North Korea

Speaking of India, one of our lil' local mom & pop party stores in the sticks here is Indian-run, and just got busted for selling 'fake' products, first one found was Diet Dr. Pepper that tastes like someone didn't wash out the pop tanks on a carbonated system, watered down with a heavy karo syrup. As for China + US vs India should it come to that, we need to keep in mind India's allies.. of which we have maps for them too. I was scoping out the sites we have in S.Korea, and if they rushed S.Korea (They being N.Korea), we can make 10-25ft trenches to stop vehicles and really slow down advancement on foot in the first 2 minutes by dropping mass Penguins.

Did you watch Spartacus? Bodies fill ditches quite well.
Did you watch Spartacus? Bodies fill ditches quite well.

Yes, and live ones + Penguin = flaming piles of flesh, quickly. The Penguin is a beautiful piece and would work awesomely in such a situation - I feel, anyway.

Edit: major brain lapse, the Penguin is anti-ship, not the anti-runway one I was thinking of.
Well, no....isn't that what it has always been, and still is?

Don't you feel like skid grease, nothing more, at work? I do. :)
Honestly, I didn't. I had the good fortune to have a skilled, specialized position, and I knew my skills were marketable.
Now, in this long twilight post-career, I wouldn't mind greasing the odd skid or two. cn
Well, no....isn't that what it has always been, and still is?

Don't you feel like skid grease, nothing more, at work? I do. :)

I wouldn't say feel like skid grease, as much as smelling like a skid mark.. a good portion of my telephony career pre-military was doing fiber optic/ dark fiber splicing and repair in underground vaults that branched off of manholes / sewers.
Honestly, I didn't. I had the good fortune to have a skilled, specialized position, and I knew my skills were marketable.
Now, in this long twilight post-career, I wouldn't mind greasing the odd skid or two. cn

Ah. I just had the last batch of 10Ks of stock options, expire worthless. I never made a dime.

Maybe that is the true skid grease?
I wouldn't say feel like skid grease, as much as smelling like a skid mark.. a good portion of my telephony career pre-military was doing fiber optic/ dark fiber splicing and repair in underground vaults that branched off of manholes / sewers.

When I finally move up into the air conditioned, security locked Server Rooms, that was nice. But better is being a Manager. I have not seem the inside of a Server Room for many years.
When I finally move up into the air conditioned, securtiy locked Server Rooms, that was nice. But better is being a Manager. I have not seem the inside of a Server Room for many year.

hahahaha, no kidding.. normal datacenter racks are a pain to work with, especially when others touch your crap that work with you.. and like to add stupid stickers to everything to label it. If you don't know how the rack should be wired / patched, you shouldn't be anywhere near it. BOFH kicks in at that point.. and is why we have the LART. Homebrew version of the LART for use on the wife:

hahahaha, no kidding.. normal datacenter racks are a pain to work with, especially when others touch your crap that work with you.. and like to add stupid stickers to everything to label it. If you don't know how the rack should be wired / patched, you shouldn't be anywhere near it. BOFH kicks in at that point.. and is why we have the LART. Homebrew version of the LART for use on the wife:


OMG that is sexy. Can you imagine hard drives on the end of that whip. Oh yea, gigs of pleasure. :wink:
Last night in my A+ class, my professor had us do a lab after our exam, and it was installing an extra hard drive using the ATA cable, and then creating and extending new partitions onto a windows 7 platform. Gave me the pc to work on, and bios wasn't detecting the drive in location 0. I think he does this shit to me on purpose because he already knows I'm in the field. Damn jackass. To top it off, I am always the only one doing the work while the other students look over my shoulder asking questions. I cant wait to graduate.

Sorry, end of rant.
Make sure your AVG is up to date.

A virus could turn that hard drive about as useful as a floppy when trying to get in-her-nets.