Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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It’s so good to know that things don’t “disappear” over the horizon since there is None.
“Flat Earthers” and “Snake Handlers” groups might have some member overlap.

Water seeks it’s own level so the Earth is flat, OK.
Never argue with an idiot; he'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. -Sam Clements, aka Mark Twain

You're too stupid to understand that GPS refutes everything you've said.
GPS triangulates your position with terrestrial based cell phone towers. Your GPS will NOT work in the deep southern hemisphere because it consist of mostly ocean. I believe in provable "true" science not the modern fad pseudo-science based upon fanciful theories and false assumptions. I destroy your science fiction with true science here on a regular basis. I'm sure you would bite the bubbles of Steven Spielberg's farts for giving you a lifetime of sci-fi fantasy. Weirdo. :o
It’s so good to know that things don’t “disappear” over the horizon since there is None.
“Flat Earthers” and “Snake Handlers” groups might have some member overlap.

Water seeks it’s own level so the Earth is flat, OK.
Water is used as a tool for making structures level. You believe the oceans curve into a ball? :dunce: Is ancient sun worship a bizarre cult? Of course it is. So why do you partake in it? Globe earth, gravity, satellites and space walks are fake news you imbecile.
Water is used as a tool for making structures level. You believe the oceans curve into a ball? :dunce: Is ancient sun worship a bizarre cult? Of course it is. So why do you partake in it? Globe earth, gravity, satellites and space walks are fake news you imbecile.
Amen Brother! The globe earth is nothing but a prison built of lies. Lies that conceal the truth about our very existence. We are either an insignifigant speck in a vast sea of nothingness or we were created in the image of God with everything rotating about us. Until my eyes and common sense start to deceive me, I'll believe that later.
Water is used as a tool for making structures level. You believe the oceans curve into a ball? :dunce: Is ancient sun worship a bizarre cult? Of course it is. So why do you partake in it? Globe earth, gravity, satellites and space walks are fake news you imbecile.

The Drop GIF
The science of Heliocentrism = Sun Worship.

I don't get it.
So you're implying the sun isn't important in regards to the existence of life as we know it?
Or that our planet doesn't orbit the sun?

Apologies but I'm not quoting you any further either. You flat earthers are too much.
Apollo and Helios were brothers in Greek mythology. Helios was the sun God. The Heliocentric theory and Apollo moon missions. Sick huh?:spew:The sun circles above the earth. Crepuscular sun rays that angle through the clouds prove it is very close to earth not 93 million miles away. The closer you get to the equator the more intense the sun because you ARE closer to the sun.
It’s not only that they’re dumb. It’s also a great demonstration of the power of their OCD. They hold this impossible concept, and then use others with the same OCD to corroborate this impossible concept.

Facts and logic don’t matter, as they only cause a slight panic in the OCD mind. The mind that’s trying at all costs to protect the impossible concept. They will refute facts, science, and logic to protect the impossible concept.
It’s so good to know that things don’t “disappear” over the horizon since there is None.
“Flat Earthers” and “Snake Handlers” groups might have some member overlap.

Water seeks it’s own level so the Earth is flat, OK.
Disappear to the naked eye yes but I can take my trusty telescope and bring the entire ship back into view. Better yet, long range infrared photography has taken pictures of mountain ranges at distances of 5,000 miles. So where is this curvature? The dumb down masses never cease to amaze me with their ignorance.
It’s not only that they’re dumb. It’s also a great demonstration of the power of their OCD. They hold this impossible concept, and then use others with the same OCD to corroborate this impossible concept.

Facts and logic don’t matter, as they only cause a slight panic in the OCD mind. The mind that’s trying at all costs to protect the impossible concept. They will refute facts, science, and logic to protect the impossible concept.
YOU are the one refuting science, facts and logic. Talking about impossible did you make standing water curve yet? How about the fake lunar module liftoff? No comments? Didn't think so. You might be eat up with DKS but meds won't help. DKS= Don't know shit. :D
Gravity can't be measured, identified or proven. How does a helium balloon escape your almighty gravity? Simply because of density, as goes with all objects of the earths realm. Just so you know. G-force is a measurement of acceleration and has nothing to do with your cherished doctrine gravity. Once again gravity is only a theory.
Disappear to the naked eye yes but I can take my trusty telescope and bring the entire ship back into view. Better yet, long range infrared photography has taken pictures of mountain ranges at distances of 5,000 miles.

That’s complete bullshit you amazingly dim witted buffoon
Fuck it. Lets just post real time photos and proof of the sun's actual location.

Looking south at Pearl Harbor, I got the Sun slightly south & to my left. (Googly sky in lanscape, same orientation as the portrait photo).

This would prove how fucked up our seasons would have to be on flat earth.

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