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Britian's system is going broke.....better?
The US sells drugs to all countries that want them, making the market much larger than local, although for some unknown reason, (Greed), they charge less to foriegners, and charge us for all their R&D and advertising. BTW, we've seen how well de-regulation works, like the subprime and wall street, bankers etc.Daniele Capezzone: Policymakers should "confront [Europe's] backward health care systems and unleash the powers of medical research" to provide new preventive and lifesaving medicines to people across the nations, Capezzone, president of the productivity committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, writes in a Journal opinion piece. Capezzone writes that the U.S. spends about 78% of global biotechnology research funds, whereas Europe spends about 16%, which gives U.S. residents better access to new treatments. Access to preventive medicines not only saves lives, but it also saves money, Capezzone writes. Capezzone concludes that European countries should start by "expanding drug budgets" and should "deregulate the pharmaceutical industry," as well as give "medical researchers tax incentives to slow the brain drain to the U.S."
CJ says:
I certainly did not say that. It is the responsibility of the citizen to maintain insurance if they CHOOSE to carry it, no one else. Life is and cannot be guaranteed, and neither can health. You can't pass a regulation for a healthy life. You can't scrap a system which works so well for the vast majority of the population because of the small minority of sad stories. There will always be sad stories. There are tons of those stories taking place every day in NHS systems.....but those don't seem to bother you.
What about the 50 million+ with no insurance and no money to buy it? What about all those with pre-existing diseases that are exempted from most insurance carriers and even if they find one, they cannot afford the premiums? What about people being kicked off their insurance for "over using" it? What about all the bankruptcies that the medical system causes?The horrer stories associated with the American medical system are too numerous to list, but you say it is not broken, I think what you mean, it's not broken for you and screw everyone else. I hate to excercise my judgement of you CJ, just let me say you remind me of one of those souless middle managers that have been screwing over people their whole life and loving it.
There is no 50 million ppl without money to purchase insurance. that has been disproven over and over.... keep up.
Woo, in terms of cancer treatment I have already put up a rock hard chart that shows how much ahead the USA is on cancer treatment compared to the EU. It's enough to have me keep my citizenship if I vamoose out of here. One of the reasons is because of our better technology and opportunity to heal (more of everything in medical hardware and advancements). The USA outspends everyone in med technology. The EU cannot cover all the bases so it leaves the innovation up to us. So who do we leave the innovation up to? In the end the EU loses if the USA goes with the govt. scheme.s
Let me try. private: can choose. uh two you can choose, uh three you can choose. that's thr pro, I'll hold myself back and only list three cons. 1. way too expensive to the individual can be kicked out for any reason. 3.pre-existinjg conditions are generally exempt from coverage and you may be banned from coverage altogether.Cracker, give me 3 pros/cons with national healthcare and 3 pros/cons with private healthcare.
If you don't mind.
Let me try. private: can choose. uh two you can choose, uh three you can choose. that's thr pro, I'll hold myself back and only list three cons. 1. way too expensive to the individual can be kicked out for any reason. 3.pre-existinjg conditions are generally exempt from coverage and you may be banned from coverage altogether.
public: pro, 1. no cost when being treated 2.everyone is covered for everything. 3. Much less expensive per person when one figures in premiums and out of pocket expenses with private plans.
Cons.................... Uh, I'm stumped. I think one has to be on the far right or employed by the current health care system to find fault with a single payer plan. Like government take over, I guess let the killing begin.
I'll leave it at this, if we continue to give the government this much power and control over our lives, what happens when your party is no longer in control. What then? You aren't just giving this administration the power, you are also giving more power to the people you detest the most. When the worm turns, and it always does, the control doesn't go away, the power doesn't wither away just because a Republican sits in the Oval office and the Senate/Congress is run by the other party. The power you grant this government now, will most certainly be used against you or to do that which you find to be most distasteful later.
your chart was a comparison between EUROPE and America over 7 years ago, I have already pointed out that there are many small countries in Europe that have awful health care so a direct comparison is pointless, also Verdacchia is a hypertension expert not a cancer expert so maybe in his book he is a little bias and trying to prove a point. Ring any bells?There is no 50 million ppl without money to purchase insurance. that has been disproven over and over.... keep up.
Woo, in terms of cancer treatment I have already put up a rock hard chart that shows how much ahead the USA is on cancer treatment compared to the EU. It's enough to have me keep my citizenship if I vamoose out of here. One of the reasons is because of our better technology and opportunity to heal (more of everything in medical hardware and advancements). The USA outspends everyone in med technology. The EU cannot cover all the bases so it leaves the innovation up to us. So who do we leave the innovation up to? In the end the EU loses if the USA goes with the govt. scheme.s
By the way, Congress has already written into the bill ..... that they are EXEMPT from the health care bill.
No tip off yet? Slow learners..... hooboy.
I'm no Constitutional Scholar. Nor do I have more degrees than a thermometer. But where in this 'antiquated document' does it state 'majority rules?'
In fact, I have my copy sitting right here. Could you please inform me anywhere in the Constitution where the word 'Democracy' is mentioned at all?
Article and section, please.