oak wardrobe organic grow

Its freaking mites. I looked and looked. Its not bad yet. I made some insecticidal soap and I'm going to order something.

I do have problems showing from the water to.

I'm not sure how I got them. I keep the cab sealed and my lights come on at night. I've had a shower and clean clothes before I work with them.

Thought about using the soap and making a nicotine spray to see if I can knock them. Follow up with a pyrethrum then a miticide.
I went back to your last picture of your plants, i dont see any developed flowers yet,, if thats correct, its not to late to spray with azamax, and you can soil drench with it, azamax and store bought soap spray ( garden center at Home depot) and it knocked them down until the last week of flower for me, and I went ahead and harvested when they showed back up
I went back to your last picture of your plants, i dont see any developed flowers yet,, if thats correct, its not to late to spray with azamax, and you can soil drench with it, azamax and store bought soap spray ( garden center at Home depot) and it knocked them down until the last week of flower for me, and I went ahead and harvested when they showed back up
I made some soap. Its the same as store bought. I'll look at azamax.
I'm really no expert.... He looks scary
lol yeah, but only 1mm in size ;)
I'm not an expert either - just did some reading around (again) and realized my question was stupid, since there are thousands of different mites and look very similar ;) Tried to at least get an overview of the different mite types, but no idea what scientific classifications base their categories on (and they're not even sure about the ones they set up themselves lol)

The one on the pic definitely is some kind of soil mite (I had settled for it belonging roughly to the oribatids - I wasn't able to determine more specifically which exactly. Thing is there are also predatory soil mites, so for a sec I thought maybe they could go after spider mites too (which would be kind of cool, right).
I'm thinking not though, I've never seen my soil mites climb onto my plants. Oh well.

So @whitebb2727 did you get some, and if so, please do let us know how they do!
oh hell yes!!!! looking good my friend! this is a water only garden, yes? DEF get the spinosad!!! shit works amazing but you're gonna have a hard time with all that foliage you cant get to!
Its cool. Some of the lower is yellowing out from lack of light. I read an article that you can use it as a systemic. I'll do both. Spray it and water. I mixed a quarter cup of de in the last watering. Hopefully it will work as a silica. I had some in the soil to. It will toughen leaves and make them harder to eat. I may order some predator mites to.
oh hell yes!!!! looking good my friend! this is a water only garden, yes? DEF get the spinosad!!! shit works amazing but you're gonna have a hard time with all that foliage you cant get to!
oh hell yes!!!! looking good my friend! this is a water only garden, yes? DEF get the spinosad!!! shit works amazing but you're gonna have a hard time with all that foliage you cant get to!
thats the cool damn thing about spinosad, its's systemic for a LOT of bugs..
I always worried about my microbes, but it doesn't seem to hurt em.
You could always brew up a AACT for later if so.
I saw a product I've never heard of, called conserve, it's a spinosad on steroids.
Apparently it's 10% spinosad instead of the normal .5%
that's 20 times stronger... seems that would be a good thing?
it's expensive though...
absolutely beautiful! :D
Are you still weaving?
Also those watering rings look very interesting - are you going to make a dripwater thing with those?
Thank you.
I'm not weaving any more. I'm still moving some of the shoots. Other than that I'm just waiting.
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