That last pic... was that plant re-vegged?
The rounded leaves would generally be an indicator of that.
Nice Nug tho !

Sharpe eye there fishdeth yes it was a reveg a small clone i was flowering abit of an experiment i tryed to see how northernlights would reveg and id say id rather clone then reveg again. i must say it was quite slow compare to others which i have done this with
Well im sad to say the FRIDGE HAS BEEN REMOVED! And replaced with a 100x100x200cm grow tent unfortuntly there wasnt enough room to maintain the fridge in my sleepout and i also couldnt fit my second autopot unit to expand how many plant im running i also got a new 60cm wide shade and big extractor fan.i put my next two plants in so these last 2 should be done by around the 10-1-16.
The last pics are my veg box and cloneing propergator my next 6 clones
Heres this weeks pics20151105_175437.jpg20151105_175442.jpg
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Nice FROSTY lookin nugs !!!
I hate to see a fridge go.
I'll probably pass mine on to my boy when I'm done with it.
Nice FROSTY lookin nugs !!!
I hate to see a fridge go.
I'll probably pass mine on to my boy when I'm done with it.
Yeah the size those nugs are now is usualy how big mine were at the end of flower with running organics nutes but were alot tightly packed compared to synthetic but its still early days 3weeks left.yeah im gutted i dnt have the room for the fridge otherwise she would have been ideal for a veg fridge get sum real monsters going in there i might find sum where yet
Yeah the size those nugs are now is usualy how big mine were at the end of flower with running organics nutes but were alot tightly packed compared to synthetic but its still early days 3weeks left.yeah im gutted i dnt have the room for the fridge otherwise she would have been ideal for a veg fridge get sum real monsters going in there i might find sum where yet

What are the differences you've personally experienced between bud grown in synthetic/organic?
What are the differences you've personally experienced between bud grown in synthetic/organic?

Um so far the speed of growth is insane with synthetic they bulk up like mad but puffy where as with organic alot slower and smaller but very dence/tight looking expecialy to the touch.less tricomes on organic by the looks so far.i think the biggest gap between them will be taste my organic mix gave my buds BEAUTIFUL flavour no shitty taste no harsh cough and that was without flushing.still yet to judge the synthetic on that tho.the only thing i carryed over was my worm casting when i first pot them up.cost me about $150 a grow to do organic and about $70 to do synthetic lol but ill give you a bell on my finial thoughts aye hehe growing weed gets me so execited like a lil kid at xmas time lol expecaly ob harvest
Sorry fellas im back my s3 galaxiey phone died just before harvest so I never got a chance to get any pics before or during but the figures were 7oz wet and 57g dry so just on 2oz dry, that was for my revegd northern lights big bud clone.
Now as far as comparrision with organic vs synthetic id say my tricome production was higher alot more crystaly but the stone was more intense not as mellow alot more heady stone than body but on comparrision of how dence the synthetic was fluffy/puffy might be the better word to use,no change in taste still as smooth as a babies back side(I think its ether the strain that makes it so smooth) now on to the next plant......IMG_20151118_200958.jpg
This was just as they were getting baggd

Heres my other girl thats coming along nicely she'l be done 10-12-15 or there aboutsIMG_20151121_191527.jpg IMG_20151121_191553.jpg IMG_20151121_191608.jpg ,ive got two others up back they now have preflower heads theyl be ready around the 10-1-16IMG_20151121_191631.jpgIMG_20151121_191637.jpg ive got 1 other a week behind these two
IMG_20151121_191641.jpgHeres my straw berry and my chilly plants ive got in here two lookinf forward to themIMG_20151121_191655.jpg
I also have a new strain to add to my veg cabinit money maker from strain hunters I popped two seeds the other day 1 is doing really well the other is being mutantish .IMG_20151121_191813.jpg
My samsara holy grail is doing ok it seems to be yellowing slightly I might just be lack of nutes due to me only feeding he lightly


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Hope you all like this shit my tent is packing out quickly now
But just wait till you see how frosty those nugs are lol
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yeah, fucking a, that's huge. is this a hydro or soil grow?

Its abit of both im using 2 auto pot watering systems connected to a single reservoir my medium is coco coir and the honest truth id NEVER LOOK BACK and its soooo easy to work with I daily check them through force of habbit after running straight organic but all I do is ph twice a week thats it.I could run my reservoir for 2 weeks but im going for the perfect nugs lol I should have done this years ago tbh.
And thats only under a 400w,my last plant I pulled made 88g dry and these are bigger again lol it almost makes me as excited as my kids waiting for xmass aye
Well this morning was day 50 I checked the tricomes they were a good 40%cloudy 40%amber and a 20%clear and 60% of the hairs had brownd only cause of shooting powder,now I use house and garden shooting powder and its crazy good shit I could have dragged my grow out to 60days plus sum for a massive yeild as with shooting powder I can force them to re-trigger a new flowering stage every week I use it but as its only ment to run between 45-55days in flower I decided the time was right to fell these mommas and I didnt want any accidental stress to cause any bananas