Obama expected to sign global gun control treaty

i never report obvious sock puppets, that would be depriving myself of amusement. i was just elated to find out it was you though. working hard as ever i see!

lol. you mad.

I am here making you look an ass which honestly you do yourself so I can't take credit, so I am quite happy...
I am here making you look an ass which honestly you do yourself so I can't take credit, so I am quite happy...

you're making me look like an ass by copy and pasting a fail article about new world order gun control which can apply to us in no way whatsoever?

whatever you have to tell yourself, sailor.

now get back to those 112 hour workweeks, kiddo.
One nation under sheep started along time ago, none so as prevalent as the Bush era uniting us in fear and anger. The Patriot Act stripped us a decade ago, hell the "Obama Phone" was in place before Barrack but the sheep eat it up and blame it on his "socialism" no matter how many ways you show them the truth...

True, true
I don't get why you guys waste your lvies arguing about dumb shit on the internet like its gonna matter someday.....
because he's a sock puppet douchebag.

he's been behind several of the recent sock puppets dedicated to me..

This is fucking hilarious, a conspiracy to counter Bucky is underway on RIU political forum!
Face it my friend, there's a hand full of lefties on this forum that I respect and are pretty smart cookies but trust me, you're not one of them. You've proved to be grossly misinformed on numerous occasions, you couldn't come close to holding your own in a simple debate to save your ass and the majority of your counterpoints consists of posting cartoons, and you claim several sok puppets are dedicated to you! LMFAO

IANSA is a global network of a wide range of organisations concerned with small arms, including policy development organisations, national gun control groups, women's groups, research institutes, aid agencies, faith groups, survivors, human rights and community action organisations. More

All content (c) IANSA 1999-2012

International Action Network on Small Arms
Archway Resource Centre
Unit 101, 1a Waterlow Road
London, N19 5NJ
United Kingdom

LOL whoops

Whoops what? are you contending that the article you posted is correct? Are you further contending that Snopes is incorrect? and further, are you contending that a treaty, even this one trumps our Constitution? Simple questions here. I am still trying to find the published body of the treaty but I will tell you now that I don't intend to read the entire thing.
While I understand this doesn't supersede the 2nd ammendment, it's a back door to banning specific firearms. Chipping away, chipping away.

It's always a bright idea to strip law abiding people, who are the only ones that will adhere to these laws, of their only means of relevant protection against the criminals and tyrants that seek to harm them. Just brilliant.
You know what I'm more pissed about? Not being able to drink as a passenger in California. I was in Nevada not too long ago drinking in the bed of a buddies truck. Then we went to the reservation and bought a bunch of fire works and proceeded to blow shit up... Drunk as hell. We need more passenger drinking in America. I think it would increase overall happiness by at least 40%.
While I understand this doesn't supersede the 2nd ammendment, it's a back door to banning specific firearms. Chipping away, chipping away.

It's always a bright idea to strip law abiding people, who are the only ones that will adhere to these laws, of their only means of relevant protection against the criminals and tyrants that seek to harm them. Just brilliant.

