No its frozen electromagnetic plasma that is electromagnetically levitated.

I have a old Nikola Tesla autobiography in a hard back cover dated from 1919. I got it from a collector in New York about 30 years ago. Some mind blowing stuff in this book. He could tap into the electromagnetic fields that dominate the earth and the firmament and produce wireless energy. He did a lot of experiments and studied the firmament in the Colorado mountains at Pike's Peak near Colorado Springs. In 1900 he declared he could deliver wireless energy to anywhere on the planet. In 1904 his Colorado lab was torn down. Whats up with that? Of course you won't find anything on Sir Isaac Newton. All his works were bought up by Jewish collectors and are under lock and key in Jerusalem because they are falsehoods based on Jewish mysticism from the Kabbalah. A Zionist named Albert Einstein was a big fan of Newton BTW. Real talk.
@Rrog Youtube has the ISS and all kinds of other NASA propaganda. I thought you loved NASA. Study the video. You can see a cable connector suspended above the toy module on the left side. At 10 seconds you can see the light reflecting on the cable.