Obama's False Claims of an Improved Economy

Thats right Canna, Maybe our liberal friends could all learn a lesson from Ashton Kutcher:


"Opportunity looks like hard work." -Chris A Kutcher
The poverty rate has shot up to 16.1 percent. That is higher than when the War on Poverty began in 1965.
Thank you Obama for making us all more dependent on you. You have given us so much. Please show us the way. Bless us with your special powers.

If your favorite store has a sale on an item and that sale ends
Did they raise the price of the item?

Here is a better explanation
(otherwise known as the law)
The Bush tax cuts had sunset provisions that made them expire at the end of 2010, since otherwise they would fall under the Byrd Rule. Whether to renew the lowered rates, and how, became the subject of extended political debate, which was resolved during the presidency of Barack Obama by a two-year extension that was part of a larger tax and economic package, the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. In 2012, during the fiscal cliff, the tax cuts were made permanent for single people making less than $400,000 per year and couples making less than $450,000 per year, and eliminated for everyone else, under the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012.
Before the tax cuts, the highest marginal income tax rate was 39.6 percent. After the cuts, the highest rate was 35 percent. Once the cuts were eliminated for high income levels (single people making $400,000+ per year and couples making $450,000+ per year), the top income tax rate returned to 39.6 percent

So in 2010 they became the Obama tax rates. In 2012 he raised them on "the rich". Since the Bush tax rates expired in 2010, I don't know why they are still referred to as such. I can use your logic that Kennedy's budget included around 80% for military, Reagan's was half that. Did Reagan cut Kennedy's military budget?

Can you name one tax rate in the history of the US that was permanent?

Never before had the argument been used that we are not raising taxes, we are just letting them go back up. Only the most partisan or densest of the population bought that line of reasoning.
a lot of asshurt in this thread from the righties, which is not surprising since housing is back on the rise, stock market (and thus 401Ks) are at record highs, unemployment is falling, and the deficit has been more than cut in half.

when was the last time a republican cut the deficit in half? maybe about 70+ years ago. but in recent history, it has been the democrats who cut deficits in half or eliminate them completely, whereas the republicans that the righties root for explode deficits.

and yet the righties continue to spam for their republican saviors.

this is a level of stupid that can't be fixed.
a lot of asshurt in this thread from the righties, which is not surprising since housing is back on the rise.

When Obama was elected, the homeownership rate in the United States was 67.5 percent. Today, it is 65.0 percent. That is the lowest that it has been in 18 years.

At this point, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. This is the first time that has ever happened in our history. That number has risen by 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year.
When Obama was elected, the homeownership rate in the United States was 67.5 percent. Today, it is 65.0 percent. That is the lowest that it has been in 18 years.

At this point, more than a million public school students in the United States are homeless. This is the first time that has ever happened in our history. That number has risen by 57 percent since the 2006-2007 school year.

don't you just remember how lean those years were when obama was president from 2006-2007?

Ted Cruz is going to save the Republican party by doing the same thing they have been doing for the last three years.

I will be very surprised if a Republican ever holds the office of President ever again.
In Michigan, the number of homeless children enrolled in public schools has increased 315 percent between 2008-2011. "Every single county in Michigan reported homeless children and youth in its public schools," said Pam Kies-Lowe, state coordinator for homeless education at the Michigan Department of Education. Economic conditions in the state have contributed to the problem. "One school district referred to child and youth homelessness as the 'tsunami after the earthquake'."
In Michigan, the number of homeless children enrolled in public schools has increased 315 percent between 2008-2011. "Every single county in Michigan reported homeless children and youth in its public schools," said Pam Kies-Lowe, state coordinator for homeless education at the Michigan Department of Education. Economic conditions in the state have contributed to the problem. "One school district referred to child and youth homelessness as the 'tsunami after the earthquake'."

are there any figures on that? If true that is shamefully disgusting...
The 1,065,794 homeless students enrolled by U.S. preschools and K-12 schools in the 2010-2011 school year is the highest number on record, and a 13 percent increase over the 2009-2010 school year.
He he he....yeah!! he probably thinks there are 57 states! .....no wait....

Obama has been to at least 57 states. I know because he said so

That damn Obama

i know. he's responsible for every bad thing that happens, but of course he gets no credit for the rebound in housing, record stock market, markedly decreased deficit, falling unemployment numbers, killing of bin laden, exit from iraq, uptick in energy production, or anything else positive.

and then freedomworks (aka munchbox's sock puppet) will accuse us of wanting it both ways.

why? he has a lower IQ than the average person, that is why. probably in the 80-85 range.

poor thing.
i know. he's responsible for every bad thing that happens, but of course he gets no credit for the rebound in housing, record stock market, markedly decreased deficit, falling unemployment numbers, killing of bin laden, exit from iraq, uptick in energy production, or anything else positive.

and then freedomworks (aka munchbox's sock puppet) will accuse us of wanting it both ways.

why? he has a lower IQ than the average person, that is why. probably in the 80-85 range.

poor thing.

How many innocent people's deaths do you give him "credit" for?
the left brain is the logical side of the brain, idiot.

if you want to eliminate or reduce the debt, the first step is to eliminate the deficit.

in modern history, every republican without fail does the opposite. they explode deficits.

in modern history, every democrat without fail has reduced or eliminated the deficit.

you should really be sock puppeting for democrats if that is your concern.

but i suppose you'll take the $0.07 per post any way you can get it, won't ya dumbass?

Buck, you're not as smart as you appear to be...all your posts rely on name-calling...even when you state facts, they are obscured, or downright nullified, by your name-calling...

Sir, don't you know that when you call people names, you discredit yourself?...you do...

Learn some manners, and keep away from name-calling, if you want to be taken seriously...
The more government intervenes in economic matters the worse the problems will become. Buyers and sellers don't need unwanted coercive third parties.