New York Growers Thread

Lucky you!!! We have no power in our room since Monday evening. The ladies were scheduled for trimming this Thursday, but I'm looking to rent a generator and start trimming right away!!! Could have been a lot worse though. Didn't loose anything... Lol

Well, all things considered, if you're just two days away, get trimming! And yeah, we're both lucky...I'm watching NY1 coverage of Staten Island, and homes have simply disappeared and they're finding bodies...a father and his daughter, among others. So, so awful.
Well, all things considered, if you're just two days away, get trimming! And yeah, we're both lucky...I'm watching NY1 coverage of Staten Island, and homes have simply disappeared and they're finding bodies...a father and his daughter, among others. So, so awful.

Thats so sad. I'm watching news 12 Brooklyn, and they're covering the 80 homes that burned down on breezy point... And at least one person was pinned and died under fallen trees... There were even pics of a large shark that was swimming on a flooded belt parkway!!! What a crazy storm... My prayers are with all those less fortunate families that lost so much... Good luck everyone..
What's good fellow NY grower's....Another western NY guy here.....As far as grow shops, I usually go to harvest moon, or sunset hydroponic's in "the roc".... I'll try and get some pic's up soon....Good luck to everyone battling the weather....seem's like the worst of it is gone in my neck of the wood's....
honestly i dont think it would work since i have strong air circulating in the room.. that co2 is going to get sucked right into the filter with out doing much... thanks for the comment though...
honestly i dont think it would work since i have strong air circulating in the room.. that co2 is going to get sucked right into the filter with out doing much... thanks for the comment

what you do is set it all up on timers. of course You're gonna waste your co2 by emitting while your exhaust is going. You must set it to where you enrich right after you exhaust the stale air. Your ppm sensor will automatically detect the low levels of co2 and turn on your regulator for a couple of minutes until you reach your desired co2 percentage. You would probably enriching around 4 to 6 times a day and that's plenty. Pretty dam efficient once you got it hooked up right... I use to believe that it never made much of a difference. Until I tried it... It works excellent when you have an airtight enclosure. The vapor barrier is the way to go. Them Colas get so dam heavy, you'll need to tie them things up to keep them from falling over!!! Once I tried the co2, I knew I would never grow without it... Good luck
honestly i dont think it would work since i have strong air circulating in the room.. that co2 is going to get sucked right into the filter with out doing much... thanks for the comment

what you do is set it all up on timers. of course You're gonna waste your co2 by emitting while your exhaust is going. You must set it to where you enrich right after you exhaust the stale air. Your ppm sensor will automatically detect the low levels of co2 and turn on your regulator for a couple of minutes until you reach your desired co2 percentage. You would probably enriching around 4 to 6 times a day and that's plenty. Pretty dam efficient once you got it hooked up right... I use to believe that it never made much of a difference. Until I tried it... It works excellent when you have an airtight enclosure. The vapor barrier is the way to go. Them Colas get so dam heavy, you'll need to tie them things up to keep them from falling over!!! Once I tried the co2, I knew I would never grow without it... Good luck

i am gonna look into the c02. with my mothers there is no way getting around with out tieing them down when there is buds up on them haha. which c02 systems are good to go with? thanks for the advice though... as of right now i am kinda more concentrated into expanding but that will take a bit time... let me ask you. how are u doing on your drying and curing .. i mean yeah a lot of us ace a grow out but end with so so buds... kno what i mean ?
mryummy- hey dude, smokebiz here. ive tried to PM you several times and it seems like i havent figured it out. privately, i wrote a piece on drying and curing for you, and i sent pictures of my CO2 set-up with an article on that too. i dont know if you recieved these articles, but please hollar at me to inform. Also, you can email me at [email protected] if you like. i definately have alot of info for you nbut i rather communicate privately. ok. so please contact me either through this fourm or my personal email for further discussions my dude. take care of yourself... smokebiz
Yea we got some light snow last night in Brooklyn, how bout them Knicks!! Also I need some sour d cuttings... I mean real deal ECSD. I got the $$ if you got the cutting.

SmokeBiz whats good, hallo.
Been months since I've poked around here.

How are all my fellow NY'ers doing?

How did everyone fare with stupid storm sandy? My house was destroyed and I'm still currently rebuilding... To the point where I only got electricity back and have only just begun trying to live somewhat normally again... Hope everyone is doing ok.
She lives in Westchester, grows in Queens, but shops for grow equipment in Brooklyn? That seems pretty strange, as there are better and closer choices for her. Since there is only one "grow" shop in Brooklyn now, I'm guessing she went to the same one I go to. It seems the informant was someone she knew and not the shop. Either way, I'm glad I always pay cash.
She lives in Westchester, grows in Queens, but shops for grow equipment in Brooklyn? That seems pretty strange, as there are better and closer choices for her. Since there is only one "grow" shop in Brooklyn now, I'm guessing she went to the same one I go to. It seems the informant was someone she knew and not the shop. Either way, I'm glad I always pay cash.
really only 1? Funny I always thought there were a couple more besides the one off the belt. I know I've been taking my ass to the one in flushing way more selection IMO.
The only one I know about is Indoor Outdoor Gardener in Bay Ridge. There was one that opened and closed pretty fast in the Carroll Gardens area. Are there others? (Not counting regular garden centers.)
Now that I'm searching for it I can't find it. But if I remember right there was one in the mill basin area and 1 down metropolitan in green point or something. But indoor outdoor was always too much traffic the 1 in flushing is way quicker to get to.