Obama's "Justice" Department Trumps Up Charges On MMJ Grower, 80+ Year Minimum

Not 80 years. Learn to read. No guns here, not even sure the same laws apply in this state. Dude would have received probation inoregon, if anything at all.

Tell me bucky, when does the Federal government try you in State court?

Pro tip: It doesn't, Federal courts use Federal laws, not state ones my mathematically and legally retarded friend.
I apologize to all retards if I made you feel inferior by comparing you to Bucky. I actually meant that Bucky is retarded when it comes to the way the law works, stating that his state's laws would prevail in federal court. No offense intended to those with Little brain ability, amoeba's included.
yes i can, LOTS of them, but you dont really care about that, youre just trying to use weasel words and sophistry to change your lies into a more believable format.



now stop lying.

one single example from 1998 about a co-op, when co-ops weren't even authorized until 2003 under SB420.

pathetic even by your standards, mrs. kynes.
pronoun or adjective \ˌhwät-sə-ˈwe-vər, ˌwät-, ˌ(h)wət-\
: of any kind or amount at all
u r acceptionally smart.
