydro systems, including power needed for the pumps and the like,

If there still isn't one by the time I start, I'll make one myself.


Active Member
Well, I put the buggers in some of that miracle grow( All I have) and it's been 1 day germing and 2 days in the soil, I took one of the cups and moved it around, the seed didn't even have a taproot. Looked at a few others, still nothing.