Obama banning AR15 ammo by command of the emperor!

Not all firearms will operate the safety switch unless the weapon is charged.

So maybe they just had empty firearms. Kinda hard to know without walking up to them and having them pull the charging handle back to prove whether its empty or loaded.

Ar-15. No chambered round? Good luck flipping the selector switch.
clackamas mall.
aurora movie theater.
arvada youth retreat.
omaha mall.
wakefield mass.

just within the last few years or so.

Versus how many shootings with other weapons?

Don't get me wrong, the ar-15 is efficient.

I revert back to weapon of choice and proficiency. Everyone's is different.
That is one reason I am a big fan of glocks: no external safety!
See! That's the reason I avoid Glock, I prefer H&K when it comes to sidearms. I would prefer just to not have one, hence the DAO USP with a ripped safety. I
Like being able to resell to everyone and their mother, also being able to swap in a safety during instruction is exceptional.

When it comes to groups of people though, got to have a big fat safety lever so everyone can police each other.
Idiots, all of them. If you want to open carry should you have a reason?


They make people like myself and See4 cringe in embarrassment.

If my business had someone walk in with a weapon on their back I would ask them to leave, if someone came in carrying at the low ready . . . Someone is going to jail after they are taken down to the ground.

Idiots they may be. In some states like mine open carry was deemed a state constitutional right.

I don't see the need to walk around like that or the ones that do it just to film interaction with the police.

I can however think that organized events that the police are I formed of aren't bad.

There is nothing wrong with open carry of a pistol. Not all states have ccw. The ones that do might be a "may issue" which is at the discretion of the sheriff.
All of that was done out of a protest in Texas. You can open carry rifles, but not handguns. Nothing unsafe about this at all. Its called peaceful protest. Unclebuck loves having no freedoms.

how well did that protest work out? or did it backfire on those virgins completely?
I don't live in Texas so I have no idea. In my state though, open carry and conceal carry is perfectly legal without a permit.

let me fill you in then, princess.

it backfired. it got the general public and the stores themselves opposed to these gun toting virgins.

need any more gay anal fisting porn yet?
All of that was done out of a protest in Texas. You can open carry rifles, but not handguns. Nothing unsafe about this at all. Its called peaceful protest. Unclebuck loves having no freedoms.
image.jpg Magazine in magazine well, while in building, unsafe practice. Weapons need to be cleared before entering buildings. Magazine inserted in well prevents verification of empty chamber and weapon is cleared.

Finger below weapon frame, entering into trigger well. Unsafe practice, makes people unsteady, especially trained people.

Weapon held at low ready, a common shooting position. This is the position I take before shooting someone, your body language conveys unsafe practices and lack of understanding. Low ready inside is extremely unacceptable in any form, weapons need to be slung or holstered.
Magazine in magazine well, he didn't clear weapon outside before entering building. Unsafe practice.
Weapon slung, pointed at sky. Unsafe practice, weapons should be pointed at the ground at all times when not pointed SAFELY downrange.image.jpg
Weapon being held unsafely, he should be at low ready if he has no sling. He can't though, he lacks forearm strength to carry a rifle for long.

Lack of muzzle awareness, unsafe practice, he would shoot his buddy in the foot.

What was safe about that?
Most people are unfit to carry weapons. Good and bad is, they are allowed.
I saw nothing unsafe, no fingers on trigger. Mag inserted so what? Doesn't mean it is chambered.

Fire arms do not go off by themselves. It is not magic. No finger on trigger, no risk.
Come to a range with me, TRUST that you will end up on your ass with your weapon in my hand after committing any of these unsafe acts around me. My life was spotting safety violations and seeing for the welfare and health of soldiers, my primary job was spotting weapons in unsafe settings.

No, trust me, those photos have fuckloads of safety issues. I didn't even pick them! BUCKY DID!
I saw nothing unsafe, no fingers on trigger. Mag inserted so what? Doesn't mean it is chambered.

Fire arms do not go off by themselves. It is not magic. No finger on trigger, no risk.

The man's finger is not on the trigger.


I am a firearms enthusiast but that's not always true.

Weapons fail and some discharged if dropped.

I had a rib broke because the hammer failed on a 3 inch nitro mag in a 12 gauge I had mid draw. I raised to aim and cocked the hammer on the way up and the piece that holds it broke.
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To someone who KNOWS firearms, doesn't just pretend, understands that if you cannot see into that chamber the weapon is treated as HOT. Unless a weapon is cleared before entering buildings people clean the thing, fail to clear it AGAIN, then have a negligent discharge. When a weapon has a magazine in the mag well, the weapon IS LOADED. No matter if there are rounds or not.
if i saw any of those people, iw ould be fully justified in blowing their brains out with my concealed handgun. their actions would have me fearing for my life.

i trust i would be given a hero's welcome like zimmerman.
if i saw any of those people, iw ould be fully justified in blowing their brains out with my concealed handgun. their actions would have me fearing for my life.

i trust i would be given a hero's welcome like zimmerman.
Depends . . . where they white or hispanic? Black perhaps?