Nobel Prize winners - Jews vs Arabs

What's really funny, or should I say pathetic, is that legalizenature and tittytwister are both posting from the same place!
Wow, the shit staff here randomly provides location details about the users? That's my cousin/room mate he's the one that got me to sign up last month. We'll log in from different locations and post from different locations AT THE SAME TIME to prove it to your ass. But it's unreal that you can just come in and blurt shit like that about users.

Is it against policy for two users to operate from one location? If not, why are you blurting shit like that?
Lol, it's my first grow and still more vibrant than yours. View attachment 3774768
If by "Vibrant" you mean pulled way prematurely. It's pretty sad that you have that many red hairs when none of those calyxes are even remotely swollen. But the fact that you even thought that that bud was even remotely comparable to the one I posted shows how little you know about weed in general. You need to get your nutrient regimen down, your shit is dying way before it's fully matured and your yields can't be for shit. And you managed to get mold on little airy buds like that?!?!!? Ouch!
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Wow, the shit staff here randomly provides location details about the users? That's my cousin/room mate he's the one that got me to sign up last month. We'll log in from different locations and post from different locations AT THE SAME TIME to prove it to your ass. But it's unreal that you can just come in and blurt shit like that about users.

Is it against policy for two users to operate from one location? If not, why are you blurting shit like that?
No wonder he chimed in on the side of the antisemites in this thread, he's the one recruiting them to the site (Assuming that you're anything other than a shitty sock puppet). Maybe if you spent a little less time blowing each other and a little more time doing research you wouldn't be such a moron and your weed wouldn't be so shitty.
Wow, the shit staff here randomly provides location details about the users? That's my cousin/room mate he's the one that got me to sign up last month. We'll log in from different locations and post from different locations AT THE SAME TIME to prove it to your ass. But it's unreal that you can just come in and blurt shit like that about users.

Is it against policy for two users to operate from one location? If not, why are you blurting shit like that?

lol, busted for sock puppetry. dumb fuck.

and he didn't tell us that both of you were posting from sevierville, tn. that would have been worrying, but rolli never said that.

btw, your bud sucks. i wouldn't feed it to a horse. how you could get mold from something so airy and sparse is beyond me.

if i were you, i would commit suicide. i really would.
lol, busted for sock puppetry. dumb fuck.

and he didn't tell us that both of you were posting from sevierville, tn. that would have been worrying, but rolli never said that.

btw, your bud sucks. i wouldn't feed it to a horse. how you could get mold from something so airy and sparse is beyond me.

if i were you, i would commit suicide. i really would.

Are you pinging towers again ?
Wow, the shit staff here randomly provides location details about the users? That's my cousin/room mate he's the one that got me to sign up last month. We'll log in from different locations and post from different locations AT THE SAME TIME to prove it to your ass. But it's unreal that you can just come in and blurt shit like that about users.

Is it against policy for two users to operate from one location? If not, why are you blurting shit like that?

Just exactly what "location details" did I provide? Since your Cousin/roommate has been a member for years, I already sent him a message asking about your profile. I guess he didn't tell you about that, and he has not responded to me either.

So the two of you quote each others posts, when you could just talk in person?

That's precious! :lol:

Just exactly what "location details" did I provide? Since your Cousin/roommate has been a member for years, I already sent him a message asking about your profile. I guess he didn't tell you about that, and he has not responded to me either.

So the two of you quote each others posts, when you could just talk in person?

That's precious! :lol:


LMFAO! "alter egotists" Bet they "like" each other too! :roll:
OP's post was pretty ridiculous, but you're responding to a post that is 6 years old, by a member that hasn't posted in 5 years. This thread only popped up because never-touched-a-titty resurrected it to continue the antisemitic turn it had taken before it died.

I agree! The OP's post was racist to begin with. Then you have the fella that wants to break it down to location as for who the Jewish are! I got news for him. It's about being Jewish, not where they live!

How about this.
I'll give an answer. It's a cultural thing, based in religion and how the various religious factions interpret the Koran for their belief.
Sadly, this has resulted in less actual "modern" education. Truly so for the Muslim female!
Now this maybe also related to that locational "thing" mentioned earlier! Muslims in more "modern" locals (including especially "western" locals), tend to have a more open view of education, and a higher education then the numerical average middle eastern Muslim. Then maybe we should look again at the following of religious tradition when those returning to "Home countries" and the strong family tradition.

