New veg room from the frame with pics

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I took one of my bedrooms that had space, and built a 4' wide x 4' 8" long x 7' 6" high closet. 2"x4" shelf will be framed at 5' off the floor. I will be installing 4 x 4' T12 40w flo tubes in the top section for clones to root. The bottom section will be lined with the same flos, but will have them on the walls. It should come out looking like a box of flos, maybe some on the door as well. The room Im growing in now (see my sig for the journal) will become my flower room. The flower room will utilize the "coliseum" method, but thats another thread all together. I should have clones in there within a week *crosses fingers*, so scribe up and watch some magic happen.:blsmoke:


strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
The drywall is all up, and I just need to put the bull nose on the outside corner. Then comes the mud/tape, then paint, and then come the goodies. Im going to have an air intake on the floor, with a fan pulling the air out near the roof, and ducting it into the attic. Im going to line the room with panda film. There will be two wall mounted fans, one for each level. Ive decided to use 8 x 4' T12 bulbs for the clones, and 8 x 4' T8 buls for the vegging plants. I should have clones in there on friday.


strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Im doing the mud/tape on the outside (still waiting for the bullnose). The inside is getting an exterior latex paint to handle the humidity. Im picking up clones on Monday.


strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
gotcha. thanks for the comments, im going to put the last coat of paint on right now. I just cut 14 Lemon OG clones today, should have roots in 1 week maybe longer.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
So the final coat of paint is done on the inside. I just need to do some caulking and install the lights. Im waiting on the exhaust fan until I can find an "in line voltage thermostat for cooling". That will kick the exhaust fan on whenever the temps hit 78 or whatever I have it set to. I need to install one maybe two more receptacles for fans and pumps. Im not worried about the exterior yet, but im sure the wife will want it finished up soon.



Well-Known Member
yeah that 3x3 fits in there nice!!! what kind of light?? maybe a 400/600 watter? ..that whould be sick,ill be around to see this..peace..MEANGREEN.


Active Member
yeah that 3x3 fits in there nice!!! what kind of light?? maybe a 400/600 watter? ..that whould be sick,ill be around to see this..peace..MEANGREEN.

thats a super sweet room man, I hope to build something like that after I move

right now I crammed a 4x4 wood frame and panda film in my room haha

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
So the clones are in the room, but my thermostatic switch for my fan hasn't shown up. I have to leave the door open with a fan blowing cool air into the room. When my switch shows up Im going to install a vent near the floor (with an air filter) so the air will flow through the whole room, with the help of a couple oscillating fans.


strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
I installed 2 more plugs, the exhaust fan, the thermostatic switch, and a 12"x12" intake with 2 air filters. I will put a box fan infront of the intake, because the table fan isnt pulling enough. My Chem 91, and Chem Dawgs arent looking so hot, browned edges.

