[TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD][TABLE="class: ts"]
[TD]Lack of knowledge or information: "he acted in
ignorance of basic procedures".[/TD]
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- An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.
- A crash involving road or other vehicles, typically one that causes serious damage or injury.
It only took these guys 3 sentences to get their point across and neither agrees with your definitions. We all have to have the same definitions otherwise we can argue over everything. words DO have meaning, not necessarily the ones you want though.
No one rear-ends a car through ignorance. Stupidity or carelessness or negligence, sure, but not ignorance. every human being knows by age 4 that running into things at high rates of speed hurts.
ignorance is the act of ignoring, the root of the word is Ignore, the common parlance has conflated ignoring facts with not understanding facts.
accidents only occur when unavoidable outside influences cause events, carelessness stupidity and cupidity are never involved in "accidents" those are other types of events.
when a firearm "accidentally discharges" somebody fucked up somewhere along the line. unless of course a non human agent pulled the trigger, case in point:
a poacher, having just shot and claimed a turkey was approached by a game warden on a routine driveby. the poacher quickly stuffed his prize and his autoloading shotgun in the trunk of his car, and made polite smalltalk with the game warden.
meanwhile, the turkey was not quite as dead as previously believed, and hooked on talon on the trigger of the paocher's shotgun. BAM! 1 1/2 ounces of #9 shot tears through the side of the trunk and lays open the poacher's groin, turning his junk into rubbish.
even THAT'S not an accident. the poacher was hoisted on his own petard, and fell victim to hubris. LULZ.
either way, your graph is incorrect. sosh security medicare and unemployment "insurance" made up just a hair under 60% of aggregate revenue in 2008, and likewise every year before stretching back to the 70's. your 2012 graph there is a PROJECTION. an estimate, the fevered dreams of fools with agendas to protect.
romney's tone deaf and patently offensive intimation that those of us not quite subject to the "income tax" are freeloaders is not only wrong, but insulting to the masses of working poor who are actually the only WORKING members of society. all the rest let their money hire somebody else to work for them.
sweat moves mountains, dollars can only buy sweat, they cant lift a shovel.