It's not like the Followers of the religion don't go to college's and return to home countries and not practice what they learned! Vast amounts of them return as doctors, engineers, business professionals etc., etc. You only have to look at Saudi Arabia and a few others as examples. Lots of modern, people oriented infrastructure and modernization is happening!

Maybe one of the problems is that it can be a rather class structured society, whether religiously or socially? Then you have the money & power elite. They tend to hold rule with an iron fist (some quietly behind the scenes)......How many countries in the middle east can we think of like that right now?

I guess to be short or to conclude.....The biggest influence has been that religious interpretation and application, along with unequal educational resource. Right along with political domination in qualifying countries. Have been the leading influence in answering the rather racist question of note.

My 2 cents on that!
I mean, I'm not writing a paper here, so you get the brief!

Later haters!
May my Jewish ancestors (gotta have some - Polish and Russian) haunt your days (remember O lovers of Christianity - Jesus was a JEW)
Difference in average IQ. Jewish people have around 115 average which is a full standard deviation higher than any other group. Well, not quite a full SD over East Asians but almost.
Difference in average IQ. Jewish people have around 115 average which is a full standard deviation higher than any other group. Well, not quite a full SD over East Asians but almost.

why are you quoting the pseudo-science of white supremacist shitbag phillipe rushton?

oh, nevermind, i know. it's because you are a white supremacist shitbag.
why are you quoting the pseudo-science of white supremacist shitbag phillipe rushton?

oh, nevermind, i know. it's because you are a white supremacist shitbag.

Many scientists have come out in support of his work actually. But because it's controversial... how to do you explain Jewish dominance of so many fields? Conspiracy?
Difference in average IQ. Jewish people have around 115 average which is a full standard deviation higher than any other group. Well, not quite a full SD over East Asians but almost.
why are you quoting the pseudo-science of white supremacist shitbag phillipe rushton?
I could be wrong, but I don't think that the IQ thing is unique to Rushton, it's more the way he interprets it, i.e. he discards the facts that IQ isn't a perfect measure of intelligence and that the methodology of IQ testing is often flawed. The idea that Ashkenazi Jews have a statistically significantly higher mean IQ than the general population is a subject that is discussed pretty heavily in the 10,000 Year Explosion without most of the racist shit that people like Rushton throw into the interpretation of that data (At least that is what I have heard/read from book reviews, it is not a book I have personally read, so it might be racist garbage and people haven't noticed, but the general consensus seems to be that it is a well researched book).
I could be wrong, but I don't think that the IQ thing is unique to Rushton, it's more the way he interprets it, i.e. he discards the facts that IQ isn't a perfect measure of intelligence and that the methodology of IQ testing is often flawed. The idea that Ashkenazi Jews have a statistically significantly higher mean IQ than the general population is a subject that is discussed pretty heavily in the 10,000 Year Explosion without most of the racist shit that people like Rushton throw into the interpretation of that data (At least that is what I have heard/read from book reviews, it is not a book I have personally read, so it might be racist garbage and people haven't noticed, but the general consensus seems to be that it is a well researched book).


the research in the book is garbage. i suggest you familiarize yourself with all the criticism of the "research" he conducted and the "science" behind it.

we're talking about the guy who went down to the mall and paid people $100 each to tell him anbout their penis size. then he went home and cooked up a theory about penis size and brain size being inversely correlated.

the only positive reviews of rushton's work comes from other white supremacists.

the research in the book is garbage. i suggest you familiarize yourself with all the criticism of the "research" he conducted and the "science" behind it.

we're talking about the guy who went down to the mall and paid people $100 each to tell him anbout their penis size. then he went home and cooked up a theory about penis size and brain size being inversely correlated.

the only positive reviews of rushton's work comes from other white supremacists.
Not surprising, I know Rushton is 110% full of shit, enough so that I haven't really taken the time to learn the all the details of the weird shit he's done. To the best of my knowledge the book I was talking about (which is a recent book by Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending) self references a paper published in the Journal of Biosocial Medicine some years ago by the authors, and is, as far as I know, completely unrelated to Rushton and his work. Although again, I could be wrong, I just happened to have just read a somewhat lengthy review of it a few days ago, so when the subject of Jew IQ came up it was on my mind. I know the authors have some pretty strange ideas on other things, so who knows how on the mark they are.

This is the article I read about it, and represents the sum total of my knowledge of the book: