Nothing dumber than a flat earther

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These religious freaks feel they’re immune to the disease ... “I’m bathed in the blood of jesus”

no wonder we’re fucked as a species. These are the most gullible people among us
I’m pretty neutral on the whole thing because I will never be able to go in space to see it for myself. I don’t believe everything I see and read. You can provide all the information you want to support either side, if I can’t see it for myself, I’ll stay in the middle and not try to argue or prove something I haven’t seen with my own 2 eyes.
There isn’t any information remotely justifying a flat earth for shitsakes. You make it sound like there’s an even scale of data for both sides.

In the event that comment was aimed at me, I didn’t hint at anything specific in terms of information. I said without being able to see the earth from a birds eye view with MY OWN 2 EYES, I’ll remain neutral. Not sure how you drew that conclusion from what I said. I’m pretty sure if I agreed with the fact that the earth was round and not flat, this conversation would be completely different. But because I prefer to remain neutral, and not choose sides because I can’t physically prove either or, the line of division is drawn. And yes, there are some interesting things I’ve seen from a flat earth believers point of view, just as I’ve seen the same interesting things from the globe believers. Unfortunately, it’s not concrete on either side for ME, because as interesting and factual as those views may seem, I still can’t PHYSICALLY see their point of views from the outside looking in. Which is why I don’t believe everything I read.

We were all taught as children in grade school that the earth was round and a globe. Every class room had and has a globe. We learned locations on the earth from that same globe, and still do. But if we were all taught that the earth was flat, and not round, this argument/conversation would be the other way around, and yet, there’s still no proof because you or I will never be able to go in space and investigate the earth on our own. And this is why I remain neutral. It’s easier to be bias and believe what everyone else believes in fear of not being singled out or called stupid or idiotic because you believe in something different. The majority of people on earth believe in GOD, ask them to prove that he exist......
In the event that comment was aimed at me, I didn’t hint at anything specific in terms of information. I said without being able to see the earth from a birds eye view with MY OWN 2 EYES, I’ll remain neutral. Not sure how you drew that conclusion from what I said. I’m pretty sure if I agreed with the fact that the earth was round and not flat, this conversation would be completely different. But because I prefer to remain neutral, and not choose sides because I can’t physically prove either or, the line of division is drawn. And yes, there are some interesting things I’ve seen from a flat earth believers point of view, just as I’ve seen the same interesting things from the globe believers. Unfortunately, it’s not concrete on either side for ME, because as interesting and factual as those views may seem, I still can’t PHYSICALLY see their point of views from the outside looking in. Which is why I don’t believe everything I read.

We were all taught as children in grade school that the earth was round and a globe. Every class room had and has a globe. We learned locations on the earth from that same globe, and still do. But if we were all taught that the earth was flat, and not round, this argument/conversation would be the other way around, and yet, there’s still no proof because you or I will never be able to go in space and investigate the earth on our own. And this is why I remain neutral. It’s easier to be bias and believe what everyone else believes in fear of not being singled out or called stupid or idiotic because you believe in something different. The majority of people on earth believe in GOD, ask them to prove that he exist......

So, the air isn't dirty unless I can see the dirt?
In the event that comment was aimed at me, I didn’t hint at anything specific in terms of information. I said without being able to see the earth from a birds eye view with MY OWN 2 EYES, I’ll remain neutral. Not sure how you drew that conclusion from what I said. I’m pretty sure if I agreed with the fact that the earth was round and not flat, this conversation would be completely different. But because I prefer to remain neutral, and not choose sides because I can’t physically prove either or, the line of division is drawn. And yes, there are some interesting things I’ve seen from a flat earth believers point of view, just as I’ve seen the same interesting things from the globe believers. Unfortunately, it’s not concrete on either side for ME, because as interesting and factual as those views may seem, I still can’t PHYSICALLY see their point of views from the outside looking in. Which is why I don’t believe everything I read.

We were all taught as children in grade school that the earth was round and a globe. Every class room had and has a globe. We learned locations on the earth from that same globe, and still do. But if we were all taught that the earth was flat, and not round, this argument/conversation would be the other way around, and yet, there’s still no proof because you or I will never be able to go in space and investigate the earth on our own. And this is why I remain neutral. It’s easier to be bias and believe what everyone else believes in fear of not being singled out or called stupid or idiotic because you believe in something different. The majority of people on earth believe in GOD, ask them to prove that he exist......
So the millions of people having to keep this a secret for hundreds of years and never slipped up should be enough to say the earth is round. i could go on for hours but i dont think you need it.
You know what, you guys are right. You have provided me with all the proof and facts that the earth is round. Consider me a globe believer. You happy.....
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