

Well-Known Member
that's right, red..

If all them other people built it, how come they don't have one? Could it be while they share those common benefits, they were able to leverage them as well? Just because we drive on the same roads doesn't mean you own my truck.


Well-Known Member
If all them other people built it, how come they don't have one? Could it be while they share those common benefits, they were able to leverage them as well? Just because we drive on the same roads doesn't mean you own my truck.
i think there could be a male/female comprehension issue here..that's not what she's saying.


Well-Known Member
The answer is yes, you get sent a form that you file with your Federal tax return.
which will be verified..and you don't want to fuck with them..there's always penalty/interest involved and it gets out of hand easily..personally, i would just bite the bullet.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
The far right? Really?
How did the shutdown cost anything? How does not spending money constitute an expense?
I guess Federal offices that everyday people spend money in, parks being closed, museums closed, folks who didn't get a check that week because there was no work and couldn't spend money, it hurts the economy thats how, contractors who cant work wont get paid...its a domino effect, and for nothing that shut down didnt accomplish crap! Ted Cruz was the ring leader for the call to shut down.

Tell me again how the Tea Party does not control the GOP!

bonehead cant get anything out of the house because the Tea Party wont back him, TC has them all scared from the Senate chamber he is the monkey wrench that grinds everything to a halt


Well-Known Member
I guess Federal offices that everyday people spend money in, parks being closed, museums closed, folks who didn't get a check that week because there was no work and couldn't spend money, it hurts the economy thats how, contractors who cant work wont get paid...its a domino effect, and for nothing that shut down didnt accomplish crap! Ted Cruz was the ring leader for the call to shut down.

Tell me again how the Tea Party does not control the GOP!

bonehead cant get anything out of the house because the Tea Party wont back him, TC has them all scared from the Senate chamber he is the monkey wrench that grinds everything to a halt
The parks would have stayed open but for a direct order from Obama. They remained open for leftest rallies, but not the public. Government workers got paid. Government contractors got paid. The Tea party wouldn't have lifted the shut down, but it was lifted, so that disproves your claim they control the GOP.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
i just posted i wasn't outraged..i'm happy to see the the ACA is working as desgined and that there are RIU members who are benefiting including those huge naysayers like @nitro harley.
Sky, hey now. I have no more benefits from the ACA like the first year it was available. My deductible is over three times more in the second year because of having to down grade the policy to make up for the nearly 20% increase in payments. And besides that I have had healthcare for over 25 years and just started using it last year. I do like parts of the ACA like they can't turn you down but the rest is no better than I have had for decades. If it was possible for and old man to have babies I guess there would be a new benefit.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
The parks would have stayed open but for a direct order from Obama. They remained open for leftest rallies, but not the public. Government workers got paid. Government contractors got paid. The Tea party wouldn't have lifted the shut down, but it was lifted, so that disproves your claim they control the GOP.
The shut had been orchastrated by the GOP (Tea Party) to defund the ACA as per Mitch McConnell, the GOP finally gave in because the shut down was hurting the GOP the most and I'm sorry NO payments were made during the shut down itself only vital employees were paid only after the shut down was over and funding bill was passed thats when ALL got paid.

Blunted 4 lyfe

Well-Known Member
The shut had been orchastrated by the GOP (Tea Party) to defund the ACA as per Mitch McConnell, the GOP finally gave in because the shut down was hurting the GOP the most and I'm sorry NO payments were made during the shut down itself only vital employees were paid only after the shut down was over and funding bill was passed thats when ALL got paid.
The parks would have stayed open but for a direct order from Obama. They remained open for leftest rallies, but not the public. Government workers got paid. Government contractors got paid. The Tea party wouldn't have lifted the shut down, but it was lifted, so that disproves your claim they control the GOP.
Workers to get $2 billion in back pay after government shutdown
WASHINGTON -- Federal workers furloughed during last month's partial government shutdown will receive about $2 billion in back pay, the White House said Thursday.

Fannie Mae posts third-quarter profit, to pay government $8.6 billion



About 850,000 federal employees were furloughed for at least part of the 16-day shutdown, leading to a loss of 6.6 million work days, the Office of Management and Budget said in a report detailing some of the costs of the fiscal standoff.



"As the president has said, the shutdown that occurred last month inflicted completely unnecessary damage on our economy and took a toll on families and businesses across the country," OMB Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell said in a White House blog post.

QUIZ: Test your knowledge about the debt limit

The report was the first time the Obama administration estimated the cost of back pay for furloughed workers, which OMB described as one price of lost federal productivity. Counting the cost of benefits for those workers, the price tag was about $2.5 billion, OMB said.

Congress authorized back pay for all furloughed federal workers. Furloughs peaked at about 850,000 the first week of October, Burwell said. About 400,000 civilian military workers were called back to work the following week.

The White House Council of Economic Advisors already had estimated the shutdown cost 120,000 private sector jobs and would reduce fourth-quarter economic output by 0.2 to 0.6 percentage points.

The OMB report tried to highlight some of the shutdown's costs to the economy. Among the examples:

  • The Bureau of Land Management was unable to process about 200 applications to drill on federal land.
  • The National Park Service lost about $7 million in revenue because of closed parks, with surrounding communities losing about $500 million in visitor spending.
  • The Internal Revenue Service delayed almost $4 billion in tax refunds.
In addition, the federal government also will have to pay an undetermined amount of money in interest on late payments to contractors and other recipients, OMB said.



Well-Known Member
it's the technology..if you don't keep up, you will succumb to it.

if there is anyway you can take an 'intro to micro usage'..i would.

windows 10 is different from everything prior with tiles, yada, yada..

what OS do you have at home?

You will not succumb to it,...you will unplug it and it`s over.........you will win......every time.......


Well-Known Member
Draft Dodger........
but it's the best the GOP can come up with?:lol:..pan to fatcat rove in his batcave..'that'll really make 'em mad':cuss:

meanwhile, every one of their kids has a mug shot..that is the result of THEM..and you want to put our country back into the hands of?

aren't you black?..what's wrong with you?

krumps up^^:lol:


Well-Known Member
You will not succumb to it,...you will unplug it and it`s over.........you will win......every time.......
you can't properly navigate this world without it..it's like being lost at sea..sure you're still alive..but what's the quality of life?


Well-Known Member
but it's the best the GOP can come up with?:lol:..pan to fatcat rove in his batcave..'that'll really make 'em mad':cuss:

meanwhile, every one of their kids has a mug shot..that is the result of THEM..and you want to put our country back into the hands of?

aren't you black?..what's wrong with you?

krumps up^^:lol:

You don`t have to go past ..."chickenhawk"....when finding the CIC.....you stop right there.......over

The rest is meth talk type shit....


Well-Known Member
you can't properly navigate this world without it..it's like being lost at sea..sure you're still alive..but what's the quality of life?

Lost at sea ? Is only what happens to an inexperienced Skipper, The rest do fine.

When the lights go out,...according to you, you will no longer be able to navigate this world,...I am not in that position,...You shouldn`t be neither..........don`t go that way......