Obama's "Justice" Department Trumps Up Charges On MMJ Grower, 80+ Year Minimum

The gun ownership thing is the same thing the pigs use to nail people for growing or possessing "too closely" to something like a park or a school that only becomes a Sacred and Holy Zone that doubles the penalties.You can read articles and see that Chris Williams didn't personally own firearms on the premises nor use them in the "commission of a felony" (only a felony that the feds care about, Montana has had medical marijuana for almost a decade now) but it is just a coercive way to punish people and get them to snitch by arbitrarily doubling the mandatory minimum sentencing.
I don't care why fed's are doing it I just know my ass will be in a sling if I do have the feds show up at my house! That is why my first step in not getting busted by the feds is going to be not inviting cops and politicians over to throw the fact that I am growing weed in their face!
So, this is the problem. In CO, it is the Agricultural Inspection permit that continues your State Right to grow under State Laws. I watched some Drug Wars show about it. The big donors, politically will be protected and the little guys get thrown under the bus to eliminate them as competition. That is way it works for moonshine, right now. As old as time, this concept is. It is very similar to organized crime. You don't get rubbed out these days, until you get to prison. It throws the Prosecutors a bone now and then to help them make their career, to make your career.
The first ones through the door always get a bloody nose.

I sure can't tell this guy what to do but if there is a possibility of dismissal in the next 10 years he might have to gamble and not plea bargain.

Really tough call when it's your ass going to prison. Balls he has.. Now let us all get up and fight for Re-Legalization on the Federal level and let or Brothers and Sister out of Prisons around the world!
Possible life for a non-violent crime(s)... oh yeah! Gotta love the JUSTICE being served up in this one.
Which party was it that initiated the drug war?

Oh, right...

with the help of a Republican named Harry Ainslinger

In 1930, Anslinger was appointed to the newly-created FBN (Federal Bureau of Narcotics) as its first Commissioner.[SUP][4][/SUP] The FBN, like the Bureau of Prohibition, was under the auspices of the U.S. Treasury Department. At that time, the trade of alcohol and drugs was considered a loss of revenue because, as illegal substances, they could not be taxed. Anslinger was appointed by Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew W. Mellon, and given a budget of $100,000.
with the help of a Republican named Harry Ainslinger

In 1930, Anslinger was appointed to the newly-created FBN (Federal Bureau of Narcotics) as its first Commissioner.[SUP][4][/SUP] The FBN, like the Bureau of Prohibition, was under the auspices of the U.S. Treasury Department. At that time, the trade of alcohol and drugs was considered a loss of revenue because, as illegal substances, they could not be taxed. Anslinger was appointed by Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew W. Mellon, and given a budget of $100,000.
And the Democrats at the time were in the KKK.

So suck it you little Democrat Party whipping-biotch.
and not many presidents have delivered as well as Obama has

and it burns you up

WTF id rather have bush in office..

Delivered lies, took a shit on our Constitution and killing innocent children with drones...

I find it hard to respect someone with such stupid avatar.

You know what, fuck democrats and fuck republicans. Fuck the government, fuck banks, fuck credit.. your all puppets.. Im a fucking anarchist.

I never asked the government for Shit. No food stamps, housing, wic, unemployment but i will say you democrats seem to be milking the government dry, learn to live without big brother wiping your ass. Not to mention obama just flooded my state with all these illegals border bullshit.. cool just rape more jobs from us.
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WTF id rather have bush in office..

Delivered lies, took a shit on our Constitution and killing innocent children with drones...

I find it hard to respect someone with such stupid avatar.

You know what, fuck democrats and fuck republicans. Fuck the government, fuck banks, fuck credit.. your all puppets.. Im a fucking anarchist.

I never asked the government for Shit. No food stamps, housing, wic, unemployment but i will say you democrats seem to be milking the government dry, learn to live without big brother wiping your ass. Not to mention obama just flooded my state with all these illegals border bullshit.. cool just rape more jobs from us.

Obama did that?
I never asked the government for Shit ... obama just flooded my state with all these illegals border bullshit.. cool just rape more jobs from us.

sounds like you're asking the government to enforce immigration for you, a direct contradiction of your previous statement.

really, really dumb.

and you're gonna lose your job to illegal immigrant children?
sounds like you're asking the government to enforce immigration for you, a direct contradiction of your previous statement.

really, really dumb.

and you're gonna lose your job to illegal immigrant children?
Maybe illegal immigrant children work harder and are not as obtuse as Muyloco?
That is exactly what he called himself when he was smoking pot. Pot was choom and he was the "choomster" taking "roof hits" and all this other goofy bullshit that people do when they smoke pot.

Hey, what about state rights? Not prosecuting? More raids in 4 years than Bush had in 8 and there are pictures of this hypocritical bucket of jizm smoking joints all over the internet. Pot for me, life imprisonment for thee.
bucklefuckle knows quite well that barry seotoro called himself a "choom boy" during his pothead youth, and it was in no way a reference to race, ethnicity or any other "That's Racist" claim, bucklefuckle is simply recycling his feigned outrage hoping nobody remembers how foolish he looked last time he trotted out the "choom boy is racist" claims.

bucklefuckle is a silk stocking full of shit.
Not 80 years. Learn to read. No guns here, not even sure the same laws apply in this state. Dude would have received probation inoregon, if anything at all.

state laws???

bucklefuckle's reading compensation has failed again.

dude in the OP is facing FEDERAL charges, not state charges.

unless bucklefuckle wishes to argue oregon is not part of the US then bucklefuckl'es claim of probation in oregon is fucking retarded.

but then bucklefuckle doesnt make arguments he simply argues and calls people racist while posting racist cartoons.