Obama's "Justice" Department Trumps Up Charges On MMJ Grower, 80+ Year Minimum

probation. LOL!!!! "In spite of a 2004 voter referendum legalizing medical marijuana in Montana, supported by 62 percent of the voters, states like Montana can't stop the federal government from enforcing its own drug laws."

Feds busted a dispensary here. Dude got probation and grew a nice.crop this summer.
Feds busted a dispensary here. Dude got probation and grew a nice.crop this summer.
he's one of the lucky FEW. he must have dumped 100k on a good lawyer. "Eighty-seven percent of defendants charged with federal crimes were convicted in the fiscal year 1998, and 71 percent of those who were convicted were sentenced to prison, the Justice Department reported today." http://www.nytimes.com/2000/06/01/us/federal-crime-data-show-high-conviction-rate.html keep denying the feds care. hopefully it will hold true for you.

Hey Choomster, presidential pardon for this guy maybe? Send him to Betty Ford for that rehab you love so much instead of LIFE IMPRISONMENT?!

"Chris Williams had reason to believe his risk of federal prosecution was minimal, following the release of a 2009 memo by the Justice Department stating that the federal government should not focus federal resources on medical marijuana growers and patients who complied with their own state laws. But in March 2011, federal agents raided Chris' growhouse during a statewide crackdown across Montana.In spite of a 2004 voter referendum legalizing medical marijuana in Montana, supported by 62 percent of the voters, states like Montana can't stop the federal government from enforcing its own drug laws.At his trial, Williams was prevented from invoking his compliance with state law as a defense against the federal charges. As a result, the jury heard a partial, and profoundly distorted version of Chris' story -- and on this basis convicted him on eight counts, which carry a mandatory minimum of more than 80 years in prison."

A gun owner AND a drug dealer... they should have just executed the poor bastard.
I'm so glad I voted for Obama. He looks after us young voters. His wraith must be feared. The old use his name in vain. Fuckin' Republitards, got what he deserved. Our God, Lord Obama, is a jealous god. Repent o' sinners!

You can't seriously be blaming Obama for this, man, come on.. Blame the 40+ years of failed drug policy, created by the Nixon administration and enforced by every president since.
You can't seriously be blaming Obama for this, man, come on.. Blame the 40+ years of failed drug policy, created by the Nixon administration and enforced by every president since.

Not very many of those past presidents have a picture floating around of them taking a hit, nor did they promise "Hope and Change".
Delivered what? More debt, more taxes, more tyranny, more lies, more wars, more welfare, more spending, more government?

Perhaps he is talking about the dozens of dispensaries that opened here in oregon after obama took office.

Even your mustachioed hookers know obama lowered taxes, the deficit, and got us out of wars, you yapping halfwit douchebag.
Perhaps he is talking about the dozens of dispensaries that opened here in oregon after obama took office.

Even your mustachioed hookers know obama lowered taxes, the deficit, and got us out of wars, you yapping halfwit douchebag.

How does one lower a deficit, yet add debt which then adds to next years deficit?
Perhaps he is talking about the dozens of dispensaries that opened here in oregon after obama took office.

Even your mustachioed hookers know obama lowered taxes, the deficit, and got us out of wars, you yapping halfwit douchebag.

I'm sorry little girl, I don't discuss grown up things with children... come back when you grow up but for now, I hear your mommy calling you home to change your diaper.
On its knees. cn
I get the humor, but the lenders are on their knees, in this crazy World Animal Farm. They, to uplift a bit, can't call their loans, but we can easily default in then. All know the story if they are playing Realism.
Hey Choomster, presidential pardon for this guy maybe? Send him to Betty Ford for that rehab you love so much instead of LIFE IMPRISONMENT?! "Chris Williams had reason to believe his risk of federal prosecution was minimal, following the release of a 2009 memo by the Justice Department stating that the federal government should not focus federal resources on medical marijuana growers and patients who complied with their own state laws. But in March 2011, federal agents raided Chris' growhouse during a statewide crackdown across Montana.In spite of a 2004 voter referendum legalizing medical marijuana in Montana, supported by 62 percent of the voters, states like Montana can't stop the federal government from enforcing its own drug laws.At his trial, Williams was prevented from invoking his compliance with state law as a defense against the federal charges. As a result, the jury heard a partial, and profoundly distorted version of Chris' story -- and on this basis convicted him on eight counts, which carry a mandatory minimum of more than 80 years in prison."
If you mess with the bull you get the horn. It is a war on drugs vs the concept of compassion. Look what happened to Oaksterdam. Da Kine must be separated from the other, actually harmful and dangerous for all, drugs. Cannabis has a dark manufactured past to rise from, since the 1920s. 4000 years of good meds for a lot of ills, means nothing, I guess.
"and routinely offered growhouse tours to law enforcement officials, politicians and community leaders, any number of which accepted this invitation". This fucker forgot the #1 rule in growing! Don't fucking tell anyone or you WILL get robbed or BUSTED! If you fucking show the cops and everyone else with an attitude like "look what I'm doing piggies" then don't expect the cops or the prosicutor to cut you some slack, not only that don't be fucking supprised when they bust your ass! And I also read about his "partners"! I love how people like to act like this is some little old guy growing 2 plants to take care of his cancer! This fucker had a business going selling weed in the gray area of the law, and he got his ass snatched up. If you play in the gray don't be supprised by legal fees and maybe some jail time. 80 yrs is fucking retarded and I don't think they are right but when you grow keep your fucking mouth shut! You don't give tours to the police and politicians! Oh trying to help the MMJ laws in the country? Well that got ya 80 yrs bro, Ill keep my mouth shut grow my weed and enjoy what little freedom I have left in this country!
The gun ownership thing is the same thing the pigs use to nail people for growing or possessing "too closely" to something like a park or a school that only becomes a Sacred and Holy Zone when drugs are concerned.You can read articles and see that Chris Williams didn't personally have firearms and use them in the "commission of a felony." People came onto the medical marijuana site with firearms and Chris Williams got Double Obammy Whammied over the firearms felony horseshit is just a coercive way to punish people and get them to snitch by arbitrarily doubling the mandatory minimum sentencing.I guess they really made an "example" of this guy.