Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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READ THE BOOK ! Stop insulting you will get a warning from the mod. :cool: I got a warning for calling you a booger eating moron. LMAO bongsmilie Insane? You are the one who wishes death on people who don't believe in main stream pseudo-science propaganda. You might want to look into changing strains are maybe just smokin more herb. :leaf:
Are you just some wind up merchant? No gravity? Smh
it works every time
Tesla is very often misquoted by flat earthers. It is very, very apparent and clear that Tesla did not believe in a flat earth at all. The "firmament" quote that is most often misquoted was a metaphor. It's typically taken way out of context, and even more often, it's edited and modified from its original text.

Tesla, who used the word "globe" to describe the earth repeatedly, consistently and reliably says everything.

"Globe" is very clear. It isn't "disk with a dome on top".

Just another deflection, using false information.

And what about this ice wall around the planet that can't be gotten over. 35,000'? 40,000'? No aircraft can get over it? Why don't we hear about planes crashing into this "firmament", or ice wall, ever?
:dunce: The Antarctic ice wall ranges from 100 to 200 feet high. IDK where you get 40,000. That's what makes you stupid doesn't it? A infinite plane I can get on board with but never a infinite outer space which is DAF. Globetard.
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:dunce: The Antarctic ice wall ranges from 100 to 200 feet high. IDK where you get 40,000. That's what makes you stupid doesn't it? A infinite plane I get on board with but never a infinite outer space which is DAF. Globetard.

100-200 feet high, but it can't be traversed to see if there's an edge to the disk? LMFAO. Why didn't Mike just be happy with 200' of height to validate the flat earth? I mean, all he had to do was see over the Ice Wall, no?
100-200 feet high, but it can't be traversed to see if there's an edge to the disk? LMFAO. Why didn't Mike just be happy with 200' of height to validate the flat earth? I mean, all he had to do was see over the Ice Wall, no?
Operation High Jump, Operation Deep Freeze. I doubt you ever heard of these huge Naval expeditions. Google images of Antarctic ice wall imbecile.
How many moons on the belly side of this plane? and how far wiil they drop before they hit the ultimate densest bottom?
You sound like you know all about the ocean floor there Mr. Wizard. If it had fathomless depths would you know it? You only know what you have been indoctrinated with.
Operation High Jump, Operation Deep Freeze. I doubt you ever heard of these huge Naval expeditions. Google images of Antarctic ice wall imbecile.

Name calling, you must really be feeling trapped and angry!

I have no need to search for anything you say. Anyone who says that the earth may be infinite and talks about an insurmountable wall of only 100-200' doesn't even come close to being able to recommend research topics to me.
You sound like you know all about the ocean floor there Mr. Wizard. If it had fathomless depths would you know it? You only know what you have been indoctrinated with.

You really ought to go back through every single one of your posts on this thread, put all of your claims in point form, then read over it to see how much of an imbecile you've literally proven yourself to be.
Isn’t it the truest definition of ironic that this blithering idiot has the gall to call someone else stupid...
LOL bongsmilieYou are the one who believes in obviously phony NASA moon missions. You are the one who believes the oceans curve into a ball. :roll: You are seriously lacking in the physics and math department. Plane trigonometry proves the oceans are flat and so does physics. Globetard. :dunce:
You really ought to go back through every single one of your posts on this thread, put all of your claims in point form, then read over it to see how much of an imbecile you've literally proven yourself to be.
Get a gallon of water and make it flow uphill or curve into a ball. If you can I will admit you are way smarter than me. If you fail you must admit the earth is flat. :lol:
:bigjoint:The earth was established on the great floods by the creator you fudge packer. :lol:

Oh, you're one of those people. I understand everything now! So you denounce gravity, a spherical earth (even though you've called it a globe!) and reality, but you believe in a deity that magically created the universe.


I've had enough fun exposing you as a delusional retard. Have a nice life.
Get a gallon of water and make it flow uphill
Wow LoL. If we use your magical theories on density and buoyancy we can use a periscope to bounce radar off the ionosphere and make the plane by 66.6° more and reverse that sheet. I saw a YouTube video to prove it true.

Long azz sentence :-)
1.The atheist globe requires the great rivers of the earth to flow over the rotundity of your ball earth provided to you by NASA. One word gradient.
2. Density and buoyancy. Gravity is a idiotic THEORY rooted in ancient Jewish mysticism.
3. Oceans curving into a ball is a gross violation of the most basic LAWS of physics.
4. Antarctica was mapped out as a circumference in the 1800's
5. Plane trigonometry was used for oceanic navigation for 100's of years. I guess math is a big fat liar? LOL

Work the puzzle Globetards. bongsmilie
Who wants to see the NASA video again with the the old school special effects? LOL. The crap you tards manage to convince yourself of is mind boggling. It irritates you dorks because I destroy the outer space, sci-fi baloney you have come to love. You moronically use a flimsy theory to dismiss strict laws of physics in regards to the behavior of water. Incompetent mouth breathers in a science and tech forum. WTF?
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