"back door"? how so? where is there a back door for international treaties to intrude in domestic funamental laws of the land? I notice that there are a few folks who posted here who are either being facetious or actually believe that rubbish that was first posted. This is the sort of thing I am talking about. Those folk may not have read the resulting counter posts about the absurdity of the proposition that this treaty could or would have any effect and so they will take their new found "knowlege" and embed it in their world view. Now a few more conversations will include "well, you know Obama is taking our guns away, yeah, he signed a treaty that does it" and the response will be "of course, that man is an enemy of all of us" - and so it will go, exactly how the author of that piece of dog droppings wanted it to go, some of us being unwitting functionaries to the plan.
I understand the 2nd ammendment and Obama is not my boogeyman as he is to many, however why sign a worthless agreement like this ? I fail to see the relevance of signing something like this.
japan, during ww2, was thinking of invadeing the us. when they reaslized, that most of us have guns, they changed their mind. if ohbama sighs, he should be shot. just think how sick the liverals are.....no guns = no violence! what a crock. states that make it easier for law abiding citizens to get guns, have a WAY LOWER rate of violent crime. so. u think our county should be put in the hands of the un? why? global gun control wonderfull. then, to force the totally communistic rule on us, it would be easy!!! great idea! no more america. no more nothing. cant defend ourselves. great. or, which of the leftists outthere think that this is what has been comming to us for to long???-LOL. the youth are not taught in school anymore about our constitution, and how it has kept us safe from so many verbal, legal, etc, attacks. without the second amendment, the rest will no longer be inforceable, and we sink. only 30% democrate gun owners. probably only .000005% true liberals have guns. like rosie odonnel. she hates guns. says we need to get rid of em....(but not her guards guns......no....not those guns)........its allways the same. take it. just not mine! take all the taxs you can. just not mine. fine him. but not me.....anyone who would even consider giving away their countrys rights, should maybe not be here?
ounce we are "disarmed", we wont have much of a democracy left. no quiet threat, to keep the goverment from doing whatever they wish. thats the relavance. and , and anyway. why let ANY OTHER nation decide our rules. we dont deciede theirs. why are some so lame on this thought.
ohbama is just one person. he is dog droppings, for many reasons. refusing to open pipeline, natural gas, and many others. why. because he would rather see us all starve, than to do anything that his nutjob tree-huggers dont want. they dont work anyway!!!! of curse they dont care about the cost in jobs! sign in one hand,joint in the other. losers. hellery signed the damn thing to, or will soon. and what is she? one tiny notch above our pres in quality. and its a tiny notch. also. grab the guns before the election! good timing. win or lose, he will declare martial law in time. and then he will finish the job he came to do. (with zero experience in anything, but being a good talker. until a real qwestin comes up. then he stutters like the ak-47 im buying!!!
japan, during ww2, was thinking of invadeing the us. when they reaslized, that most of us have guns, they changed their mind. if ohbama sighs, he should be shot. just think how sick the liverals are.....no guns = no violence! what a crock. states that make it easier for law abiding citizens to get guns, have a WAY LOWER rate of violent crime. so. u think our county should be put in the hands of the un? why? global gun control wonderfull. then, to force the totally communistic rule on us, it would be easy!!! great idea! no more america. no more nothing. cant defend ourselves. great. or, which of the leftists outthere think that this is what has been comming to us for to long???-LOL. the youth are not taught in school anymore about our constitution, and how it has kept us safe from so many verbal, legal, etc, attacks. without the second amendment, the rest will no longer be inforceable, and we sink. only 30% democrate gun owners. probably only .000005% true liberals have guns. like rosie odonnel. she hates guns. says we need to get rid of em....(but not her guards guns......no....not those guns)........its allways the same. take it. just not mine! take all the taxs you can. just not mine. fine him. but not me.....anyone who would even consider giving away their countrys rights, should maybe not be here?

the first protects the 2nd, not the other way around. In fact that 2nd amendment is all but worthless in protecting any of our amendment described rights, or are you going to get your due process rights by waving a firearm in front of a court? Or are you going to get your right to be free from self incrimination by a vigilante group with shotguns outside the courthouse? How does your 2nd amendment rights protect your right to free speech and freedom of the press? No, any examination at all of this "the 2nd protects them all" NRA jingoistic claptrap shows it for the nonesense it is. Ultimately your firearm can protect your "right to life" but only from another citizens willingness to take it and not from your government's ability to do the same.
in my experience, alcohol has caused more harm than anything else. even our president. lol. its a no-win sit. cost me ten yearsl. not fun. cost my folks. cost the kids. cost freindships,careers. so what u do. after you are drunk in the bed of a truck? throw your bottles thru others windows as you pass? anyone who would let someone in back, or in car at all, drinking, is a immature, in-considerate person. i lived thu this. i hope you do.
ohbama is just one person. he is dog droppings, for many reasons. refusing to open pipeline, natural gas, and many others. why. because he would rather see us all starve, than to do anything that his nutjob tree-huggers dont want. they dont work anyway!!!! of curse they dont care about the cost in jobs! sign in one hand,joint in the other. losers. hellery signed the damn thing to, or will soon. and what is she? one tiny notch above our pres in quality. and its a tiny notch. also. grab the guns before the election! good timing. win or lose, he will declare martial law in time. and then he will finish the job he came to do. (with zero experience in anything, but being a good talker. until a real qwestin comes up. then he stutters like the ak-47 im buying!!!

The pipeline? really? do you really think that the pipeline is a good example of how absolutly horrible Obama is? That pipeline that would do a hell of a lot of good for a canadian company and a few folks on our southern coast and no one else. Or do you LIKE giving eminent domain rights to foreign companies ?