North Korea

I saw Kim moved a missile today.
Reminded me of this clip.

hahahaha...would love to see Un get lit up by a drone, then write a public letter to China saying "Thank you in your advanced stage development of our UAV that allowed us to kill your ally."

No, I saying what that sounded like to me. CIA disinformation heralding. It is something I borrowed from a Pasthun friend. He told me when the US says anything, all that the Paks hear is CIADRONESCIACIADRONESCIA

We were talking about the days after Benghazi.

The US only give one promise. The the promise of devastation for above, couched in a odd tone of neutrality. Yet all Anon knows is in the Western press. So, they know nothing but CIA disimformation. So what Anon says to N. Korea, seems to me is.

I saw Kim moved a missile today.
Reminded me of this clip.


This just in, Kim Jong himself is about to personally launch the first missile!!!
Well, their first missile was the Nodong. 1000mi range. Not enough to count as any dong at all. Oh, goody, the Farsi designations, as well. It's that old make vs buy decision....

A good BM every day is better than a bad BM up the ass.....surely.

So who would China and Russia side with if North Korea launched a missile at South Korea and the United States declared war?
So who would China and Russia side with if North Korea launched a missile at South Korea and the United States declared war?

China would break off all ties to N.Korea due to Syria, Turkey, and Iran getting dragged into it is my guess, and want to sit neutral unless threatened.. they would not jeopardize their market with us by toasting us - given the amount of lead paint we allow them to sell yearly. Russian states et al would just look for a reason to launch anything, at anyone who's being hostile. They've had the same regime in place for many years, and are just like Iran.. the difference is that they know that if they jack with the US, they'll get fucked up fiercely and we can easily turn sandboxes into glass parking lots.

My .02
Well, their first missile was the Nodong. 1000mi range. Not enough to count as any dong at all. Oh, goody, the Farsi designations, as well. It's that old make vs buy decision....

A good BM every day is better than a bad BM up the ass.....surely.


Most certainly Farsi, and most certainly upgraded since then..with another stage, and multiple warhead capability - here's an updated pic:

So who would China and Russia side with if North Korea launched a missile at South Korea and the United States declared war?

The simple days are long gone. These things happen at some point. N sinks a boat, S sinks a boat. N shells a village, S waits to see. S gets a new Pres. USA gets a new Pres.

For what purpose, at all, would N send a missile to S? This could start as an artillery duel or a gun boat fight. But, a tactical missile strike to begin is out the question and won't strike anything. The Patriots will see to that.

And I guarantee you, no matter what happens the US will not be declaring war. That gives too much power to Congress, don' cha' know?

So, how about a real scenario? Lil' Kim mis-calculates. Or maybe he didn't. Like we are harping to ourselves, he figures a show of force is what the USA needs. So, what can he serve up that would be powerful but perhaps something he can get away with?

He launches a weapon at Guam knowing we will intercept it with THAAD as it re-enters high up in the stratosphere. He can never hit Guam. But, the weapon is an EMP. We were afraid of that. Electro Magnetic Pulse. It fries anything with thin copper deposits on fiberglass motherboard and their daughters. Anything up to your toaster wires will be toast.

It's triggered by the approaching interceptor. Nothing too special. Just a nuke with the beryllium shells designed a certain way to create the pulse as it detonates.

Guam Station, Guam Station....Come in Guam Station. All airplanes in flight, all ships at sea....Hissss...

So, a real question, why would the USA, then tell us what happened? No one was killed and they can still claim they shot down the missile. Has this already happened? Re-entry EMP pulse tests, I mean. Why would they tell us?

What if WE just got a US territory Pulsed as a warning, and we didn't have to know?

(We would find out eventually like the Kennedy screw up in Cuba.)
Lil kim says we're fucked this shit is too funny.

a mix of retarded judo

sprinkle some machine gun pistol

conclusion america is fucked.
[video=youtube;ZOIH16qsRiE] sHp2ExBz261Eg[/video]
Lil kim says we're fucked this shit is too funny.

a mix of retarded judo

sprinkle some machine gun pistol

conclusion america is fucked.

hahahaha @ retarded judo - US troops would utilize wrist control from the start, and the N.Korean WWF wrestling revolution would come swiftly to an end.
Yeah,it is a very different Judo when the opponent fights back. But, these are some tough and toughing creatures that can take that over shoulder slam onto the ground. He is just riding it straight down into the horizontal wall there.

Everyone who has Judo or Aikedo dreads this part, at first. But, there is nothing more overall toughing than to be thrown hard like a sack from various angles and then jump back up and do it again....and again.... :) If you watch close the thrower on the left, also throws himself afterwards. Tough creatures.

It has stayed with me. Even now, I practice the jumping back up part. Try it?
This won't be a fear mongering thread, I'm just going to keep it updated with info as things progress. Feel free to discuss. Don't pay much attention to what sources I pull from, I simply google North korea updates and click on the articles that focus on facts rather than bias remarks about the situation.First is last weeks threat to bomb the us after we put more sanctions after they tested the nukes and launched that rocket.article-wouldn't watch the video unless you want to actually see fox news, gives a small amount of extra info but it's fox news lolHere are the two most recent updates on our millitary drill in south korea, and then North korea's responseOur drillsThe responseCurrently it seems like a high tension situation, but mostly a lot of empty threats and steam blowing. It will be interesting what N. korea's next move will be especially regarding south korea
as far as im concerned the only drills the u.s. should be conducting in s. korea is in regards to how quickly our troops can get evacuated FROM s. korea. defending against a million man incursion across the border is an excercise in idiocy and a total disregard for american lives. leave any artillery and munitions for the south to use in its own defense and trust guam based patriot batteries to defend the region against any missile attacks. i just really dont believe the troops that are already there are enough to matter and imo i dont believe the u.s. is prepared to (or should) commit enough resources to re-fight a conflict we walked away from 50+ yrs ago.
It's working so far.
you must be joking. either that or i just plain missed it when (since the end of the korean conflict at least) a million screaming n. koreans came swarming through the dmz. am i the only one who missed that shit? btw does anyone know the actual number of u.s. troops that are stationed in s. korea currently?
you must be joking. either that or i just plain missed it when (since the end of the korean conflict at least) a million screaming n. koreans came swarming through the dmz. am i the only one who missed that shit? btw does anyone know the actual number of u.s. troops that are stationed in s. korea currently?

Kunsan is stacked, and has F22s and has nuke-capable stealth ready to scramble. Shit hits the fan, and N.Korea's capital is a 3 minute supersonic flight away - I think Un has been playing too much Civ V.
Kunsan is stacked, and has F22s and has nuke-capable stealth ready to scramble. Shit hits the fan, and N.Korea's capital is a 3 minute supersonic flight away - I think Un has been playing too much Civ V.

Lol, Im playing Civ 4 right now.