Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Drop below horizon due to the earth's supposed curvature.

10 miles 66 feet.
20 miles 266 feet.
50 miles 1,666 feet.
70 miles 3,266 feet.
100 miles 1.26 miles
The lighthouses of the earth also tell a story.


The Light on Cape Bonavista, Newfoundland is 150 feet above high water, and is visible 35 statute miles out at sea. These figures will give, on calculating for the earth's rotundity, 491 feet as the distance it should be sunk below the sea horizon.

AGAIN Naval submarines uses periscopes to see great distances because the oceans are flat.

Math does not lie.
Drop below horizon due to the earth's supposed curvature.

10 miles 66 feet.
20 miles 266 feet.
50 miles 1,666 feet.
70 miles 3,266 feet.
100 miles 1.26 miles
The lighthouses of the earth also tell a story.


The Light on Cape Bonavista, Newfoundland is 150 feet above high water, and is visible 35 statute miles out at sea. These figures will give, on calculating for the earth's rotundity, 491 feet as the distance it should be sunk below the sea horizon.

AGAIN Naval submarines uses periscopes to see great distances because the oceans are flat.

Math does not lie.
Math can't lie because it's incapable of thought. ;-)
Seriously, take your meds.
AGAIN Naval submarines uses periscopes to see great distances

No, they don't. They use periscopes to see to the horizon, relative to the height of the periscope itself. They use radar, sonar and other techniques to produce a visual image of targets that are beyond the horizon (what do you know... they also use satellites!), and once in range, the periscope can be used to literally see the target.
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No, they don't. They use periscopes to see to the horizon, relative to the height of the periscope itself. They use radar, sonar and other techniques to produce a visual image of targets that are beyond the horizon (what do you know... they also use satellites!), and once in range, the periscope can be used to literally see the target.
LMAO. I see you suuuuuuuuuure know Naval battle tactics. :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: ..and how to give away your poz LMAO !!!!
No, they don't. They use periscopes to see to the horizon, relative to the height of the periscope itself. They use radar, sonar and other techniques to produce a visual image of targets that are beyond the horizon (what do you know... they also use satellites!), and once in range, the periscope can be used to literally see the target.
We had a post sometime ago maybe in this thread or one of the other 2 that got deleted. A radar engineer on stackexchange answered. He contradicted all of the radar babble you see up there.

It got ignored.. :-)

Wait till he starts with the atmospheres and satellite melting heat up there.

Wait for the Allen Vikings that hang around in a hole under Antarctica shooting Navy ships with lasers 60 years ago.
LMAO. I see you suuuuuuuuuure know Naval battle tactics. :dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce::dunce: ..and how to give away your poz LMAO !!!!

I never once used the word battle, and nice job trying to weasel out of and deflect after another situation which caught you dead wrong. Again.

The term "target" is used in multiple contexts. A ship lost at sea that the navy is trying to locate would be considered a target. eg. "The target vessel has been located and identified".
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This is the genius from post #1 of this thread.

Wait a minute... hold the fucking phone!!!

"He eventually hoped to develop a rocket that would launch him 62 miles in the air to where the Earth's atmosphere meets outer space"

Outer space!?!

But what about the dome? I thought there was no "outer space"! 62 miles up... is that high enough to see over the Ice Wall for an edge?
Sooo, according to what I've picked up here. He was gonna smash into the dome or burn alive when he hit the upper atmospheres anyway.

Sorry he deaded over dumb sheet but man.

He should of rented some rocket time from one of the fake space agency's that use real parachutes.
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