Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

Germans alone invented the car, modern computer, helicopter, phone, x-ray, bicycle, diesel engine, motorcycle, glider, jet engine, modern camera, television, etc..

Jews invented communism and pizza bagels.
Plus I have around 6 million other reasons Germans are smarter than Jews :fire:
The French invented the car (Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot) and the Helicopter (Louis Charles Bréguet), the English invented the Diesel engine a year before Diesel took credit for it (Herbert Akroyd Stuart), Italians invented the Telephone (Antonio Meucci) and the Jet Engine (Secondo Campini)([And the French developed the Turbojet engine[Maxime Guillaume]), and the Scots invented the earliest form of TV (Alexander Bain), and an American invented Photographic Film (George Eastman). So Germans didn't even invent the majority of things you are crediting to them, just FYI. Not that I really expected you to be well educated. You're just another sad sack of shit who got bored of fucking his own relatives and decided to give "the internets" a go, right?
You are never going to win an argument with a google search result. Not only are you so intellectually limited that that is the extent of the research you are able to conduct, but you are too lazy to even pick a single source. Go back to letting your bud rot, kiddo. Now it makes sense that you can't grow weed, if all the research you did was type "How to grow weed" into google and hope that Quora has a good answer for you.
So you just google shit and take the first thing that catches your eye? No wonder you're such a dumbass...
Yes, why trust Google when you can trust an anonymous person with no sources? Nice logic, imbecile.

Hey lets write letters to Google headquarters and call them idiots, because an anonymous genius on Rollitup is the one who really has it all figured out.

Sorry, but automatically siding with any non-German who may have played any role is intellectually disingenuous. Germans are master engineers and anybody with a brain in their head knows this, so your lousy rhetoric doesn't even pass the smell test.
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Yes, why trust Google when you can trust an anonymous person with no sources? Nice logic, imbecile.

Hey lets write letters to Google headquarters and call them idiots, because an anonymous genius on Rollitup is the one who really has it all figured out.
Next year, when you start highschool, I would suggest you use the same strategy with the papers you write. Just copy that google web address into your bibliography and you're done, simple as that! Awww who am I kidding, families as inbred as yours don't send their kids to highschool.
Next year, when you start highschool, I would suggest you use the same strategy with the papers you write. Just copy that google web address into your bibliography and you're done, simple as that! Awww who am I kidding, families as inbred as yours don't send their kids to highschool.
No, actually I think I'll try your style and just state it and then when someone attempts to rebut with sources, I'll nervously laugh at them, then resort to personal insult out of anger. Damn...
What I think this demonstrates is what is important to each group or where, and on what each culture chooses to focus their efforts and their passions. For Jews, this is clearly demonstrated below. For Arabs / Muslims, the list suggests that the advancement of man is not one they share with the Jews.

Negative. Through dishonest means, you are attempting to push a Jewish supremacist ideology while simultaneously humiliating Arabs.

First off, the Jews on that list are practically all Ashkenazi (European Jews). The Mizrahi (Middle Eastern Jews) tend to win the Nobel Prize at basically the same rate as does the Arab. This proves that it is not a 'Jewish' reason; rather, a Western one! And if that were not enough, we can examine history, when roles were reversed and Arab culture was dominant to European. During this period, it was the Middle Eastern Jews who experienced a golden age under Arabs while European Jews stagnated alongside the rest of Europe. So if anything, you are only [inadvertently] pushing the Nazi claim that Jews are parasites who depend on their host for success.
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Negative. Through dishonest means, you are attempting to push a Jewish supremacist ideology while simultaneously humiliating Arabs.

First off, the Jews on that list are practically all Ashkenazi (European Jews). The Mizrahi (Middle Eastern Jews) tend to win the Nobel Prize at basically the same rate as does the Arab. This proves that it is not a 'Jewish' reason; rather, a Western one! And if that were not enough, we can examine history, when roles were reversed and Arab culture was dominant to European. During this period, it was the Middle Eastern Jews who experienced a golden age under Arabs while European Jews stagnated alongside the rest of Europe. So if anything, you are only [inadvertently] pushing the Nazi claim that Jews are parasites who depend on their host for success.
OP's post was pretty ridiculous, but you're responding to a post that is 6 years old, by a member that hasn't posted in 5 years. This thread only popped up because never-touched-a-titty resurrected it to continue the antisemitic turn it had taken before it died.
No, actually I think I'll try your style and just state it and then when someone attempts to rebut with sources, I'll nervously laugh at them, then resort to personal insult out of anger. Damn...
You started this whole thing by making unsourced statements kiddo, and a google search result does not count as a source. You are too stupid for me to waste my time providing sources when you could just do your favorite thing and google the names I provided and you would immediately see that I am correct.
A lie is a lie, regardless of whether it was uttered six years ago or six minutes ago.
Well technically he didn't lie about anything. He pointed out a fact and then offered an unproven explanation. There were much more egregious lies in this thread to respond to, makes me wonder why you chose that one.
Well technically he didn't lie about anything.
"For Jews, this is clearly demonstrated below."
That's a lie, as it's not clearly demonstrated below. Perhaps you should read my rebuttal once more.
There were much more egregious lies in this thread to respond to, makes me wonder why you chose that one.

I respond to the original subject, not the pathetic cat fighting below (which you seem to be attempting to drag me into).
"For Jews, this is clearly demonstrated below."
That's a lie, as it's not clearly demonstrated below. Perhaps you should read my rebuttal once more.

I respond to the issue raised, not the cat fighting below.
No, what he said is a flawed interpretation, not a lie. The only facts he stated were the prize winners, and I don't see anything factually wrong with the people listed. And your second statement is a poor excuse for not giving a shit about the virulently antisemitic shit that dominates the majority of posts in this thread, including the post that resurrected the thread. A lie is a lie no matter when it's said, but a lie only matters if it suits your own agenda? Better to respond to the lie from 6 years ago rather than the lie from today, right? Guess you don't wanna poke holes in the boats of arguments you support, eh?
No, what he said is a flawed interpretation, not a lie.
You seem desperate to prove something wrong on my part, to the point you're willing to split hairs on matters of semantics. I have no interest in such.

And your second statement is a poor excuse for not giving a shit about the virulently antisemitic shit that dominates the majority of posts
Okay, lets not be a drama queen.

If you have nothing to contribute to the actual subject, then I won't respond.