Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Venus is a star in the firmament that is ALWAYS visible. Any expert astronomer who is truthful will tell you outer space does not exist. If you truly know astronomy then you know there is no outer space. The stars move as one mass concentric with Polaris which is stationary and fixed above the north pole. There is no parallax between the stars. If they are at varying distances then their position would change relative to each other. Once you comprehend this you will know the heliocentric theory of a solar system is impossible. The cosmos are locked into a cycle of precise repetitive motion. Just like a clock we use them to count days, months, years and to mark the season change via the meteor showers.
Can you show any peer-reviewed references for even one of these assertions?
Once again, simply stating that gravity is a scientific theory does not devalue the value of its acceptance, implementation, observation, and measurement. In fact, the theory of gravity has millions and millions of supporters the world over again. Your "theory" is failing to take flight in a stoner forum. Well done champ.

You should learn the basic tenants of most sciences accepted around the world. Earth Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, maybe get fancy and pick up some Bio-Chemistry or Organic Chemistry. At any rate, the basics of science. If you wish to make sound arguments in science ( also known as the science of argumentation just in case your mind is wondering) you have to speak the language.

"G-force" is NOT a MEASUREMENT

Acceleration is the rate of change of the velocity of an object with respect to time. Accelerations are vector quantities. Acceleration is the CAPACITY to gain speed.

I may be mistaken, but you should touch on some of this type of coursework in your freshmen year of junior college....depending on how bad you place during your placement exams.
the organic chemistry section cheers loudly
Can you show any peer-reviewed references for even one of these assertions?
Are you familiar with time lapse video? Polaris has been filmed at night with video over several hours. From this you can see the star trails which make perfect circles around Polaris. This is not new science BTW this has been known for many years.
Get off your lazy ass and do some truth seeking. BOOKS: Terra Firma, Zetetic Astronomy, 100 proofs the earth not a globe, Greatest Lie on Earth. I'm sure you tube has the video. Three of these books were written over a 100 years ago when there was more truth and less BS.
Get off your lazy ass and do some truth seeking. BOOKS: Terra Firma, Zetetic Astronomy, 100 proofs the earth not a globe, Greatest Lie on Earth. I'm sure you tube has the video. Three of these books were written over a 100 years ago when there was more truth and less BS.
-emphasis- peer-reviewed -/emphasis-
Translation: A government approved voice or propagandist. So NASA, Bill Nye the science guy or Neil D. Tyson must give their approval or it's not true? Aren't you a bright one?
No. Simply someone vetted by the scientific community, not necessarily the media-minded mediators you name.
A book or internet video is inadmissible. There is no filtering mechanism for charismatic charlatans.
Peer review is the one legitimate bulwark that we have against your sort of “just so stories”.
No. Simply someone vetted by the scientific community, not necessarily the media-minded mediators you name.
A book or internet video is inadmissible. There is no filtering mechanism for charismatic charlatans.
Peer review is the one legitimate bulwark that we have against your sort of “just so stories”.
Go watch NASA's lunar module take off and comment on that first.
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