I answered with density and buoyancy.This guy denounces gravity and is not even a flat earther.
High density objects displace density more efficiently and therefore faster than a less dense object. The fact that more density equals more weight is of consequence. This should answer all your question in regards to this matter....... We will continue your education soon.
General relativity?I answered with density and buoyancy.This guy denounces gravity and is not even a flat earther.
Air has very little density. The higher you get into the atmosphere air becomes less dense as oxygen gives way to less dense hydrogen and other less dense gases. This is referred to as the process of density displacement. Liquids of varying degrees of density can be added to a flask. Results: The more dense liquids will settle to the bottom. The least dense will rise to the top. Gravity must have order and be a equal force if it is to be measured as you claim it can be. Gravity can not act randomly and indiscriminately with different levels of strength on different objects as you claim it does. I say you because you subscribe to the heliocentric theory of the solar system which is an impossibility in regards to Polaris. Gravity is a made up word to push an outer space agenda. Besides after seeing that poorly faked video of the lunar module liftoff, how in the hell you could still trust NASA is beyond me.Still no answer. What force is present that dictates why "down" and "fall" are toward the earth?
Due to [insert name of force here], objects of heavier weight fall faster than a lighter one. Therefore, without [insert name of force here], all objects, regardless of weight, would remain stationary in space, and would not be pulled in any direction.
Gravity can not act randomly and indiscriminately with different levels of strength on different objects as you claim it does.
Ya can’t argue with a true campaignerI didn't claim that. You have, and all I did is ask you what the force is that causes it. You STILL haven't answered what makes things fall toward the earth. Why do they fall "down"?
If there isn't a force or law that dictates that heavier objects fall or sink to the "bottom" as you put it, how do the objects know to fall down?
Unfortunately, because of the Ice Wall that you claim, we can't get to the edge of the earth to throw something off to see if it'll fall away from
the earth, or back towards it. Convenient for you, that Ice Wall, huh?
Would the 5,000' that Mike was going for gotten him over the Ice Wall?
Ya can’t argue with a true campaigner
I am amused by the whole “watch this vid” attitude. I come from a generation where the criterion was “peer-reviewed link or beat it kid”.Nope. They can't even answer the questions against their theories, but they steadfastly stand by what they believe anyways, despite overwhelming contradictory facts and evidence completely surrounding them. LOL
Paraphrasing Neo from The Matrix, "There is no Ice Wall".
I am amused by the whole “watch this vid” attitude. I come from a generation where the criterion was “peer-reviewed link or beat it kid”.
Its because you cant comprehend density displacement and how it works. Things rise and fall on the earth due to density displacement. Simple as that.I didn't claim that. You have, and all I did is ask you what the force is that causes it. You STILL haven't answered what makes things fall toward the earth. Why do they fall "down"?
If there isn't a force or law that dictates that heavier objects fall or sink to the "bottom" as you put it, how do the objects know to fall down?
Unfortunately, because of the Ice Wall that you claim, we can't get to the edge of the earth to throw something off to see if it'll fall away from the earth, or back towards it. Convenient for you, that Ice Wall, huh?
Would the 5,000' that Mike was going for gotten him over the Ice Wall?
Its because you cant comprehend density displacement and how it works. Things rise and fall on the earth due to density displacement. Simple as that.Which gas would rise to the top of the atmosphere quicker? Helium or Hydrogen gas? It also appears I know more about what you have been indoctrinated with than you do. LOL !!!
Its because you cant comprehend density displacement and how it works. Things rise and fall on the earth due to density displacement. Simple as that.Which gas would rise to the top of the atmosphere quicker? Helium or Hydrogen gas? It also appears I know more about what you have been indoctrinated with than you do. LOL !!!
What type of gas holds up your plane in the middle of the framework?
A flat gasWhat type of gas holds up your plane in the middle of the framework?
A bit of reading and you’ll figure out who is on the levelShit just coming into this.... Idk who's a flat earther or not...
Everyone on this thread is a re re