Obama's "Justice" Department Trumps Up Charges On MMJ Grower, 80+ Year Minimum

state laws???

bucklefuckle's reading compensation has failed again.

dude in the OP is facing FEDERAL charges, not state charges.

unless bucklefuckle wishes to argue oregon is not part of the US then bucklefuckl'es claim of probation in oregon is fucking retarded.

but then bucklefuckle doesnt make arguments he simply argues and calls people racist while posting racist cartoons.

after reading the details of his case, i have to take back that statement.

dude would have probably gotten 5 years in oregon as well for his 950+ plants.

not quite within his limits there.
after reading the details of his case, i have to take back that statement.

dude would have probably gotten 5 years in oregon as well for his 950+ plants.

not quite within his limits there.
FEDERAL prosecution not state prosecution. your just proving youre a moron now.

state laws are irrelevant when the feds are prosecuting, and federal laws are uniform, throughout the states.
FEDERAL prosecution not state prosecution. your just proving youre a moron now.

state laws are irrelevant when the feds are prosecuting, and federal laws are uniform, throughout the states.

state limits vary and how far over your limit you go has a lot to do with it. certain states are more lenient with overages than others too. that was all i was getting at with my original statement.
ooooops..little over huh?
over what? over the limit your overlords say is the maximum number of PLANTS you can grow. you are a Talking Monkey; we like plants. plants are part of the environment. they feed us, make us well; why should rulers tell us how to utilize them?
and fluent in greek, too..what a catch!..where's your citation for the bogus statement made above?
I am fluent in English, and Philadelphian. I spoke, and read Hebrew at one time, had two years of Latin, and a year of Aramaic. I can do healthcare Spanish. (please don't move; this may hurt), and have picked up a fair share of Sig Italian. no Greek, although the Sig has been hit with the Greek stick fairly hard.
your posts are our enemy.

my posts.........
my posts say that race is bullshit. they say that our society s engineered by greedy, power-hungry oligarchs, that Black America has suffered the most from this engineering, that people are basically good, and could rule ourselves, my posts say that Dems and Repubs both look upon us like we're bugs.
Red1966 is on iggy. I am no more like him, than I am like you or Buck.
my posts.........
my posts say that race is bullshit. they say that our society s engineered by greedy, power-hungry oligarchs, that Black America has suffered the most from this engineering, that people are basically good, and could rule ourselves, my posts say that Dems and Repubs both look upon us like we're bugs.
Red1966 is on iggy. I am no more like him, than I am like you or Buck.

a little wake-n-bake today?
