Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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Retarded Gorilla is well and truly cooked, there's no getting through to him, He will just ignore anything you show to prove a global earth and spin some shit about water going uphill and NASA faking some videos.
We're up to page 169 or 170 and he still wont listen. This thread is pointless until retarded gorilla builds a rocket ship and proves the worlds flat.
So go on retarded gorilla build a rocket ship and prove to us the world is flat! Darwin awards are well worth it!

Or you could just go to the south pole next year, its probably too cold now until next year.Or you could just buy a round the world air ticket
and see for yourself.

Actually you've convinced me the world is flat i might start having odd beliefs and just ignore everything that proves me wrong, anyone who shows me evidence and come up with crazy theories too. What harm can i do? Besides getting a name as a moron, i dont see any downsides.
I could be out there thinking of new alternatives to plastics or maybe even anything to improve life on earth but i wont im gonna sit right here and claim the earth is flat, there isnt any evidence of whats past the ice wall of Antarctica and no proof the earth is flat but im with you there buddy
this is going to be a mission.
WTF ever dude. You guys should take up a collection and pay the Professor of Flat Earth for his services. Rrog you too, kick in bish. Grandpappy you don't have to put in you prolly on food stamps. Stealthstyle and cantgetrightH20 chip in. Hillbill you flunked with a F minus I want you to restart at page 1. Cx3po or whatever your name is ante up. The Professor of Flat Earth is going to Ontario see you in August.
WTF ever dude. You guys should take up a collection and pay the Professor of Flat Earth for his services. Rrog you too, kick in bish. Grandpappy you don't have to put in you prolly on food stamps. Stealthstyle and cantgetrightH20 chip in. Hillbill you flunked with a F minus I want you to restart at page 1. Cx3po or whatever your name is ante up. The Professor of Flat Earth is going to Ontario see you in August.
Money has no value on a flat Earth. You betray yourself.
WTF ever dude. You guys should take up a collection and pay the Professor of Flat Earth for his services. Rrog you too, kick in bish. Grandpappy you don't have to put in you prolly on food stamps. Stealthstyle and cantgetrightH20 chip in. Hillbill you flunked with a F minus I want you to restart at page 1. Cx3po or whatever your name is ante up. The Professor of Flat Earth is going to Ontario see you in August.
I'm glad you remembered me. I missed you too.
Say my name again...

How about some more of your stolen movie quotes? I miss those.
Are your baby nuts sore yet from getting smashed everyday?
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