New Member
Ummmmmmm......the government does subsidize food in the US. So, in essence, they already DO control the food supply.
Ahhh, yes ... thanks to the farm lobby, taxpayer's money is used to prop up prices, that's for sure. But the government hasn't taken over the farms, and bureaucrats don't drive the combines and tractors.
Using the same logic as the proponents of socialized health care, how can we trust the private market to order the right amount of string beans and peas?
Wouldn't string beans and peas be a lot cheaper if we took the profit out of the equation and just turned the supermarkets over to government to run?
Wouldn't it be far more efficient if we eliminated choices? I mean, look at the gross, capitalistic excess we witness every time we visit the super market ... ten brands of toilet paper, seven brands of bacon, six brands of sweet relish, thirty brands of cereal.
If we reduce everything down to one brand of foodstuffs, like the government addicts want to do with health care, wouldn't we be much better off?
If not better off with government run food, why better off with government run health care?