Nirvana Shop Feminized Northern Lights w/250 Watt MH/HPS Growlight


Active Member
Hey yanks!

First, Go Tigers! ;D

Second, I see things are still coming along nicely. Plants look great. My girlfriend just said "Theres so many crystals I don't know what to do!" about your single cola. I feel the same!

Along with your flush, are you going to throw them into darkness for the last 48 hrs?


Active Member
Thanks for the compliments!! Never heard of throwing them into darkness for last 48 hours.....What does that accomplish? Oh and by the way, the Tigers are a good team and have the best pitcher in baseball hands down but the Yankees are a proven team over many decades and I have been a fan damn near my entire 33 years on this planet!!


Active Member
I'm 28 and have been a tigers for 20 of em! I hear and respect your passion! Lord knows the yanks have dominated the AL for a long time, i'm just trying to get 1 WS win since '84 my brother!

As far as throwing them in the dark for the last 48 hrs right before harvest goes, I hear that doing so makes the plant think the cold weather is coming so it really adds on the resin and crystals even more so. Maybe search that out for yourself, but there seems to be a pretty good concensus on that and with the way your plants are, I think they could really benefit!

Good Luck! Keep coming with the updates, I really enjoy this grow.



Active Member
I will have to look into that for sure. The fimmed plant actually has a lot more crystals on it than the single cola, you just can't see because the single cola is so massive. The single cola smells more skunky as where the fimmed plant has more of a sweet smell to it. Will probably update again in a day or 2 with new pics coming at the end of the week.

smokey bacon

Active Member
Just wanna say awesome grow man 4 1/2 weeks from switch god this is gonna be sick
I have a grow goin myself 2 nirvana Fem blue mystic flowering in a vertical grow l to am a soil grower uning greenleaf nutes and canna boost additive im just comming up to the 4th week stage from the switch gettin frosty and a peppery smell from them
Anyways ho do you subscribe to ur thread???
Keep up the good work :weed:


Active Member
Thanks for the comments smokey bacon! Just go to the FAQ section and it tells you how to sub both forums and threads there. Both of my plants are actually 40 days old from switching to 12/12 and 37 days from preflower when I first started seeing little hairs. They got about 3 and a half weeks till they hit the 9 week mark which is when they will hopefully be ready. I usually post new pics once a week on Friday or Saturday so keep tuned in!!

smokey bacon

Active Member
Just subscribed so happy days
Hey those smarts look the job what size are they and are they big enough for the whole flowering stage???
I to will update my thread probably the week end I went out and got me a grow tent cause was sick if tryin to grow in make shift DIY grow boxes/tents
No mess no fuss erect and switch on the sun8):bigjoint:


Active Member
The smart pots work good if you don't plan on cutting your plants but the plant that I fimmed is actually root bound which is why it stayed so short. Both plants flowering wise are doing awesome in the pots. I won't be using smart pots on my next grow though cause I went out and bought some nice deep planters with excellent drainage for my next grow. I actually use a grow box that I built myself and it has worked awesome. Perfect growing conditions for the plants as you can see in the pics. Every grow is different from one another though so my same box would probably do totally different things in a different location. Are you currently growing something yourself and do you have a grow journal for it smokey? Let me know so I can sub it because I am always looking for journals to learn from.

smokey bacon

Active Member
Back again am runnin a vertical grow at the moment with 2 fem blue mystic early days at the moment will take some pics the weekend and post them there currently 4 weeks in from the switch
Im using plastic pots and have allways wondered about smart pots as l allways top, supper crop, my plants what are those pots??? deep planters???? u got maybe post a pic if you could
My thread is


Active Member
The smart pots are actually more shallow than I prefer which is why I bought deeper pots. You can probably see the pots halfway decent in previous pics on this grow album, but I will try to get them in my new pics at the end of the week as well.

smokey bacon

Active Member
Will be updating myself with some pics the weekend
Have to do a flush on one of the girls dam leafs clawing bad l figure its a ph thing cause l am using flower nutes lower level of nitrogen so l imagine its not nitrogen toxicity.
l hate flushing cause it drenches the soil a perfect breeding ground for mould and other bad things:sad:


Active Member
**UPDATE** Well both plants are doing well. The fimmed plant still smells very much like an orange freshly peeled with the buds seemingly getting fatter each day. The uncut plant is super skunky and also fattening up quite nicely. The uncut plant has more and more hairs turning amber each day, but the fimmed plant isn't turning as soon so will probably be ready after the uncut plant by the looks of things. Both plants are super sticky and resinated though so should end up being amazing. Will be fertilizing again tomorrow and then will see from there how much more they need to be fertilized before flushing for the last week. Hope you all enjoy the new pics because I sure as hell enjoy looking at these ladies each and every day!!



Active Member
Yeah the fimmed plant is gonna be super tasty! Looks like it will finish after the uncut plant though but its all good. Both plants are different in their own ways, but both will be equally enjoyed.


Well-Known Member
Hey Yank. Had to stop in and show some support for a fellow 250 brother. Looking outstanding man, you are really maximizing the 250's potential. I'm a little late to the show but subbed up for sure now. Peace.


Active Member
Welcome brother! Yeah these girls are getting prettier each day. Looks like the uncut plant probably has another 2 weeks give or take. The fimmed plant looks like it will probably go 3 weeks give or take but will have to see as they progress over the next week or two. The fimmed plant is smelly really sweet and citrusy. The uncut plant is super skunky and super sticky. Only difference between Puff's and my grow is my genetics are from Nirvana Seed Company and Puff's are White Label.


Well-Known Member
Nice. One of the strains I have going right now is Nirvana's Blackjack. Just starting week 7 and my girls look like they will go 60+ days for sure. Takes a bit longer under a 250 than a more powerful light IMO. Looking great Yank, I'll keep checkin back on your progress.


Active Member
Well today I decided to remove some of the large fan leaves towards the top of my uncut plant in hopes of letting light hit some of the smaller buds. Only did so because the massive main cola is only a couple weeks from finishing so shouldn't affect it too much plus I left all the fan leaves on the bottom to continue catching light for energy. The main cola was also growing very uneven so I am hoping by removing some of the fan leaves that it will fill in a little better but shall see as time goes on. Even if removing the fan leaves happens to stunt the growth a little its all good because then it will only level out timewise with the fimmed plant. Will update in a few days on its progress and will also probably be fertilizing one more time a little earlier than normal so I can start flushing with water/molasses starting this coming weekend.


Well-Known Member
I remove leaves throughout flower. I see little to no stunting or stress issues when removing up to 20% of fan leaves. Just my observations.