Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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No, you didn't answer my question. You said to draw a circle on a map. That's "circling", which would require an airplane to cross through every single bearing. I want you to explain how a plane can take off, head in a single bearing, and arrive back at it's original position without deviating from that bearing.
Due west by strictly following the path of the sun because it sets in the west it will simply make a circle above a flat extended plane. MATH DOES NOT LIE THE EARTH IS FLAT.
All these little round things which are easily visually observed through proper optics, circling somewhere nearby in the Firmament above the north pole of a big and very important flat Earth.
In your alternate reality where 2 + 2 = Purple, I suppose that may be true.
The oceans are flat this can be proven by math among other ways. Plane Trigonometry is used for oceanic navigation. This maybe too advanced for you to understand but I did my best.
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