Yes, like Nixon knew and's imperative to win over China as a Pacific partner against India.
I like to discuss with folks that realize these warlord cultures are old trains, out of control. This communications age reveals the hate demons and shows them in the Light of world opinion.
China is out friend. We helped then and they helped us. The Maoists, the gang of 4 specifically, ruined all that and then were also plowed under. (ask Robespierre's head as it rolls by) Now, the old guard is gone and capitalism is not stamped out but guarded.
The was a deal for rice to start the 6 party talks. It has just escalated legally to what we all recognize as International Fighting Words. A credible and stated threat of mass destruction. The US press wants it to be the same old rhetoric, but we only wish it would calm to that level.
China has been make well aware, WE won't accept this fear pushed into our society. We will strike first, conventionally and Souel will just have to take it, like Sarajevo did.
I keep saying the spring is the North Hemi Fighting Season (tm)
3-peat. 3-peat!