Obama Caught on Tape "I believe in redistribution"

They wont get it. Never will.

neither does the left.

the left thinks that taxing the rich somehow ONLY taxes the rich. and silly government programs created by TAKING money out of the economy, fucking around with it, letting a buch stick to the fingers of the mandarins in washington and then dumping the rest back onto the economy creates jobs.

it only creates jobs for mandarins, all the remaining work the tattered remainder of the money does has simply been moved from one segment of the economy, to another for a net LOSS of productivity
HR 4646 takes effect Jan 13 2013
1% tax on all banking transaction including. This is how it starts.

Yeah, it look like CA will vote with MoonBeam for more tax. The Obama Affordable Care Act is full, to to bottom with new taxes and fees and agencies and Reveiw Boards, penalties, etc. I think the World Social Fascist Jehad has found the way to kill us. Cause global strife to continue the uncertainty. They have figure out our strength is our Heel of Weakness.

Self reliance can be stripped from culture. See Europe. See Asia. See South America, See Africa. You can recess our self-reliance genetics in just a few generations of selections for stupidity, they think. Dumb the kids and brainwash them. Punish the ones that can't conform. Ridicule them and shout them down.

Animal Farm. Lord of the Files. Brave New World, 1984.

Please re-read these.

And the new combined thinking of these works....2014.
Yeah, it look like CA will vote with MoonBeam for more tax. The Obama Affordable Care Act is full, to to bottom with new taxes and fees and agencies and Reveiw Boards, penalties, etc. I think the World Social Fascist Jehad has found the way to kill us. Cause global strife to continue the uncertainty. They have figure out our strength is our Heel of Weakness.

Self reliance can be stripped from culture. See Europe. See Asia. See South America, See Africa. You can recess our self-reliance genetics in just a few generations of selections for stupidity, they think. Dumb the kids and brainwash them. Punish the ones that can't conform. Ridicule them and shout them down.

Animal Farm. Lord of the Files. Brave New World, 1984.

Please re-read these.

And the new combined thinking of these works....2014.

i was gonna make a post about 1984 after the RNC and DNC teleprompter voting fraud . . but thought the sheeple would turn it in to a partisan gang bang so decided who cares

Bib brother is right, fake wars, fake terror(wmd?), mass misinformation, and the wage the dog type shit . . imho
again, no.

oratory skill, acting talent and ability to use correct grammar is no measure of general intelligence.

many very smart people cant string two words together without fucking up the joining.

ability to articulate ideas only modifies the PERCEPTION of intelligence, not the intelligence itself.

salesmen are excellent talkers, yet most great inventors died penniless while the salesmen who bought their inventions created corporate empires.

were your assertion true, Dubya would be a dumbass and Barry Seotoro would be a supra genius. i cant live in a universe where that statement is true.

I agree, but I am likely biased, since English is my second language.

As for your concluding remark, it may be time for suicide, Dubya was the village idiot and Barry seems quite brilliant, then again, they are both teleprompter readers. I bet Dubya would be fun to party with.
ignorance is the act of ignoring, Blah blah blah they cant lift a shovel.
Sorry, no. You don't get to revise the definition of words. They are already defined and I gave you those definitions. Your just going to have to deal with that little fact and realize that you were, and still are, 100% wrong.

Ignorance is lack of knowledge, not willfully ignoring facts. Accidents are accidents merely because the outcome was not intentional.

See how easy it was to define those words correctly?

Maybe you can find a dictionary that agrees with your definitions but I highly doubt it. I would be willing to put money on it.
neither does the left.

the left thinks that taxing the rich somehow ONLY taxes the rich. and silly government programs created by TAKING money out of the economy, fucking around with it, letting a buch stick to the fingers of the mandarins in washington and then dumping the rest back onto the economy creates jobs.

it only creates jobs for mandarins, all the remaining work the tattered remainder of the money does has simply been moved from one segment of the economy, to another for a net LOSS of productivity

Tell all that to the states that have bases in them Doc, Tell that to them just before sequester hits and see how much they disagree that government money doesn't create jobs as jobs siphon out of the states due to government budget cuts.
again, no.

oratory skill, acting talent and ability to use correct grammar is no measure of general intelligence.

many very smart people cant string two words together without fucking up the joining.

ability to articulate ideas only modifies the PERCEPTION of intelligence, not the intelligence itself.

salesmen are excellent talkers, yet most great inventors died penniless while the salesmen who bought their inventions created corporate empires.

were your assertion true, Dubya would be a dumbass and Barry Seotoro would be a supra genius. i cant live in a universe where that statement is true.


So someone with an IQ of say 40, can articulate and speak just as well on any subject as someone with a 140 IQ?
Can you back up this claim with some evidence?
No? Didn't think so.
you would prefer he patronize underweight unblemished whores at retail prices? maybe he just likes a good discount.

what kind of jew are you anyway?

It is hi-fucking-larious that he and his lackeys think that I am embarrassed or in any way hurt by their holier-than-thou attempts to make me look bad. Of course, I think Buck may be going through puberty at this time and that may be why he acts the way he does.

So someone with an IQ of say 40, can articulate and speak just as well on any subject as someone with a 140 IQ?
Can you back up this claim with some evidence?
No? Didn't think so.

your appeal to the outliers falls flat.

anyone with an IQ below 70 is a buffleheaded dimwit who cant even wipe the drool of his own chin, while someone who scores above 120 is a brainiac from the planet Smartron 4. comparing these two is like putting stephen hawking in a boxing ring with cassius clay. the outcome is predetermined.

when two individuals with similar educational experiences, and similar levels of achievement are placed beside each other the difference in their "intelligence" as perceived by the observer is greatly influenced by their ability to perform on stage, not by their native intelligence. case in point:

the debate between lloyd bentsen and dan quayle. quayle came up looking like a dipshit, despite the fact that he is not stupid, he just doesnt communicate well on stage, while bentsen was a leader of men, and thus had experience dominating in a room full of big egos. does this mean bentsen is smarter than quayle? no, it means bentsen ran the debate because quayle, a man with 30 years less experience in running a room was made to look like a misbehaving schoolboy. likewise, bill clinton could sweet talk the shit out of a crowd, but when it came down to ideas and facts, he was hopelessly lost. does this mean clinton is smarter than bush sr? not a chance. it just means clinton was a better salesman that bush sr, and bush sr's own baggage helped drag him down.

smooth talking may help convince the rubes that the smooth talker is smart, but those who dont fall for pithy one liners and suave bon motts see people like clinton and barry seotoro for what they are, not clever, not smart. lowlife panderers running a conficence game to trick people into selling their buttholes for the profit of their new overlord.

It is hi-fucking-larious that he and his lackeys think that I am embarrassed or in any way hurt by their holier-than-thou attempts to make me look bad. Of course, I think Buck may be going through puberty at this time and that may be why he acts the way he does.

i'd like to thank the academy, my co-stars, the director, and most of all, the rollitup forum for giving me this opportunity...